The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 497: I'm afraid many people in Donglin City would like to thank Mr. Ling

  Chapter 497 I am afraid that many people in Donglin City must thank Mr. Ling

  Luo Xinyan was a little embarrassed, Shi Lin was injured after all to save herself.

   "Uncle Shi, I'm sorry, it's all because I caused Fourth Young Master to do this." She took the initiative to speak and moved to the camera to apologize to the other party.

  Shi Junheng: "How can this be your fault? You are also a victim."

  Although he protected his shortcomings, he didn't disregard right from wrong, and blamed all the faults on the little girl.

  I heard that the situation was very critical at that time. A dozen students were standing on the parking island.

  These children are the group of students with the best grades in Yongxing High School. They will take the college entrance examination tomorrow, and their future life is bright and smooth.

  Anyone who is responsible and responsible cannot bear to sit back and watch the tragedy happen.

  Shi Lin has practiced Buddhism all the year round. On the surface, he has a cold temperament, but in fact he has the most basic morals and principles.

  Shi Junheng will only be proud of his son, and will not vent his anger on others for no reason.

  If you really want to vent your anger, then you have to blame that gangster.

  What kind of rubbish, why do you want to drag a group of people to be buried with you when you don't want to live?

  The subjective malice is so obvious, don’t try to reduce the punishment, just wait for the end of the prison!

  Shi Junheng was very angry, "Don't worry, our Shi family will hold this matter to the end, and we won't let him have a chance to come out and harm other people."

   Luo Xinyan is not worried. He Linjun's leukemia has relapsed. Judging by his state, he probably won't live long.

  If sentenced, there is a high probability that he will not survive to be released from prison.

  Shi Junheng: "I have asked the housekeeper to arrange a car, and I will rush to Donglin City to visit you immediately."

  He was still worried, thinking that his son was injured, he felt very distressed, and he had to take care of him personally to feel at ease.

   Shi Rin: "...Okay, I'm fine, you don't have to come over."

  He was a little helpless. He was really fine and didn't need special care from his family.

  The next second, there was a bang on the video side, the door was knocked open, and Shi Zhao walked in with a hurried expression.

   "Dad, I will fly to Donglin City right away, you can rest assured that I will take good care of Lin."

  He paused, staring at the video, "Ah Lin, are you okay? It's okay, brother will rush over immediately. What is that He Linjun, this matter is endless."

  Xiao Wu has just reported the situation to him in detail.

  Shi Zhao’s fire was so big that he couldn’t even hold the meeting, so he hurried home to pack his luggage and prepare to go to the airport.

   "Dad, the company will trouble you, old man, to sit in charge for a while. I have already signed the power of attorney." Shi Zhao said naturally.

  The next second, his eyes collided with Shi Junheng's.

   "You let your elderly father go to work instead of you, do you think it's appropriate?" Shi Junheng was annoyed, the eldest son is a jerk, how dare he take it for granted.

   "I told Ah Lin that I will take care of him!"

  Shi Zhao: "But Ah Lin didn't agree, it's better for me to go..."

  Shi Junheng: "Fart!"

   Shi Rin: "Shut up!"

   He listened to the quarrel on the other end of the video, and said expressionlessly, "No one is allowed to come, so don't blame me for turning against me."

  Shi Junheng said aggrievedly: "Okay, Ah Lin."

  Shi Zhao was silent for a moment, "Xin Yan, please take good care of Lin."

  He had no choice but to ask Luo Xinyan, a little girl, at least the two of them knew each other well, so it was totally possible to say this.

  Shi Junheng stared at his eldest son, and found that he was very scheming and green tea, so he had a good relationship with his little girl?

  Why didn't he expect to ask the little girl to take care of Lin!

   Those who are close to Shi Lin in the Shi family, none of them know that the little girl named Luo Xinyan is Shi Lin's treasure.

   Isn’t the eldest son’s trick very scheming and green tea? Ah Lin will never refuse this kind of kindness. The elder brother’s care and love can be conveyed well, and the relationship with the future sister-in-law can be closer.

   "Don't worry, we will take good care of Shi Lin." Gu Zhengran walked in while talking.

  After receiving the news, he was worried that his wife would panic, so he changed the way to pick up Luo Mingwei before rushing over together.

  Luo Mingwei: "Yes, Shi Lin is our family's great benefactor, we will definitely take good care of him, please rest assured."

  She held her daughter's hand, still couldn't help being afraid, if today is not Shi Rin, who knows what will happen.

  Their family was finally reunited, how could they bear another blow.

  So I can't be too grateful to Shi Rin. This person is really the noble person in her daughter's life, and she has stood by her daughter's side unswervingly from the very beginning.

   Now it has saved the lives of my daughter and many classmates.

  Gu Zhengran: "Not only our family would like to thank Mr. Ling, but many families in Donglin City would also like to thank Mr. Ling."

  The parents of those classmates who had dinner with Luo Xinyan already knew what happened today.

  Besides being afraid, of course I am grateful to Shi Lin, the savior.

  If it wasn't for his kind deeds, I don't know how many families would have been directly destroyed tonight, and how many parents would have suffered heartbreak.

  If it weren't for the fact that Shi Lin was injured and needed rest, and the child needed psychological counseling when he was frightened, those parents would have prepared gifts and came to the door to thank them.

   "You're being polite, you should be." Shi Junheng couldn't hold back and burst out laughing. His son was praised, and he was really happier than his career success.

  The parents of both parties hung up the phone amidst amicable humility.

  Shi Lin looked at Luo Xinyan: "You go back early to rest and recharge your batteries. The college entrance examination is going to be tomorrow."

  There are so many incidents tonight, it really affects the mentality of others.

  Luo Xinyan nodded, she was in a hurry to send Shi Lin to the hospital, she didn't pay attention to the status of the students, she still needed to communicate with each other.

  After leaving the hospital and getting into her car, she briefly reported her safety in the group to reassure everyone.

   "I'm fine, and Shi Lin was only slightly injured. The perpetrator, He Linjun, has been brought under control by the police. Don't worry, everyone, he will be punished by law. Everything will be discussed after the college entrance examination."

   "Tomorrow's exam, everyone, stay calm and do the questions according to the usual rhythm. Believe in yourself!"

  Luo Xinyan is not good at comforting others, and her mind is not that of a real eighteen or nineteen-year-old girl. I don't know if someone's mentality will collapse after tonight's change.

   Fortunately, she usually leads the whole class to study, and everyone worships her blindly.

  Although it was affected, since Luo Xinyan said there is no problem, it must be no problem.

   "Now, please put down everything at hand and go to bed with peace of mind. See you tomorrow in the examination room!"

  Seeing this sentence, many people calmed down completely, and they all lay down on the bed and slept peacefully.


  The next day is the college entrance examination, and the whole family attaches great importance to it, except Luo Xinyan.

  She knew that she would do well in the exam, and she never worried. After all, the knowledge was in her mind, and no one could take it away.

  Luo Mingwei looked at her calm daughter, and her anxiety was relieved.

   On the contrary, Gu Zhengran was obviously very anxious. Obviously everything was arranged properly, and he repeatedly confirmed it.

  Luo Mingcheng: "Our Luo family all have good grades in school, and Xinyan will definitely do well in the exam. It's because you can't do it yourself that you worry that others can't do it either."

  (end of this chapter)

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