The giant hammer smashed down hard in the hands of the clumsy man, and just at the moment when it was about to smash into Chen Hao, a flash of red line quickly flashed in front of him, and a soft sound was made.

A small red umbrella blocked in front of Chen Hao’s face, at the moment when the giant hammer struck.


Chen Hao could easily see the giant hammer of the Dumb Boy pounding on the little red umbrella, and the huge lightning anti-phagocytic bullet hit the Dumb Boy’s body, and the other party’s body jumped in mid-air.

After being bounced like this, his body did not land at all and was once again bounced into the air.

Chen Hao looked at Wan Qin standing next to him with some surprise, the other party only bent his knees a little, for such a heavy blow, his face was not at all difficult.

At this time, although his eyes were unfocused, because Chen Hao controlled the spiritual power of the other party, he could now see the data on the other party at any time, and the data in all aspects was rising, it was difficult for him to be too powerful, so the value of the puppet that drove him to control would rise with his ability.

The corners of Chen Hao’s mouth rose slightly, and he slowly stretched out a finger and flicked it on the umbrella bing, because it was connected to the spiritual power, so there was no need for Chen Hao to say much, and Wan Qin looked at Mu Ne and leaned the umbrella back.

“Wanqin what do you do!” The Dumb Boy didn’t notice any changes from Wanqin at all, and a carp in his whole body jumped up from the ground, raised the giant hammer in his hand and pointed directly at Wanqin standing behind Chen Hao, and a trace of undissipated lightning bounced off his body, making Wanqin involuntarily inhale a cool breath.

“Stowaway, you faceless little man! What have you done to Wanqin! The man in the suit stretched his fingers wide open, and smashed the entire head of the fierce beast that rushed over with his bare hands, and the whole person rose from the ground, and the posture was about to throw down Chen Hao’s direction.

Only to see Chen Hao’s fingers dangling in mid-air move slightly, and the corners of his mouth drew a disdainful smile, but before he could move, the expression on his face paused, and he put down the hand placed in mid-air.

Just now the message that the data loading was complete rang in his head, forcing him to send him back.

“I originally wanted to have fun with you, but unfortunately…” Chen Hao did not take back the puppet technique, stood motionless in place, and sighed.

“World data loading…”

“I’m going to take someone back.” Chen Hao interrupted the loading halfway, and out of the corner of his eye he glanced at the Wanqin on the side.

“… Yes, now reload the data… Load successful! ”

With a clang, Chen Hao’s perception was disconnected from the outside world, while Wan Qin, who was standing on the sidelines, looked dark, and the two disappeared into the space crack.

On the other side of the clearing, two things appeared out of thin air, Chen Hao was sent directly back to the training ground, just in time to meet with the hadron.

A group of people standing opposite Chen Hao had a very good expression on the air and the two of them were quite surprised, and at that moment, their hands were already on their waists, vigilantly looking at Chen who suddenly appeared.

After seeing that it was an acquaintance, he relaxed his body, and although the hadron standing behind him had seen it so many times, he was very surprised every time and could not get used to it.

Chen Hao’s face did not have much amplitude, one hand was still wrapped around Wan Qin’s waist, the other party was almost unconscious, and his body fell on Chen Hao’s body as if he had no bones.

His eyes swept around the people in front of him, and his eyes paused at the men in civilian clothes in the middle, and they nodded at the hadron.

Qiangzi and Chen Xiwa rushed out of the line, and when they passed the man in civilian clothes, they punched each other and then quickly stepped forward.

Chen Hao threw the Wanqin in his arms to Chen Xiwa and said in a deep voice, “Show me the people well.” ”

Chen Xiwa dared not listen, nodded her head hurriedly, and took over the Wanqin steadily.

“Brother Hao didn’t see you for a long time yesterday, I didn’t expect you to jump out next to you this time, rest assured that I will keep it a secret from my sister-in-law, hehe!” Qiangzi pulled Chen Hao’s arm and said with a sly smile on his face.

Chen Hao walked to the side along the strength of the hadron, and the corner of his eyes glanced at the man, this man he had not seen before, what he was wearing and giving him the feeling, it was almost the same as the stupid boy in the space crack, Chen Hao’s eyes slid to the head of the hadron again.

Just to see the attitude of the hadron to the man, it is estimated that what kind of brother Gongzi, come here for a few days.

However, after hearing the nonsense that Qiangzi was talking while dragging him, Chen Hao had a burst of chestnuts hit Qiangzi’s head, and he used little force, but just like that, the five facial features of Hadron’s pain were all wrinkled together and pumped cold air.

“Oh don’t fight, don’t fight, Brother Hao, did you see the two hundred and eighty million people who just stood in the middle of the line and dragged him?” Hadron hurriedly raised his hand to cover the door of his brain, and leaned over and used his eyes to vigorously line in the direction of the person behind him.

Chen Hao did not follow the action of the hadron to look back, but just gently picked up his eyebrows, and said in a deep voice, “See, what’s wrong?” Is that the man on top? ”

In the general team, there will be such a situation, which grandson and son at the top are forced to be stuffed in, but there are still relatively few who are stuffed into them.

The Great Young Master couldn’t bear the hardships, and they were happy to send Chen Hao but they were not willing to accept it.

“This is not an ordinary person, but the grandson of this one.” Qiangzi hurriedly pulled Chen Hao’s arm, squeezing Chen Hao’s eyebrows, and a thumb pointed upwards.

Chen Hao glanced at him, “Got it, **.” ”

“That man fell on the night yesterday, and his brain was broken and he insisted on becoming a special soldier, and this will make us practice and discipline him well.” Hatsuko sighed softly, his brows furrowed together, and a large Sichuan character between his eyebrows.

“Hey! Are you guys talking about it? Probably waiting too long, the man standing in the center kicked the stones on the ground and yelled at Chen Hao’s back.

The boy’s tone was very arrogant, and he looked like he had just turned twenty.

“You? New? What is your name? Chen Hao turned his head and strode forward, standing in front of the man, staring at the other party.

Chen Hao stood in front of the man, a full half head taller than him, and Chen Hao’s figure was much stronger than the other party, standing in front of the man, directly blocking the sunlight above the other person’s head.

The whole aura was pressed down by Chen Hao, and the corners of Chen Hao’s eyes skimmed down, watching the man’s hand in his pocket move slightly, and then as if he was afraid of Chen Hao, his steps took a small step back. _

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