"Moving?" The second sister Wei Ying was sewing a torn silk garment. When she heard Wei He mentioned buying a house, she moved and looked up, a little surprised.

   "Well, I'm on the side and bought a house. We don't need to go back to our hometown." Wei He nodded seriously.

   The house where Wei Ying lived was only a few square meters in size. Except for a bed, it was just a table and chairs. There was nothing else.

   Even the windows are sealed.

   is really just a place to sleep.

   "But...Where do we get so much money? The house is so expensive..." Wei Ying was a little unconvinced.

   "It's not expensive anymore." Wei He was silent and replied.

   "...Really..." Wei Ying lowered her head, and the needle and thread in her hand didn't move much for a while.

   But she recovered quickly, with a happy expression on her face.

   "In this way, we can finally live together. I'm always worried about you when we are apart.

   Before, you didn't let me go to clean up, saying it was dangerous... But now you spread it in the neighborhood, who doesn't know that you are Mr. Zheng's disciple here, everyone said you are very powerful and very competitive!

  If parents and eldest sisters know this news..." When it comes to parents and eldest sisters, Wei Ying's voice was also broken, but she paused and didn't remember this.

   "Then when shall we move?" Wei Ying asked.

   "Let's do it now. It's just during the noon break, I'll turn around and talk to Senior Brother Cheng." Wei Hedao.

   "Well, well, before that, Mr. Zheng said that you are back. Where to go to him, he has something to explain." Wei Ying said suddenly.

   "Me? Just me?" Wei He was taken aback. He was just an ordinary disciple in the yard, and he didn't stand out. Generally, Mr. Zheng would not specifically name him.

   "More than that, when you didn't come back before, several people were already called to talk over." Wei Ying replied.

   "I see, I'll go there after moving things." Wei He nodded.

   Wei Ying still wanted to ask what happened on the road, but was confused by Wei He in a few words.

   Fortunately, the previous dart was quite safe, and Wei Ying did not doubt that he had him.

   Both of them were born from poor families, they were quick to move, and Wei Ying didn't have much luggage. Many things are in the old Zheng's house.

   Within half an hour, they all moved in.

   After moving the things, Wei He returned to the Huishanquan yard. Before entering the door, he saw Xiao Ran being driven into a white carriage.

   He shook his head in his heart, but nothing changed on his face, he continued to push the door in.

   In the courtyard, a few brothers have already begun to practice hard. All newcomers.

   Generally new talents come in and they are quite hardworking. When it stabilizes later, knowing that simple hard training does not have a good rest and the improvement effect will not work, and you will form your own practice habit.

  Wei He doesn't know each other very well, the only one who is familiar is Li Jue.

   He nodded to Li Jue and walked to the inner room as a greeting.

   The inner room is a rectangular space.

   Zheng Laozheng leaned halfway in a corner, sitting on a mahogany chair with polished armrests. There was already a brother waiting in front of him.

  Wei He went over, and Zheng Lao didn't say a word, just a slight curl of his hand and pointed a position.

   Wei He walked over and stood still, waiting quietly.

   After a while, two more disciples came in, standing on the same side and waiting.

   Finally, the big brother Zhao Hong walked in.

   "Everyone is there." Zheng Lao said lightly. "Hong'er, tell them about the general situation. Since you have entered my door, you must be aware of it. The situation in this city is getting more and more wrong. Everyone has to be careful."

   "Yes." Zhao Hong bowed his head respectfully.

   Zheng Lao picked up the bad chicken feet on one side and gnawed slowly.

   seems to be looking to supplement.

   Zhao Hong cleared his throat and looked at the four brothers present.

   "I have said it twice before, and today I will say it again for some of you who have not heard."

   He paused, glanced at Old Zheng, and found that he didn't mean to point, before continuing.

  "The rest of the disciples who didn't get started, don't count as our Huishanquan, but can only be regarded as apprentices. Apprentices, life and death are not in our scope, even if we go out, no one will think that they are our Huishanquan.

   But you are different. They are all people who have entered the door, and they are all those who have broken through once. Going out can also represent us back to the mountain.

   So today, I’m here to set up a charter for everyone to talk about good or bad. "

   The four people including Wei He nodded one after another, indicating that they were listening carefully.

   Zhao Hong nodded slightly in satisfaction, and continued: "In this city, except for those small gangs, they will change a pinch in a couple of days. Don't worry about it. What you really have to pay attention to is the three of the three gangs and two factions.

   The three gangs are Shanchuan Gang, Bloodcoat Gang, and Tongcheng Gang. Although these three big gangs are large in number, the peripheral gangs don't need to pay attention to them, as long as the core gangs pay attention. Don't provoke easily. I will tell you about the core marking features of the three gangs in a while.

   In addition, when you pass by those sick houses on weekdays, don't stay, stay as far away as possible. The plague in the city is getting worse recently..."

  He was talking about some notes about the plague.

   Wei He listened quietly until the end. Zhao Hong said a lot about the characteristics of plague.

   Zheng Laocai could not help but interrupt.

   "Okay, let's just talk about the final point."

   "Yes." Zhao Hong nodded quickly, "There are three gangs and two factions in Feiye City, but these are all located in the outer city.

   The inner city is completely different from where we are. Most of the business land in it is occupied by seven families, so it is generally called Qijiameng.

   These seven leagues and the Hongjiabao outside the city are what I want to say, Feiye City is the least able to provoke forces.

   If you are away from home, if you encounter people from Qijiameng and Hongjiabao in the inner city, try to avoid conflicts. "

   Seven Leagues... Wei He's heart moved. He recalled that he had been playing the dart before, and Cheng Kai Da Dartou also mentioned the contradiction between Hongjiabao and the Chengshou family.

   I want to come to one of these seven leagues, there must be a city guard family.

   After a lot of rumors, Brother Zhao Hong doesn’t speak at all, and the verbosity as soon as he opens his mouth is seen by a few people.

   In the end, Elder Zheng couldn't help but interrupt him and let the four of them go directly out to practice.

   When Wei He went out, he looked back and saw that the big brother was being reprimanded by Zheng with his head down. Can not help but a little funny.

   Returning to a corner of his yard, Wei He saw that Cheng Shaojiu had already been waiting on the side.

   The two set up their own equipment, ready to start dermabrasion.

   "I heard about this, thank you very much." Cheng Shaojiu whispered.

   "It's okay, since I agreed, it should be done." Wei He shook his head.

   He had taken the Cheng family's wages for so long, and he had already anticipated the danger in his heart.

   "Anyway, when you go out, be careful about everything." Cheng Shaojiu sighed, "Actually, I wanted to go out for darts a long time ago, but my father wouldn't allow me. What use is it for me to practice martial arts so hard every day?"

   "..." Wei He was speechless.

   was silent for a while, he recalled the monster in the dark that he had encountered before, and said in a low voice.

   "Brother, you know, what is the black madman we met?"

   "Black madman is a collective term for beasts hunting at night. I also asked my dad about the two who died that day. He didn't know it. It seemed that it was a beast that had never appeared before." Cheng Shaojiu shook his head.

   Wei He heard this silently. Originally, he thought that the outside of the city was not as dangerous as he imagined, but after a trip, there was no two people.

   Cheng Shaojiu lowered his head and smashed the sand basin.

   After a while, he suddenly raised his head.

   "How old are you, Xiaohe?"

   "Seventeen..." Wei He didn't know why, but he answered.

   "Seventeen...How about I show you a good girl?" Cheng Shaojiu suddenly said.

   "..." Wei He couldn't keep up with his thoughts.

   "Anyway, what you listen to me is, I promise to find you an absolutely gentle and gentle one!" Cheng Shaojiu patted his chest.

   There are a lot of children who were born in the first seventeen or eighteen years of this year, and it's time for Wei He to be at this age.

   It's just that he has been busy practicing exercises, so he has no plans.

   "..." Wei He was speechless. This senior brother Cheng seems to be a bit complicated lately, this is not good and it is not conducive to martial arts.

   Then the two stopped talking and began to focus on their own training.

   Wei He practiced for a while, and while wiping his sweat, he pulled off his collar and took a look at the pattern of his broken realm beads.

   rose again, this half-month return of the dart has been half of the previous progress to more than half.

   About a quarter more.

   If he has nothing to do, he will continue to practice hard. According to the information in his mind, he must reach a certain level before he can use it to break through.

   Therefore, he himself must polish and strengthen the qi and blood of the cowhide level to the extreme.

   When will he reach the ultimate level of qi and blood at the cowhide level, it is the day when he can use the Breakthrough Orb to break through.

   At the moment, his mind was silent, and he continued to concentrate and began to sharpen his skin.

   Qi, blood and light are not strong enough, and it is necessary to expand the volume of its own container at the same time. In order to bloom more blood.

   This is the function of dermabrasion exercises.

   It's just that his aptitude is limited, and he is far inferior to Xiao Ran's genius. He can only accumulate a little bit to move forward.

   Soon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Time is passing slowly.

   Wei He and the second sister moved into their new home, and invited the third brother and Li Jue to have a meal together.

After   , nothing unexpected happened.

  Get up early and return late every day, practice martial arts hard, and polish yourself. The days are like drops of water on a bamboo tube in the yard, which flow by day by day.

   As for the introduction of the girl mentioned by Cheng Shaojiu, Wei He didn't care at all.

   Now he doesn't have time to change his life state, how can he still think about it.

   Plus today's world.

   The prices on the street are the same every day, becoming more and more chaotic. It is said that the inflow of a large amount of privately cast silver makes the silver less and less valuable.

   Gradually, many shop stalls stopped cashing in, and began to use cloth, meat, and rice as trading scales.

   When prices have risen too much, if you take out the silver, sometimes you have to carry a sack of silver to go out. Also being rejected by more and more people.

   Thinking back to Wei Ying's hard work at the beginning, she only made a few tens of taels. She must have lost money. Wei He asked her to do work in the future instead of collecting cash, but only rice and meat.

   In a blink of an eye, another month passed.

   "It's coming, it's coming..." Wei He pulled his hands out of the slightly hot sand, and quickly soaked them in the potion basin on the side.

   Feeling the constant cooling of the hands, at the same time, the warming blood in the body is rapidly reconciled, with a vague meaning of growth.

   Wei He felt comfortable for a while.

   He can feel the blood in his body take another step. At the cowhide level, he has reached the middle.

   This speed is neither good nor bad. There are a lot of people around him with a speed.

   There are many even faster than him.

   Among a dozen cowhide disciples, his progress is considered mediocre.

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