The Omnipotent Queen in an Interstellar Age

Chapter 1009: The owner is unreliable

Besides, there is no need to keep so many people around Lan Jiao.

Just connect with the brain if you have something to do.

Captain Chen lowered his head slightly, looking at the seemingly weak master in front of him, and knowing that the master's ability had enough self-protection power, this made him nod in peace.

"Then let's retreat first. If the master has anything to do, please contact me again."

Lan Jiao lightly tapped her chin as a response.

As soon as the royal guards left, Lan Jiao called Lan Feng and went to the front residence to see the living environment.

As for the large vines behind them, Lan Jiao ignored them.

They are willing to stay here and draw power from the air by themselves, so just let them.

Anyway, the power absorbed by the vines would eventually return to her body.

Lan Jiao didn't know if other people's abilities would be like her vines, growing by herself and becoming stronger.

Her supernatural plant doesn't seem to have to worry about it at all, its desire to become stronger on its own is quite strong!

On the contrary, he is the owner of this supernatural plant, so he might as well work hard as the supernatural power itself...

If the situation between Lan Jiao and her plant abilities is known by other plant attribute abilities, someone’s plant abilities can be practiced again and again without relying on the ability owner, and the abilities themselves will continue to grow stronger. ——

This will definitely shock all those with supernatural powers!

The reason why Lan Jiao’s abilities have such a phenomenon is not only because Lan Jiao’s innate abilities are much stronger than other people’s, but also because of Lan Jiao’s powerful mental power, subtly, her abilities are Have a certain spirituality.

Although the spirituality of this silk is still not as good as that of the big plush rabbit, it evolves from a cluster of star beast energy source into a living body.

However, because of his spiritual power, Lan Jiao's supernatural powers did have preliminary spiritual awareness.

The plant power in her body knows how to be best for itself, so when the plant power finds that the owner is not working hard, it has to rely on itself...

On the superstar, Lan Jiao and Lan Feng were briefly looking at the living environment when they suddenly received a message from Shen Yuan from the Alliance.

Regarding the situation at the border of the alliance, she found that the reality was far worse than she had imagined!

Is the Alliance Pharmacy Branch really reliable under Sophie's management?

It stands to reason that there is a ‘female lead halo’, and the situation should not be bad.

But now, the Alliance Frontier Battlefield is not optimistic...

Just when Lan Jiao wondered that Sophie’s "Halo of the Heroine" was not exerting any strength, she again received news from the Alliance——

Alliance Star, the General Hospital of Alliance Biological Research Institute.

After Mu Yunshan received the feedback from the battlefield of the first battle group on the border of the alliance, he immediately used his light brain to tell Lan Jiao a news that was closely related to Lan Jiao——

When Lan Jiao was still a citizen of the Alliance, she once asked him to train the colorful birds on the battlefield.

After more than a year of domestication, this plan finally succeeded!

Just a day ago, more than a dozen colorful bird breeders at the colorful bird breeding base of the Institute of Biology set off with 20,000 colorful birds!

The large transport spacecraft sent people and birds together on the battlefield. The Alliance First Battle Group, which was under attack by the Zerg worms, learned that the Institute of Biology had sent them a'secret weapon' and they were very curious about what it was. thing?

No one thought that a few minutes later, twenty large transport spacecraft came to the back of the battlefield, and then the hatch opened, and countless colorful birds flew out of the spacecraft——

These colorful birds have bright coats and vigorous looks. Compared with ordinary colorful birds, they are twice as big!

If the colorful bird over a meter tall appeared in front of Lan Jiao, it would definitely make Lan Jiao sigh that a chicken can produce so much meat! ?

On the battlefield, these colorful birds are the natural enemies of the Zerg!

Twenty thousand colorful birds gathered in one piece, and seeing the Zerg worms swarming in front of them, their eyes were almost glaring!

In the next second, they tweeted, "Oh~Oh~Oh~~!!!"

The screams merged into one, and the voice resounded--

The Zerg in front of the front heard the call of the colorful bird, the low-level Zerg trembled all over and did not dare to enter, and the high-level Zerg was also quite hesitant. For a time, the worm wave unexpectedly ceased the war spontaneously!

Despite their combat power, the Zerg should not be afraid of the 20,000 creatures brought by humans.

But the cry of those creatures seemed to arouse the fear deep in the bloodline of their Zerg race, making them naturally fearful!

At the moment when the zerg worm wave hesitated, the energy cannons of the first battle group of the alliance had already ‘boomed’ in the worm wave mercilessly! Boom~! Boom~! ’Exploded!

All combat-type spaceships are fully output, and the violent attack of the insect tide is suppressed for a time——

The high-level Zerg in the Zerg Tide saw it, and immediately resumed the attack with the low-level Zerg Tide.

But before the worm tide once again gained the upper hand on this battlefield, 20,000 colorful birds suddenly rushed into the worm tide!

These colorful birds are selected from a hundred in the colorful bird breeding garden.

In addition to their large size, their inherited bloodline power is almost perfect!

After training through the simulation of space, they have evolved to a certain extent, and the direction of evolution is to make them more adaptable to the battle in the void of the universe!

After evolution, they are many times more fierce than ordinary colorful birds!

Nowadays, in the face of hundreds of millions of worms, even though they are only 20,000 in number, they are still not afraid of all the brave rushing into the worms——

This action is not that they are looking for death, but that they are confident enough to deal with those Zerg!

In the past, in the simulated universe, they could only eat some Zergs that were thrown in by humans. The number was small and there was no choice, so they just made do with it.

And now, in the face of these lively and innumerable fresh Zerg species, how can the colorful birds live with the excitement in their hearts? !

In the case of too many Zerg populations, their mouths are stunned~!

When they met the Zerg, they spread their wings, jumped on top of the Zerg’s head with a sharp stature, quickly pecked the Zerg’s head with a sharp peck, and then ate the Zerg’s eyes——

As for the remaining Zerg corpses, they were thrown aside.

When there is enough ‘food’, they will of course choose the best places to taste the food.

Such a battle between a colorful bird and a Zerg, although it should have little effect, it actually exceeded everyone's expectations on the human side!

Those fierce colorful birds that rushed into the worm tide, one by one looked for zergs above level 4 to move their beaks, and lower-level zergs, due to the fear in the bloodline, it is simply where the colorful birds go, where they quickly escape from— —

As for the fourth, fifth, and even sixth-level zergs, even the zergs who are several times larger than the colorful bird are cut by the sharp birds of the colorful bird, and they don’t have much resistance, and they just die!

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