The Omniscient

Chapter 249: It surprised me that!

Santa Fe, Brando and the army ‘return victorious’.

Eminem went to greet him and found that the army had brought back many corpses. This time, the Great Snake Valley had suffered heavy losses.

However, when receiving these corpses, Eminem actually saw Osiris's body.

Osiris' corpse is extremely mutilated, his torso is basically gone, and his head is only left...

The reason why I can recognize this as Osiris' corpse is because of the strange growth of skin and flesh bones on his legs. Although this kind of superpower is not uncommon, only Osiris has the realm of Santa Fe.

"What's the matter! Why did he die? Did you chase the enemy?" Eminem was stunned.

Brando grunted and said, "Huh! Osiris betrayed the Illuminati, and I saw it through. He also stubbornly resisted and tried to kill me. I have been doing the Fa right on the spot!"

His teeth are basically gone, and his words are vague at the moment.

Eminem's mouth twitched, and he wondered: "How could... he is a Nirvana of the Illuminati, why should he betray? He..."

"The ambition of the double-pupil faction has been determined. The members of it are for the seat of the eternal swordsman. You don't need to ask more about the specifics. You only need to know that Osiris colluded with the lizardmen and abandoned Santa Fe, causing the base to fall. , The sin is unforgivable!" Brando said.

Eminem was shocked and said: " there evidence?"

Brando sneered and motioned to Brandy, who immediately explained Osiris' contradictory situation.

"He said that the Lizardmen killed Santa Fe, but in fact the Lizardmen have been fighting with you outside of the Great Snake Valley base?" Amrang said.

"Huh! This is obviously an excuse prepared long ago, but he didn't expect you to successfully delay the lizardman." Brando sneered.

Hearing this, Eminem immediately remembered what Huang Ji said when drinking a few hours ago.

"Wait a minute, there is a suspicious point here, have you found Cogas and their bodies?" Eminem asked.

Brandi explained: "Only five young and wealthy people were found. They were alive when we found out and provided some testimony. But we don't know where the others have gone and should be taken to the rebel stronghold."

Eminem said immediately: "But it's strange, isn't it? The organization has liquidated Cogas and their assets! This means that they have nothing. As capitalists in the organization, without capital, what value do they have?"

"Who are worthless, do the double-pupil faction still need them? Even if they don't deal with it personally and lose their credibility, they cannot take them to the stronghold. This increases the risk!"

Everyone was taken aback, and felt that what Eminem said made sense.

Especially Brandy, he also thought of this, so when Osiris finally desperately said, ‘Korgas and the others were turned into lizardmen’, he carefully considered this possibility.

However, Osiris did not suppress the fire at the time, and actually moved his hand first, which directly caused Brando to run away.

As a result, the two fought a real fire, which turned into a death fight, and in the end both the victory and the defeat were decided.

"Yes, Kogas and the others can't be taken away, unless Luo...unless the Doctor Who has something else to do. For example...turn them into lizardmen and confuse them!" Brandi said.

Brando shook his head and said: "Impossible, why did that guy turn people into Lizardmen? Even if he has a swarm of Nano Bees, there is no Muyuan database!"

Of course he would not agree with this statement. Not to mention that the probability is very low. Even if it is very high, he will not admit it now. After all, he just killed the suspect Osiris himself!

Brandy walked over and whispered, "Big Brother, if you think about it, is there really no other possibility? Osiris said the same thing as the so-called confession at the time."

"He didn't plead guilty until the last moment. You were really too impulsive to kill him."

Brandu said coldly: "In that situation, I didn't use the black wand, it was me who died."

"As for what you said is too far-fetched, you don't know what conditions are needed to transform the Lizardmen! Luo Yan has neither a database nor a controller that can control the Nano Bee Swarm."

Brandi whispered: "If you have a controller, Luo Yan still has it. Have you forgotten his technology? He is also a great scientist himself, and his glasses... are electronic devices that can be connected and controlled by a brain and a computer!"

"Hiss..." Brando forgot this, Luo Yan's glasses and liaison, computer, signal transmitter and receiver, and even big data storage.

In theory, Luo Yan can really use Nano Bee Swarm as long as he has Muyuan's database!

"Big brother, think about it again, if you take it, it's useless... Why does Luo Yan insist that Wicks steal the Nano bee colony first, and he is still waiting at the Big Snake Valley base? This is risky." Brandi Said.

The corner of Brando's mouth twitched, and he calmed down now, after listening to Eminem's thoughts, then to Brandi's association, combined with his previous doubts about Mu Yuan...

The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was possible!

Maybe Luo Yan and his behind-the-scenes factions used the inner ghost to secretly gain access to the database before they came up with the capture of Santa Fe, which is naturally possible.

It can even be assumed that Mu Yuan is also an inner ghost. It is even simpler. After Luo Yan gets the Nano Bee Swarm, he can transform people into Lizardmen.

Among them, the latter is more likely.

The unique algorithm of the database is not compatible with ordinary computer systems! Let alone interpretation, it is impossible to be copied by data.

In this world, no one except Muyuan knows how the database was compiled!

"Is this pool deeper than I thought before?" Brando was inexplicably horrified, and he couldn't accept this conjecture.

However, this conjecture can completely pull Mu Yuan into the deduction.

He couldn't think of who controlled Santa Fe's defense system before, unless he used the method of elimination to push Muyuan.

And if Luo Yan really converts the rich into lizardmen, then Mu Yuan, the only person in charge of the database, will be included in the list of suspected ghosts!

This not only solves the problem of ‘who controls the Santa Fe defense system’, it also explains why Wicks had to steal the Nano Bee colony in advance!

"Obviously after the capture of Santa Fe, you can take the Nano Bee Swarm directly, but you have to let Wicks steal it in advance... Isn't it because Luo Yan is eager to use it?"

"The database may have been handed over to Luo Yan at that time. Luo Yan planned to sell Cogas and the others from the beginning, and the group of rich men was completely deceived!"

Brando said, picked up the information to find a paragraph, pointed and asked Eminem, "At that time, the Huaji was guided by this supervising deacon and found the low building?"

Eminem nodded and said, "Yes, I heard the bug really really!"

"The guy asked Hua Ji to go upstairs to wait for him, want to talk to him, and then directed the direction of the low building."

Brandu secretly said: "Sure enough, it was all calculated by Luo Yan! He just wanted to use the lizardman to block the knife. Deliberately let the supervisory deacon expose the low building where the lizardman was hiding, and guide Huaji to find it. Obviously Luoyan knew Hua for a long time. He betrayed him completely, he had a bug on his body, but he still told him the real location... This is obviously a purpose to use the bug on Huaji to remind Eminem to complete the encirclement."

Thinking of this, Brando shouted: "Call me Huaji!"

After a while, Huang Ji was brought by Eminem.

Brando asked, "You went in and saw Cogas and Alexei at the same time?"

Huang Ji nodded and said, "Yes."

Brando frowned and said, "Who else?"

Huang Ji shook his fingers and said, "Didn’t I say... Kogas and all the male lizardmen are there, there are five young rich men, a doctor with glasses and two big guys. With bullets."

"Nothing?" Brando was shocked.

Huang Ji tilted his head and said, "Yes, that's all."

"There should be more than twenty rich people in the room! You only saw six, why didn't you say it earlier!" Brando's blond hair flew up, angrily horrified.

Huang Ji took two steps back in fear and said innocently, "Huh? There should be more than twenty? I don't know..."

Eminem explained: "Sir, you forgot, he used to race horses, and he doesn't know how many rich people are watching him behind the scenes..."

Brandu was speechless, it really couldn't blame Huaji, he didn't know how many he should see.

It turned out that the people Huaji mentioned in the previous questioning were all the people.

But he didn't hear it!

Brando’s perspective was different. Hearing Huaji said, ‘I was directed to the low building where Cogas was located’, he thought that all the rich were there at that time.

This is his own preconceivedness! I didn't think about it at the time, so I should ask more about the number of people!


Brando doubted his life and said, "I **** killed the wrong person? No... no..."

After a while, the ruins on the base of the Great Snake Valley were cleared, and some of the subordinates reported some clues under the ruins.

In that low building, other wealthy biological tissues, feces, urine, and vomit were found.

"...There are more than twenty bright pendants, but they have been smashed. In addition, no Korgas' pendant was found." The subordinate said.

Brandu's eyelids jumped and said: "Step on it? How do you know it was stepped on?"

The subordinates said: "Because from the ruins, there are obvious traces of crushing and trampling under the debris, and it is caused by the lizardman's paw prints. And we also found some missing debris, which is in the scales of the lizardman's feet. It was found in... it can be confirmed that the group of lizardmen stepped on it.

Brandi sighed: "Big brother... It is impossible for Alexei to have a bright pendant. Each member's bright jewelry is specially made. After this group of rich men became lizard people, they destroyed their pendants. It has completely fallen to the double pupil faction..."

"But... all this is probably Luo Yan's scam. He probably lied to those rich people!"

"In short, Luo Yan deceived the group of rich men and turned them into Lizardmen. Although I don’t know what method was used to make them look exactly like Alexei and the others, he and Mu Yuan are both senior scientists. I’m afraid I’ve already thought of a way. I just didn't tell the organization..."

"This lack of intelligence has blinded us all. Even Huaji's rebellion is absolutely under Luo Yan's control. He deliberately borrowed Huaji's bugs to mislead me and set the game!"

"Luo Yan used these people to severely inflict a heavy blow to the Super Sentry Squad, take away Santa Fe’s defensive strength, drag people away and buy time for him... even because of the additional group of lizardmen, we misunderstand Osiris. ..."

"Brother, this move kills four birds with one stone!"

Brandu's eyelids jumped, thinking that Luo Yan's calculations and plots were already very big, but he didn't expect that he still wanted to be shallow!

He thought Luo Yan was on the fourth but he did not expect to have five floors...

Wicks stole the Nanobee swarm in advance, and the inner ghost controlling the defense system could not find any suspect except for Mu Yuan. A large group of rich men had betrayed the Illuminati and had no capital value. Luo Yanming knew that Huaji had a bug and let it go. The low building where Kogas is...

He didn't even think about all these doubts before!

Luo Yan himself is a great scientist, and the special glasses with brain-computer connection have the basic conditions for manipulating the nano-bee colony. He ignored it without realizing that this was also the key element!

This calculation is too deep, so deep that he never expected that there are so many clues!

By the time he had already killed Osiris... the result turned out to be one by one, like a skewer, and a deeper set of truths.

Brandu's brain buzzes...

"Fake! No...impossible!"

"Osiris...why do you want to resist? I started to restrain myself, I just suspected him! He attacked me first! He doesn't attack me, I will investigate carefully!" Brando murmured.

Brandi sighed: "Big Brother...If our latest deduction is true, think about how Osiris felt at the time. He was completely wronged. The contradictions he said are actually facts..."

"Finally, he heard the truth from the rich man's dying last words, and told you that you didn't believe it... and he said that he confessed... with his temper, to be honest, it would be strange if he didn't do anything..."

"Think about it, want me to... also want to hit you."

"This...puff!" Brando opened his mouth and spouted blood!

His tooth was kicked off by Osiris's last kick, and the bleeding had stopped. At this moment, his heart surged, his blood pressure soared, and his gums were bloody!



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