The Omnipotent Queen in an Interstellar Age

Chapter 1000: Power becomes stronger

Although Lan Jiao's ability started much higher than others, but while she was enjoying ease, the growth rate of the ability was not fast.

Lan Jiao only discovered that when she was concentrating on making high-level Horcruxes, her mental powers could drive her abilities to wander around her body, allowing her abilities to absorb certain elements in the outside air and increase her supernatural powers.

In addition, Lan Jiao has no other ways to enhance his abilities.

In the four months since coming to the Empire, Lan Jiao knew that her abilities had actually become stronger than before.

But the specific intensity standard, because there is no small robot Huahua to help her detect the detailed data, she is also not sure.

Moreover, living in today's environment, Lan Jiao really didn't have the opportunity to use his abilities with all his strength, so he could check the strength of his abilities by himself.

She didn't even know how much her supernatural power had grown.

Although Lan Jiao didn't know the strength of her powers, Lan Feng knew very well that his strength had grown.

In one month, Lan Feng took half a minute to extract 60 to 70% of the water from a dead fish, and now it can drain most of the blood from a live pig in five seconds!

The growth rate of Lan Feng's power strength is different every day!

Water power can use this effect. In addition to Lan Jiao's initial point-up, it is also inseparable from Lan Feng's own hard practice and the blessing of the'power of air transport'.

In order to practice this special water ability, Lan Feng even reduced himself a lot in the design work of the Imperial Combat Machinery Design Institute, in order to have time to increase his own ability.

However, although Lan Feng's water ability has already issued combat power, it is far from being used in combat!

In the process of practicing the usage of this special water ability, he discovered that the water ability is the easiest to use in a dead object, and the difficulty is directly increased by twenty times when used in a living object!

And the larger the living creature, the more powerful and precise the ability to use to use the abilities.

In addition, the more powerful living creatures control the water in the opponent's body, they will consume more power.

For example, ordinary people and ‘new humans’ who use drugs to stimulate their body’s potential have a huge difference in the degree of difficulty in order to control the water in their bodies-blood.

Even ordinary people are divided into E grade, which has the lowest physical and mental power, and S grade, which has the highest physical and mental power. Different physical qualities have different difficulty in controlling.

Blue Maple's current special water power usage can only control the blood flow rate in humans whose physique and mental power have reached D-level.

If it is against a human with S-level physique and mental strength, I am afraid that his special water ability usage will not be able to control the blood in the opponent's body at all!

Although his use of this special water ability is still weak, Lan Feng is not discouraged.

His training method has only been practiced for a month, and he still has room for improvement in the future.

Lan Feng believes that as long as he keeps training unremittingly, one day sooner or later, even the existence of the "new human" level can easily control the blood flow in the opponent's body!

Of course, Lan Feng is just such a metaphor. His ultimate goal is to use his own power to deal with enemies, not to deal with the same humans as him.

In this month when both Lan Jiao and Lan Feng's abilities have grown, the scale of the Zerg invasion on the border between the Alliance and the Empire has also changed.

Nowadays, there are more than twice as many Zerg worms that attack the borders of human realm every day!

The frontier combat power of the two sides has increased to the greatest extent. Even so, the Alliance War Group and the Imperial Legion feel great pressure in the face of the continuous attack of Zerg worms.

On the alliance's side, the previous drug mutation situation has been resolved, the poison of the poisoned person's body has been controlled, and it is gradually being eliminated.

Because of the expansion of toxic potions in the frontier warband, the daily death toll of the alliance exceeded four digits at most!

Nowadays, there are poisonous agents that inhibit and remove toxins from the bodies of those who are poisoned. Among those who are poisoned at the alliance border and the medicine branch, only a few people die every day.

The mutation medicine extracted from the corpse of the Zerg brought the death toll of the Pharmacy Branch of the Alliance Biological Research Institute to 100 people. Nearly half of the researchers were killed in this toxic medicine mutation——

The total number of deaths in the Alliance Frontier Fighting Group reached more than 40,000!

Every soldier in the alliance frontier battle group is a person who chooses among the best alliances to be qualified to go to the frontier battlefield.

Therefore, the Alliance suffered such unprovoked losses. Although the death toll seems to be very small compared to the total number of Alliance battle groups, for every Alliance battle group with victims, their soldiers can die bravely and fearlessly. On the battlefield!

But you can't sacrifice in vain for no reason!

What's more, the dead in their battle group are still dead in their own hands!

Even if Sophie eventually develops a drug to remove the toxicity, the poisons that have changed are themselves made by Sophie!

No matter if she makes up for it afterwards, let the Alliance Wars and the Alliance seniors have a lot of opinions on her!

If it weren't for her, the tens of thousands of elite soldiers from the Border Wars of the Alliance, and more than a hundred researchers from the Pharmaceutical Branch of the Alliance's Institute of Biology, would not have died in vain!

Because of this incident, the league executives were quite disappointed in Sophie!

At this moment, near the 68th battle group on the border of the Alliance, an alarming wave of worms hit the border——

Because there are too many insects, the momentum is too strong! In addition, due to the shortage of medicine reserves at the border, a few hours later, the entire Alliance 68th Division was wiped out!

That huge wave of worms had already rushed into the realm of the alliance before the nearby battle groups came to support and block!

First of all, on the star field and planet closest to the 68th battle group, the people of the Alliance, whose living environment is poor, have suffered!

Worm surges raged on all planets in the star field, let alone all the people of the alliance on the planet became the food in the belly of the Zerg, where the insects passed, even the surface of the planet was gnawed away!

The zergs in these worms are so hungry!

In the past few years, the Zerg has proliferated in the void of the universe, and it will indeed grow the Zerg.

But since the star beasts in the universe were hunted by the Zerg as food for feeding their larvae, as the Zerg multiplies, the number of star beasts has decreased.

Until now, there are probably not many star beasts in the universe...

At least the Zerg tribe hasn't encountered a star beast for a long time.

Through the special method of passing messages between the Zerg species, in this wave of worms that broke through the border of the alliance, as the leader of the ninth-level Zerg species, the last group of star beasts in the universe is near the realm of human existence!

So now if the Zerg wants to find food, it can only attack humanity with all its strength!

Otherwise, they have only internal chaos, in order to survive, they can kill each other.

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