How big is this ant nest? Lan Jiao roughly measured it with her eyes, but couldn't measure it.

Because how far the ant nest extends horizontally, the line of sight is out of reach!

Only the vertical length is hundreds of meters away!

With such a large ant nest, the surroundings are quiet, quiet and even a little weird.

‘The life body measuring instrument shows that the number of life bodies in the ant nest below is far beyond the measuring range! ’

A line of small characters appeared in front of Lan Jiao and Feng Xi in the form of light and shadow projection.

In order to prevent sound from stimulating the living bodies in the ant nest below, the three people came up with this method of communicating with words on the brain.

This way of communication may seem troublesome, but it's actually easy.

Just let Guang Brain speak what he thinks, and it's still very convenient to communicate.

Lan Jiao nodded and looked at Feng Xi, her eyes seemed to say, ‘what should I do now? ’

This is also the first time this situation has been seen in the Fengxi.

As for the star beasts, these people who only fight and slay the star beasts on the battlefield do not know anything at this moment.

Lan Jiao told them even the unimaginable things on the scale below, called ant nests.

She said that once the ants in the ant nest are alarmed and come out of the nest, everyone in the second battle group will be eaten instantaneously without leaving any residue!

Although Feng Xi and Dao Xiaozhi were skeptical about this, they could think of the girl's understanding of the star beast, and they had to postpone the suspicion and believe her words for the time being.

The three of them lay on the cliff. For a long time, no ant star beast came out of the ant nest.

However, on the life detector, it clearly detected a large number of life bodies below.

So what do those ant star beasts hiding in their nests?

Just as Lan Jiao's various guesses were unsuccessful, and Feng Xi wanted to go down to find out, there was a humming sound in the air.

In the field of vision, large swarms of flying ants flew over the sky, almost covering the entire sky in black!

The flying ants covering the sky and the sun were infested, so that the light below was dimmed.

Among the flying ants, there are various types of star beasts mixed.

With a strong smell of blood, no matter the level is high or low, all are captured by flying ants and brought into the nest.

Because she was too far away, Lan Jiao couldn't judge the level of those star beasts.

But the attack has been on the battlefield for a long time, and he knows the level of these star beasts more clearly.

He watched, among those star beasts captured by flying ants, there were not a few level six star beasts!

There is even a seventh-level star beast that is huge, several times larger than a sixth-level star beast!

If it were on the battlefield, a seven-level star beast like that might not be easy for him to deal with.

But now, the powerful seventh-level star beasts actually have no power to fight back among the flying ants. They are used as food and captured in the nest...

After a large number of star beasts were brought back to their nests by flying ants, the bottom was undulating, and some white young ants crawled out densely in the nest where the margins were not visible.

The young ants climbed onto the star beasts, and in a blink of an eye, the star beasts were eaten only by their bones.

Many star beasts were not completely dead when they were brought back by flying ants, but at this time, they couldn't even let out the last wailing before they died, and they were eaten up instantly.

The three people above the cliff blinked again, and even the bones were all eaten by the young ants, leaving no residue.

The young ants finished eating the star beast and crawled back to the nest.

The flying ants leave again, seemingly to continue searching for new star beasts for the young ants as their next food.

Seeing this scene happen before me, now the attack really believes what Lan Jiao said before!

The ant-like star beasts in the ant nest below, once they are alarmed, they will only be swallowed and there will be no scum left!

He had seen with his own eyes that the number of star beasts brought back by those flying ants before was so large that they would have to kill for a few hours even if the second battle group was dispatched!

But it was eaten so easily.

Feng Xi believed that he seemed to already know the reason why these Heavenly Star Beasts no longer appeared at the border of the Alliance.

Because the nearby star beasts were probably all digested by the contents of these ant nests!

The star beasts that invaded the border of the alliance were eaten by star beasts of other races. This should be a good thing, but the attack is worried about whether the ant star beasts in the ant nest will go to the alliance next Border, start with humans?

In contrast, he would rather opponents be star beasts with huge physiques.

Because the star beast invaded many times, it will have an end to kill.

But once the young ants in these ant nests grow up, they continue to feed new young ants continuously. After the scale of this nest of ant clan star beasts expands, their alliance border will never be held!

This nest ant tribe, for the Alliance, is a bomb that may explode at any time.

Once blasted! The entire league doesn't know how hard it will be!

Seeing Feng Xi's face getting darker and darker, Lan Jiao could faintly guess his thoughts.

She used her brain to cast what she wanted to say before Feng Xi's eyes.

‘The three of us are not opponents of the things in these ant nests, we don’t want to die. ’

These words are clear, but the longer the delay, the greater the threat of the ant race to the alliance!

‘Sir, are we going back? The leader of Dao Xiaozhi thought for a while, cast a few words, and asked the banned warlord.

Now that you know why the star beasts don't appear on the border of the alliance, and they are obviously not the opponents of the things in these ant nests, it is better to go back quickly, and then think of a solution.

Feng Xi saw these words, his eyes darkened.

Just go back, he is not reconciled!

Seeing his expression, Lan Jiao continued to write.

‘My suggestion is to go back and stay here. There is nothing we can do with our strength. ’

At this moment, she can be said to be the most rational of the three.

Sealing the heart of loyalty to the alliance made him want to wipe out all the things in the ant nest that are dangerous to the alliance.

The leader of Dao Xiao, as the subordinate of the attack, was obedient.

Only Lan Jiao's first thought was everyone's own safety.

Since you can't fight hard, don't leave, do you want to stay and watch the young ants in the nest to eat?


Lan Jiao suddenly thought of a good solution to the ants in the ant nest.

It's just that this method cannot be implemented for the time being.

‘Listen to me, let’s go back, but before we go back, find a way to take a few larvae with them. The nest is temporarily kept, next time we are ready, let’s come and kill them again! ’

Seeing these two lines, Feng Xi turned his head to look at the girl next to him in surprise.

Although he didn't send out the text, Lan Jiao could also see that what the ban wanted to ask at this time was, ‘do you really have a way to kill so many ant races? ’

‘I have a way, but only if we are all alive. Another line of small characters appeared before Feng Xi.

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