The Omniscient

Chapter 640: go forward

Are there any cutting-edge products of dragon civilization on Kunlun Star?

As the regional overlord, the dragon clan was in the prime of the tribe, just like the Shacha civilization, and this was only information thousands of years ago.

This kind of cutting-edge product of higher civilization, even other higher civilizations will be tempted.

The dragon civilization and the light civilization have fought for tens of thousands of years. Both have exposed their strengths and a variety of unique cutting-edge technologies have emerged. Anyone who is interested in Galaxy can understand a lot.

For example, the'Dark Star Weapon' is a powerful weapon comparable to the Shacha Star Shell. Its direct destructive power is not as good as the Star Shell, but its strategic effect is extremely strong.

It can release dark energy to expand time and space and extend the distance between the two places. When the main force of the civilization of time could fly into the dragon clan in ten years, the dragon clan dispatched a hundred dark star weapons to create a large expansive area, trapping the main force of the Golden Crow.

That army has been trapped alive for more than five hundred years! Because no matter which direction they fly, they have to cross 500 light-years to fly out of that ‘expanding space-time bubble’.

This weapon also has powerful destructive power in tactics. If the expansion of time and space is concentrated in some areas, the power is enough to create a big time and space tear.

Needless to say, the strong nuclear force that tears the gluon can't hold the quark, then the proton will disintegrate, and the atom will naturally disappear when the proton disintegrates, let alone the molecule...The torn space and time will only be scattered. Elementary particles.

Will such a terrible weapon be hidden in the small primitive planet?

Run to the nature reserve to deploy the dark star... Is it possible that the Jackie Chan clan is in the next big game?

This is really not impossible. Why did the Longwu battle last tens of thousands of years? Isn't it because of traffic problems?

The two sides blocked the wormhole at a high speed. In addition to stealthily borrowing the wormhole from other civilizations to transmit troops, they only had to sail hard and fly with curvature... it would be dozens of hundreds of light years away.

What's more, the dragon clan still has weapons that expand time and space, so it will take time to lengthen the path of time and space at all times, so that the enemy's main force will be trapped in the time and space bubble for hundreds of years. It is strange to be able to fight quickly.

Tens of thousands of years are not always fought every day. On the contrary, there are only a few real congress battles. The various strategic deployments and operations of the two major civilizations will not be able to actually fight without great confidence.

A local battle will only really collide if both sides feel that they can be won.

Most of the time, it's like playing chess, thinking: What if I had a force behind the enemy's side...what would happen.

So what plan was specified and what conditions were used to deploy. Then the enemy sees through it a bit more, destroys the plan, and uses it in the opposite direction.

Countless times of such games and squad fights, it is possible to give birth to a real general battle.

Therefore, it is really strategic for the dragons to hide cutting-edge technology on the primitive planet.

The nature reserves are scattered all over the world, around the various civilizations of the galaxy, and some are even surrounded by civilizations.

There are strategic weapons hidden there, which is equivalent to burying one's own chess pieces in the backyard of other people's houses.

Of course, the premise is to be able to hide it from everyone.

Isn't it nonsense that a small human being knows this kind of thing?

And hiding in the sun is far better than hiding on the monitored earth.

Many doubts make these sand tea pirates feel that Ona is talking nonsense.

However, a Shacha pirate couldn't help but ask: "What kind of candle dragon you are talking about, and what is it? Have you seen it?"

I'd rather believe it, and it's not a loss to ask anyway. Even if it is not a military weapon, it is just a civilian product in the prime of the trio, and it is also very precious.

When asked about this, Ona was extremely excited and replied! He was answered!

I saw that he was about to elaborate, but was glanced at by another Shacha pirate.

With this look, Ona felt as if he was being stared at by the wild beasts, his brain secreted hormones spontaneously in horror, and frantically warned himself that he should...

But he couldn't run. The pirate immediately released a fluorescent light to cover him, making him unable to move instantly!

Another Shacha pirate said solemnly: "Shielding the scene, we are not the only one nearby."

"Hmm..." The teammates nodded one after another, and a light curtain sealed off their pirate group's stationing area.

There are so many pirates across the planet now.

What I saw in Ona's poor vision was just the tip of the iceberg, and the Shacha pirates knew how many colleagues were paying attention to each other.

There are less than 2 million small and medium pirate groups, and there are also eight or nine thousand large pirate groups.

They either entangled outside the atmosphere, or hovered invisibly in the air, or they anchored grandiosely on the surface.

They scanned each other frantically, but they were not afraid to find each other.

Because no one would commit public anger at this time, especially the presence of the Four Emperors.

But what Ona said was noticed by at least half of the pirate group.

"The group of Shacha people opened the shielded field, and the communication behind it could not be detected."

"Yeah, the Shacha people don't really believe the nonsense made up by a primitive man in order to survive, right?"

"It's not a lie. Pay attention to this data. This primitive man does not have any physiological reactions to lying."

"Oh? In the end, his hormones were obviously disordered..."

"This Shacha man did it, and he deliberately stimulated that man's brain with energy pulses... I can be sure that the primitive man did not lie, at least he thinks what he said is true."

"This is interesting, the dragons actually left cutting-edge technology on the primitive planet?"

"I don't know if cutting-edge is not cutting-edge, but this is indeed the style of the dragons. They like to leave some tokens in the territory of the new primitive races, and plant the brand of the dragons in the other's culture, but they are usually the products of some early atomic ages. ..."

Ona's words spread within many pirate groups, and they rarely took interest in this primitive race.

But here is too far away from Kunlun Star. It is more important to carve up the Anunnaki right now. Of course, I will talk about the big secret treasure in the future. Everyone just silently remembered this news in their hearts.

"Boom boom boom..."

As time went by, trees of the **** of the sun were uprooted, and pieces of sophisticated equipment and commodities were all ransacked by the Gamma Colossus.

After the valuables in a region are taken away, the remaining resources don't need to be pity and jade. A beam of light hits down, directly causing the earth to shatter, the rocks emptied, and countless resources flock to the huge transport ship as if they were weightless.

As a result, all kinds of animals and plants died, turning into meat sauce and powder, and piled up in the warehouse of the transport ship.

"Ona! Ona!"

Remy horse took his mate, six-hooves galloping, and shouted loudly around the Shacha pirate ship.

On their backs, a young woman swaddled in her arms, leaning tightly on the horseback, her name is Temelo, a member of the Alona family and the younger sister of Veronica.

And behind Remy Martin and Temelo, there are dozens of different kinds of alien creatures, all of which are carbon-based. After all, this is the easiest form of life in the universe.

Facing the unknown calamity, they hid underground in the village for the first time, until now they were led out by the head horse.

They are here to look for Ona, but at the moment Ona is at the door of the spacecraft, waving at them frantically!

"Hush! Hush!"

Ona crawled on the ground tremblingly, and saw that the neighbors were all around him, but he did not dare to get a seat on the spaceship for everyone, and instead let them leave quickly.

Just because he described the appearance and function of the candle dragon, the nine Shacha pirates became obviously disappointed and disdainful.

The Shacha Pirates were well-informed and realized that Ona was talking about a set of civilian atomic-level weather controllers!

Feeling that what he was bragging about was of no value, Ona was very anxious, for fear of the aliens' rage.

Fortunately, the nine Shacha pirates were not angry because of this. More attention was focused on the Gamma Colossus. After feeling that Ona was useless, they started talking again and ignored Ona again.

This action, as if tacitly agreeing that Ona would become their servant, gave Ona hope again.

Ona hurriedly shrank behind the sand tea pirate's ass, not daring to speak, for fear of disturbing these powerful aliens, reminding them of themselves a lot, and expelling him.

"Stop arguing..." Ona shouted in his heart, turned around and gave Temelo a look.

Temelo and him were originally dew husbands and wives. They knew very well what Ona thought, and stopped entangled when they saw it. They tightly held the baby girl in their arms, hugged the Remy horse and said, "Old horse, Ona won’t care. We are..."

"Run! We must get out of here as soon as possible! Run, stop shouting, a colossus is flying over!"

I saw a gamma colossus in the distance flying like a god, like a meteor, getting closer and closer.

Judging from the collapse of other sun **** tree shelters, this colossus entered the shelter where they are, and there is no good thing.

"Let's hide in the sanctuary of other sacred trees!" Remy Martin once had an experience and immediately became the leader, wanting to take everyone to run towards another sanctuary.

However, Temelo grabbed him, gritted his teeth and said: "No! It's too late! The surrounding sanctuary will be destroyed, we have nowhere to escape!"

"Go to the Sun God Tree!"

Everyone was shocked. The Sun God Tree was obviously the target of destruction of the Gamma Colossus, and it was the center of danger.

However, Temelo resolutely said: "Listen to me! Go! Go ahead at full speed!"

"We must...find a spaceship before we die!"

"Spaceship?" Remy Martin was very obedient. UU Reading hurriedly turned around, drove her forward instead of retreating, and rushed towards the towering pillar in the center of the sanctuary.

But Remy Martin didn't understand what a spaceship is, and said in a daze, "Are you talking about the chariot of the gods? Without the power of the gods, how could we control it?"

"You don't need to be able to control it! Haven't you seen these aliens looting? We hide in any vehicle and be packed and taken away!" Temelo said firmly.

"To be taken away together? Where to go?"

Temelo said hoarsely: "That's not something we are qualified to consider! Don't want to die here, just rush! Charge into any equipment!"

"This is our only chance!"

"Those aliens like mountains don't care if a few ants get in the case!"


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