After Lan Jiao had existed in her own'world' for more than two months, it was the first time she encountered a'person' who could perceive his existence.

In the face of Mr. Yi, she has a lot of'words' to say.

It's a pity that she didn't have time to explain something, she found that the connection between her mental power and Mr. Yi seemed to be blocked by a special force! ——

However, within a few seconds, the connection between her and Mr. Yi has been forced to cease!

In addition to Lan Jiao, Mr. Yi also noticed this incident.

However, he was not as shocked as Lan Jiao, but rather calmly said to the void that he couldn't feel any abnormality.

"Your current situation is very special, it seems to exist outside the rules of the universe, so after the rules of the universe perceive the connection between you and me, they will soon isolate you again."

Although she could no longer feel Miss Lan Jiao's strength, Mr. Yi knew that Miss Lan Jiao had not left yet.

"Now that you are in your situation, I don't know how to help you, and I won't tell anyone about your existence, including Huahua."

Lan Jiao was a little surprised when she heard Mr. Yi's words.

Soon after, she heard the reason why Mr. Yi wanted to do this.

"Because of your special nature, even if others know that you are still alive in another state, they cannot see you, feel you, or even know when your state will end and disappear completely."

"So instead of letting your family and friends think about you all the time, it's better to know nothing at the beginning."

Lan Jiao has no objection to Mr. Yi's decision.

He was right. He didn't want anyone to worry about himself until he found a way to make himself appear in front of everyone.

So I can only continue to ‘go ahead’ alone and continue to look for opportunities to change my current state.

Lan Jiao was thinking, but he heard Mr. Yi say to Xu Kong's proposal.

"I can give you a coordinate. There is the birthplace of the star beast, and there is also the core of the universe. There, you can get closer to the rules of the universe. If you are lucky, you may be able to find a chance to come back there."

As the highest being among advanced robots, Mr. Yi's knowledge of the universe surpasses anyone!

Now his words are the last chance for Lan Jiao to come back.

If the place of birth did not change Miss Lan Jiao's status quo, then she could only exist in the universe forever in a state that is unknown now.

When Lan Jiao heard Mr. Yi's words, besides thanking her, she didn't know what else she could say.

Although she had foreseen the birth place of the star beast in her dream, she was not clear about the specific location of the birth body of the star beast.

Now that she has the coordinates, she can find it smoothly!

Moreover, Mr. Yi's proposal coincides with his own ideas.

Does this mean that if you do this, your chances of ‘coming back’ are not really hopeless?

Anyway, she will try.

Even at the suggestion of Mr. Yi, she was more confident about it.

When he saw Mr. Yi use a light screen to mark the location of the birthplace of the star beast, Lan Jiao immediately engraved this scene in his spiritual consciousness.

After Mr. Yi finished all this, he left this underground space.

Looking at this dark place, Lan Jiao's spiritual consciousness also quickly floated out, heading towards the distant void of the universe——

Not long after Lan Jiao left the human race in a state of spiritual consciousness, a fierce battle broke out between the Alliance and the Empire!

The cause of the incident happened from Millai's side.

A month ago, he found Miles in Fengxi and asked Miles about Lan Jiao's situation and when he found out, Miles did not tell Feng Xi about the abnormal growth of plants in the courtyard of the villa.

Regarding this, Millai did not deny that he was selfish, and he did not want Feng Xi to know that Lan Jiao might still exist.

Although there may be a day when Lan Jiao will really be able to come back, Feng Xi will know that Lan Jiao has not died.

But at this moment, Millai was cautious, just not wanting anyone to know that Lan Jiao was still there.

This is his secret...

The quarantine enquiry was fruitless, and in the end he could only try to find the answer from other aspects.

In addition to the abnormal growth of plants in the villa yard, Millai did not find any evidence about the possible existence of Lan Jiao for the next half month. The feeling that he is about to gain but may be about to lose made his heart deep. Chu's repressed negative emotions couldn't help but burst out!

As the king of the empire, his emotional out of control will affect countless people.

He almost did not hesitate to aim the target of the fire to the direction of the alliance----

If it hadn't been a series of actions by the senior leaders of the alliance, if Lan Jiao had not come to the empire, she would not have sacrificed for the empire!

While blaming the empire, Millai also hates himself!

It was all because of his own selfish intentions that he wanted Lan Jiao to come to him, and wanted to give Lan Jiao the best things.

Because of her greed, Lan Jiao was harmed...

Miley knew he was at fault, but before punishing himself, he wanted to get back justice for Lan Jiao's all-time grievances in the league!

So the empire launched a war against the alliance shortly after the worm in the alliance ended.

Such a situation made the alliance that was already badly injured, unable to fight it!

This time between the alliance and the empire is not friction, but a real war!

The actions of the imperial king, Michael Hille, were strongly supported by the imperial people who seemed to be a collective fanatic and felt that everything his Majesty said was right.

In fact, the reason why the people of the empire support His Majesty the King is that in addition to the empire's absolute status in front of the alliance, they also feel unfair to the treatment of the Horcrux Master in the alliance, so they support it.

As for the alliance, after trying to negotiate with the empire to no avail, they had no choice but to send out combat power to meet the empire’s attack——

The struggle between the alliance and the empire made the blockade that had already left the alliance and had to go back again.

Today's strong banning strength is already the top existence among mankind.

The only one who can fight him is the new nobleman of the empire, ‘Mr. Blue’.

After ‘Blue’ did not participate in this fearless struggle between humans, the power of the blockade did not last long for the war between the empire and the alliance and it ended.

But even so, the league suffered a big loss!

In addition to being singled out by the empire that the empire was fighting for justice to Miss Lan Jiao, the first-class aristocrat of their empire, this reason also greatly humiliated the alliance's senior leaders.

As a member of the Alliance, Lan Jiao actually let the empire mobilize the people for her, and he did not hesitate to fight to defend her!

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