The Omniscient

Chapter 975: Trial against the sky

In the illusion, Shigemu tried various ways to wake up.

But all have no effect, everything seems to be not an illusion, but a real general.

"I can't use my embodied power any more... I can't get rid of it even if I realize that it's all fake, it's just a waste of effort."

Shigemu looked sad and helpless.

She knew very well that, relying on the dedication of countless people in the rebel civilization, she could use a lot of embodied power at no cost, but that was limited.

Use a little, a little less.

When she defeated Asheli at the beginning, the final opening blow went so smoothly that she still had a lot of unfinished manifestation power.

But that's not to say that a lot of people sacrificed in vain.

After all, the whole point of the overall situation is not how much power is needed, but an opportunity.

They live in a virtual world and can't find the real key point of the enemy, and even if they lock on Asheli's super-dimensional brain, Asheli can fight back with a single thought, and the best result may be to perish together.

If it wasn't for the death of everyone, which lowered Asheli's vigilance, then Shigemu would not have lived the moment when Asheli started the super-dimensional process.

Even, even so, Asheli was not completely careless. He 'closed the server' ahead of time, making the virtual universe dark, and everyone's souls were placed in emptiness.

Except for the Pi-level soul, everyone else was silent even in their thoughts.

However, this did not stop Shigemu from using his manifesting power. Instead, she fell into ecstasy, because Asheli didn't kill her, the whole plan was bound to succeed!

So at the most critical moment when Asheli achieved the four-dimensional life, Shigemu, wrapped in a huge embodied power, accurately rushed into Asheli's ultra-dimensional brain.

The effect of that blow manifested was not annihilation, not destruction, but seizure of control.

Ashley devotes himself to the extension of the wonderful fourth-dimensional vision. He did not expect that Shigemu, a unique seedling, would have such a huge embodied power.

You must know that his super-dimensional brain is very large. No matter how powerful a person is, he can shake 100 million particles at most. What is it?

However, Sigmar controlled his thirty orders of magnitude particles in one breath, taking over the core system of the super-dimensional brain.

Of course, Asheli can still control the virtual universe, he immediately used the weapon of soul obliteration, and wanted to physically kill Shigemu who was taking him away as a last-ditch effort.

According to the original plan, at that time, Shigemu should unleash all his manifesting power and kill Asheli in one fell swoop.

But she suddenly discovered that she could actually perceive four-dimensional particles dimly with the help of Asheli's super-dimensional process.

In an instant, she stimulated high-dimensional particles, obtained huge energy, and solved Asheli, saving a large amount of embodied power for this.

Sigmar took control of the virtual universe and released all civilizations, including some non-pi-level members of the rebel group.

Not everyone in the π-level civilization must have a π-level soul. In a social civilization, there are strong people and weak people. Most of the mothers of the rebels have left some Miao descendants.

And these civilizations are the existences that Shigemu has an obligation to protect.

Having obtained all of Asheli's inheritance, she soon became a super-dimensional person and embarked on a higher journey.

Relying on this super-class embodiment, Siegemu is equivalent to having a unique trump card.

She has risen all the way, and is known as the legendary growth history. The embodied power that this civilization has left her can be said to be the biggest golden finger, which has helped her through many life and death junctures.

Relying on her forbearance and wisdom, she came to the fore, and came from behind to become the Six Yuan Evil God.

It can be said that everything she has is given by civilization.

She is on a mission, and she did not come to this day for personal pursuit of knowledge, but to find a way to revive the Pi-level soul, and she strives to pursue the position of the One.

"Nothing is more important than life." Siegemu murmured in his heart.

At her fingertips, a mass of microscopic matter emerged, mixed with a three-dimensional space-time aspect, which was her hometown.

A world where time stands still! This is about the most desperate blockade, but also the most gentle one.

The entire three-dimensional universe, like a frozen bonsai, presents a flat and beautiful picture.

There are countless civilizations living in it, and there will be neither super-dimensional people nor people...wasting time.

The road of Taiyi is difficult and tortuous, and the super-dimensional group is ruthless. Shigemu also worked hard to gain a firm foothold.

And there are too few super-dimensional people like her rising up, and many strong people will regularly clean up the four-dimensional super-dimensional people. The kind of despair that she desperately tried to detach, but was easily obliterated by the existence of detachment earlier, she knew best.

Sigmar does not have the strength to challenge the whole world, nor the energy to always look after the low-dimensional.

She needs time, she needs to work hard, and in the great soul realm, she has the greatest right to speak, in order to change the world.

So, she chose to block.

She spent her energy and became the master of dimensions in her hometown, condensing the entire time and space.

Not only that, but she also worked hard to set up blockers for almost all life worlds.

If there is no super-dimensional person, naturally no super-dimensional person will be killed. Super-dimensional ushered in only despair, it is better not to be super-dimensional from the beginning.

The only pity is that she doesn't have the ability to stop all time and space, and it took her a lot of energy to freeze the mother world.

So between life and dreams, she chose life instead of countless worlds.

This is what she thinks, the way of seeking the Tao surpasses everything, and it is all rubbish.

In her ancient memory, there is the memory of being an NPC. At that time, she didn't even have a life!

Real memory has a hazy preciousness, a subjective definition, and may even be wrong... But in the NPC's memory, she didn't feel it.

No matter how detailed those memories are, they are still fake, and there is a difference between them and the vivid memories that only oneself can experience after they have a soul.

What really shaped her personality and thoughts was not the NPC memory compiled by Asheli, but the rebellious memory bearing the last wishes of Yiqi civilization.

Her life was given by others, everything she had was given by others, and she had countless lives on her back.

So she did not hesitate to deprive countless civilizations of the super-dimensional road, which in her opinion was no different from courting death.

Civilizations in countless living worlds can only wait for her...

When she establishes an era in which low-dimensional life can freely move up, and will not suffer disasters because of it, she will be eligible for super-dimensional.

It's hard, Sigmar has almost nothing but determination.

It took her a billion years to become a legend, and she was just an ordinary strongman in the ivory throne group.

Not even on the ivory throne, let alone the entire universe?

Hope didn't really emerge until I met Huang Ji.

She never thought that there would be someone who wants to change this era more than she, and what's even more surprising is... Huang Ji is amazing enough to be stunning! far better than yourself!

It's too difficult, what she wants to do is too difficult, and Huang Ji's success may be countless times higher than hers.

But she didn't expect that hope would be dashed so soon.

Huang Ji was actually taken by the Nine-dimensional Ultimate Body.

"Huang Ji, will you be deceived by the illusion too? If not, why haven't you defeated Void Fear?"

"Or is it all true?"

Sigmar's judgment of himself was shaken.

If it was in the past, she must have ensured that she was alive, because she was the only one who wanted to change the times.

But now that there is more Huang Ji, she will think more.

The world that Huang Ji and others want to build must be real, and you can see it from Lin Li's behavior. He followed Huang Ji without hesitation, and even gave himself the sacred geometry.

This is definitely a 'wonderful flower' that Siegemu has never experienced after Super Dimension.

"Alas... No matter whether the illusion is true or not, Huang Ji, you must live..."

Shigemu has already decided in her heart that no matter if Huang Ji is really merged by a terrifying nine-dimensional existence, or if she falls into the illusion of void fear, she must save Huang Ji, even if it is her own death.

"The fear of the void that I probed before is real."

"If I step into the seven yuan and burst out with all my embodied power, will I be able to kill the fear of the void?"

"Difficult, difficult! But as long as he kills him, Huang Ji will surely wake up and save the others."

Just do what she says, Sigmar re-locks the fear of the void.

In an instant, she gave up the 'enemy of terrifying aura' in front of her, and went straight to the super-dimensional brain of the fear of the void.

And in the middle of the journey, he stepped into the seven yuan level!

She has been stuck at six yuan for too long, and she has a lot of background. Now she has sacred geometry, she is actually qualified to step into seven yuan, but she deliberately did not take the last step.

After all, after a series of trials, Shigemu found that the Nine-dimensional Ultimate Body would not use excessive power. What she was fighting against was actually the power of the fake Huangji Qiyuan level.

Now that Shigemu stepped into Qiyuan, as expected, the 'fake yellow pole' who was chasing her behind, appeared a more terrifying high-energy, which seemed to come from a higher dimension, and the surrounding time and space were arbitrarily kneaded.

"嘁!" Shigemu ignored the crisis behind her. She stimulated all her strength and wanted to kill the fear of the void.

After this blow, she may not be able to kill the opponent, but she will definitely die.

But she still did it without hesitation, as long as Huang Ji can get through this, everyone else will be rescued.

"Stop." Suddenly, a force appeared and stopped her!

No one can stop Sigmar from using embodied power, except herself.

"Wait a minute, this consciousness is... Huang Ji!" Shigemu recognized the other party and hurriedly took the initiative to stop, not blooming all his embodied power.

This also caused her to slay the blow of Void Fear, with a mediocre effect.

Fortunately, Void Fear didn't dare to fight back, and left as if fleeing! Because behind Shigemu, there is a more terrifying existence.

Shigemu turned back suddenly, and the whole person was stunned, because she realized that Huang Ji's consciousness was in the body of the 'fake Huang Ji'!

This is confirmed by concreteness, and according to her theory, there is absolutely no falsehood!

"Huang Ji! What's going on? How are you now!"

I saw that the nine-dimensional ultimate body was still chasing Shigemu, but there was a tangible force that directly conveyed to her heart: "I am still a part of the nine-dimensional ultimate body, and I can't control myself."

"What..." Shigemu was stunned.

Huang Ji's consciousness said so, so everything is true?

Everyone is completely under the control of the ultimate body, everything is a game?

"The consciousness of freedom is really great. I didn't expect that I can still use the embodied power when my soul is swallowed up..." Huang Ji said.

From Sigmar's point of view, Huang Ji, who has a terrifying aura, attacked her in a playful manner, while calmly and gently speaking to himself with his powers.

This scene was astonishingly the same as the situation she and Lin Li were in before.

It is also similar to the year when the rebels secretly conspired with their lives.

"Is it true about the Nine-Dimensional Ultimate Body? All of us, in a larger...more real...virtual world?" Siegemu had a hard time accepting this reality.

Huang Ji said weakly: "It doesn't matter if it's true or false. No matter what the world is like, if you insist on your own pursuit, that's freedom."

"Even if one day someone tells me that this universe is a novel, I am willing to carry everything that is cherished in the book."

Shigemu was stunned for a moment. The rebels were civilized and paid a painful price. The freedom she gained was her most precious thing.

Of course, it was difficult for her to accept the reality that she was still being played with, but since it was a fact, she had to change it.

"Yeah, the world can deceive me, and fate can be manipulated by others, but my civilization's fighting spirit to resist all this will never go out."

"Don't talk about the nine-dimensional ultimate body, even if it is Taiyi... or even surpasses Taiyi, I will not... nor shrink back."

Sigmar, like Huang Ji, has carried too many burdens. If she changes, she will die.

"Huang Ji, don't use the embodied power to reply, let me do it." Shigemu quickly explained the reason why he has a powerful and non-side-effect embodied power.

Huang Ji calmly said: "This is your greatest wealth, Shigemu, if I have such a strong manifestation, I will not be defeated."

Shigemu did find that Huang Ji's manifesting power was weak, but he was extremely manipulative.

"Then I'll give you the power to manifest!" Shigemu decided to do it.

Huang Ji immediately stopped him and said, "No, it's too late. I have even swallowed my soul, and this residual sense of freedom will soon disappear."

"It's better to pass on everything I know to you at the end."

"What? Don't!" Shigemu wanted to stop, but she couldn't.

Suddenly, a huge amount of data poured into her heart.

It's too vast, this is countless information in countless time and space, not only the past, not only the present, but also... the future!

If Shigemu could only stop her mother world in the past, according to now, she is the dimensional master of all time and space from one to five dimensions!

In addition, there is the so-called real super-dimensional method, and the method of defeating the nine-dimensional ultimate body. There is even some knowledge, for some reason, she can't understand.

At the same time, Huang Ji's consciousness disappeared.

Shigemu is disappointed, she has decided to use her life in exchange for Huang Ji to live, to change the world instead of herself.

Everything, as if countless people in the civilization of that year were expecting her.

Unexpectedly, in the end, the better Huang Ji died and passed the baton to her.

Outside the illusion, Lin Li was stunned.

He witnessed Huang Ji's personal end, and passed on countless knowledge to Shigemu, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

I didn't expect Huang Ji to value this person so much.

The sense of Huang Ji that Shigemu felt was real, and then he accepted that the real world would also be fake.

As an existence that broke out of the virtual universe in the past, there is no doubt that he will not stop fighting to resist.

But... but this is all an illusion.

Sigmar's idea was right, why did Huang Ji let her fight against this wrong worldview?

"Brother, why can't she wake up?"

Huang Ji smiled and said, "She hasn't defeated the Nine-dimensional Ultimate Body yet..."

"Ah?" Lin Li was stunned.

"Big brother, do you want her to defeat the Nine-dimensional Ultimate Body in the illusion? But the setting of that thing in the illusion is too strong, can she do it?"

Huang Ji affirmed: "Of course she can. Normally, she is the existence with the strongest free will in the entire ten-dimensional universe."

Lin Li didn't expect Shigemu to be so unique. The stronger the free will, the stronger the manifestation. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that her choice will have a higher chance of breaking the fate of the universe, and the possibility of cause and effect.

For all living beings, the fate is actually decided from the moment the universe exploded. The law of free will allows them to perform miracles only by chance, and small things can be changed, but the general trend cannot be changed.

This is also the reason why Huang Ji's fate is trapped and created a general trend, and few people can break it.

When free will is strong enough, it is possible to achieve a pi-level soul.

All pi-level souls come this way. After all, they are separated from the soul realm. This kind of thing does not exist in conventional fate.

Everyone is a part of the great Holy Spirit, so how can some people go out on their own? That in itself is a miracle.

The causal fate of the universe is like a big tree. Most people are on the trunk, and only a few have forks, but they remain the same.

Shigemu's free will, the first in the universe, let alone fantasy, even if it is a real nine-dimensional ultimate body, she is likely to resist.

"However, this will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse Moon?" Lin Li was still puzzled.

Huang Ji said: "The time in the illusion depends on her thinking speed, which is not as slow as you think. With my knowledge, what Siegemu experienced was actually a real trial against the sky!"

Lin Li's expression froze, and UU reading realized that this was a great opportunity.

When others wake up, as long as they have others in their hearts, they can return to their original intentions.

And Siegemu is no different from having high hopes. She will be in the illusion, after a long period of tempering and transformation, she will kill all the way to the ninth dimension and defeat the ultimate body.

Although she woke up and found that she was still six-dimensional, but by then, she must have not cared about this trivial matter.

After all, the illusion created by Huang Ji's intelligence is probably extremely close to reality, at least in terms of difficulty... it's not much different from a real wave of nine-dimensional enemies!

Even if the victory is just a wrong worldview, the spiritual core of the struggle is real. The tempering of her overcoming the fate of the universe is real.

This kind of cultivation, this kind of growth, this kind of baptism.

The awakened Shigemu, even if it is only six-dimensional, is definitely an extraordinary existence.

Lin Li estimated that the Shigemu Club was the greatest powerhouse in the entire universe except Huang Ji, a miracle of walking!

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