The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 422: Are you going to hold me accountable?

   Chapter 422 Do you want to hold me accountable?

   There are some big stars among the victims, and it is easy to attract the attention of netizens and participate in discussions.

  【What's wrong with the current Internet atmosphere? Some people regard the Internet as something, court? What do you think of yourself, judge? 】

  【Speaking of which, He Yuye didn't do anything, did he? Is it worth being treated like this? 】

  【Those people are so crazy, I heard that He Yuye's coat was almost torn off, this is simply rape! 】

  【My God, is there such a thing? He Yuye is not a heinous crime, those scumbags really need to be cleaned up! 】

  【Support Mr. He in taking up legal weapons to punish those bastards! 】

  【Haha, it doesn't matter what you do with Mr. He, but if you start with He Yuye, the ashes of Mr. He can be raised for you by the ashes of deep sister control~]

  【I guess things will turn around, sure enough. Some people's marketing is too much, and the hot search day and night has finally been backlashed! 】

  Cheng Jiaxing's lungs were about to explode when he saw those remarks on the Internet.

   These people don't understand anything, so why do they start to rhythm to congratulate Xinyan?

   Obviously not so! He Yuye was not subjected to cyber violence, He Xinyan was the real victim in this incident!

   As soon as he thought that He Xinyan didn't know what to do now, he beat the wall heavily in anger.

  The third class teacher walked in with Cheng's father and Cheng's mother, "Cheng Jiaxing, your parents are here."

   "Son!" Mother Cheng was about to cry, "What the **** is going on, why did you take the initiative to say that you killed someone?"

  Cheng's parents experienced the Tiffana thunderstorm. Although they stopped their losses in time and did not lose more, their family was still severely damaged.

  The couple didn't say anything on the surface, but they were also contacting Tiffana franchisees in private.

  The money is gone, it’s a small matter; but today I received a call from the head teacher, saying that the son hurt someone with a knife, and the couple was like a bolt from the blue!

how can that be? Although my son was a little stubborn about Tiffany's affairs not long ago, he has always been well-behaved and sensible.

   How is it possible to do such a thing?

  The couple thought about it all the way and were scared all the way, and now their legs and feet are weak.

  Father Cheng became anxious when he saw that his son didn't speak. He stepped forward and pushed his son, "Hurry up and speak! What exactly do you need to use a knife for? Are you a beast?"

  Cheng Jiaxing: "...I, I stabbed He Xinyan, and I knocked her off the wall..."

   Cheng's mother originally complained that her husband beat her son when she couldn't figure out the situation, but she was stunned when she heard this.

   "Who did you say you hurt? He Xinyan? Why!" Now even Mother Cheng didn't stand by her son, she rushed up and beat Cheng Jiaxing a few times.

   "Are you crazy? What's wrong with her advising you not to invest in Tiffany, how can you be so indifferent!"

  Cheng Jiaxing looked at his parents numbly, and felt pain and regret in his heart.

   When he saw someone passing by outside the door, he rushed over, "Big Brother! Big Brother He Family, how is Yu Ye, is she alright?"

   The scene was so chaotic at the time. He was under the fence, and He Yuye was on the fence. He didn't know that she was still injured.

  Cheng Jiaxing was stopped by two policemen before he could reach the door.

   He Linjun frowned, "Who is your eldest brother, don't mess around, I don't know you."

   After a pause, he said to the people around him, "I have to declare that my sister was shunned by her classmates before she had the idea of ​​committing suicide. She wanted to do a few more good things before she died."

   "She left the school alone and helped several people along the way, which is all evidence."

   "She is the victim, she has nothing to do with any other case, and she doesn't know what happened at the scene!"

   "I said that I will be held accountable to the end. It is not only the responsibility of the gangsters, but also the responsibility of the school and classmates. Don't confuse me!"

  Cheng Jiaxing was stunned: "You want to hold me accountable?"

   He Linjun's eyes were indifferent: "Even if you are not accomplices with those gangsters, you are also the perpetrator of campus bullying."

  Cheng Jiaxing felt like he had been splashed with cold water on his head, and the blood all over his body almost solidified.


   He Linjun got into the car, pulled his tie, and was in a good mood.

   This time, he seized the fact that He Yuye was injured and attacked Yongxing High School, occupying the moral high ground, of course he could do whatever he wanted.

   The phone rang, and Qian Chun called with a hesitant voice, "You said that He Xinyan is dead, is that true?"

   He Linjun: "Of course it's true. The murderer admits that he murdered, and most of them can't be rescued."

  Qian Chun was relieved, "Okay, then I'll push this news right away."

   He got on the boat He Linjun, even if he wanted to get off the boat, it was not so easy.

   But since He Xinyan is dead, this is easy to handle.

  Qian Chun did some manipulations and pushed this news on the hot search.

   He got the photo sent by He Linjun. The murderer looked like a high school student. He Linjun specially reminded that the other party had a holiday with He Xinyan, and I am afraid there are still emotional disputes.

   This kind of thing is absolutely not wrong to lead to emotional disputes. No one will sympathize with the deceased. Instead, they speculate whether it is a woman's indiscretion. The woman is too much, and the woman uses people as a backup.

   This male classmate has a stern face and looks like an honest man, not like a boyfriend, but like a spare tire.

   This is even better fabricated. Qian Chun quickly concocted an article and posted it on the Internet.


   "Boss, there are people posting random articles on the Internet, saying that the eldest lady is dead."

  Aliang received the call, his face darkened.

  Gu Zhengran raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows, took the tablet that Ah Liang handed over, and glanced at the news.

   Then he said with the same expression: "Don't press the news, as long as there are media or marketing accounts that follow the trend, one is counted as one, let the legal affairs collect evidence and report to the end."

   He put his hands on his knees and smiled, "Damn, if these **** don't tell them to go bankrupt, I won't believe it!"

   If it wasn't for the phone call with He Xinyan just now, if he saw the news, he would have been scared out of his mind.

   Just now he recognized his daughter, and after a day, these idiots happened. Gu Zhengran was really full of ghosts.

   He didn't believe that this accident was an accident. Since the He family was deeply involved in it, don't try to get rid of it.

  The eldest lady of the Gu family also dares to calculate, very good, he will spare no effort to make the other party sober and know what the name of the eldest Miss of the Gu family represents.

  Gu Zhengran: "Go ahead and stop the cooperation with the He's Group; the He's Group's customers, no matter what means they use, they will grab it..."

   Originally, he never planned to let the He Group go. He didn't have time to take action before, and he couldn't wait any longer today.

   Ah nodded and sighed inwardly, the He Group really wouldn't die if it didn't die.

   Originally, the boss took into account the influence of public opinion, and he was very happy when he just recognized the eldest lady. He didn't expect to attack anyone so quickly.

   The He's Group hit the muzzle this time.

  Gu Zhengran sneered: "It's really shameless. It's only been so long after the lawsuit, yet you dare to stretch out your hand to figure out Xinyan. Oh, the little **** needs to clean up."

   (end of this chapter)

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