The Omniscient

Chapter 780: Humans don’t need yellow poles

"The All-Knower (!

Mo Yun's mother was Temelo, who had returned from space. As a baby born in the abyss, she had experienced the explosion of the planet "The Paradise of Ten Thousand Races", witnessed the thief of the abyss turned into dust, and witnessed the destruction of Anunnaki.

Of course, those are too long ago, she is still a ignorant baby, her memories are so vague as to have nothing.

Although Mo Yun didn't know Huang Ji, he had heard of this man's name.

Her mother has told herself the story of this human legend since she was a child. The Illuminati will kill the gods and rise to the sky, break the star-known galaxy alone, sweep the abyss in the independent country, avenge the Anunnaki, and all races respect the galaxy leader.

The achievement created in a short period of time is simply a third-rate novel.

With such a destiny saint, Mo Yun thought he would not have an intersection with him, but his mother told herself excitedly and yearningly that Huang Ji was her adoptive father, and even the name Huang Ji had obtained.

Mingming Mo Yun's father is Greek and his mother is Latin. As a result, Huang Ji chose to name her Mo Yun.

Maybe it is hoped that she has integrated into Chinese culture since she was a child. She thought she had experienced the profound meaning of Temelo, but she had no complaints when she was trapped on the earth. Instead, she kept Mo Yun in China since she was a child, and grew up under the influence of education and culture. Mo Yun's thinking model is completely Chinese.

"You are my godfather? I saw you for the first time when I was so old. When I first met, I brought such ugly tattered toys. I didn't look like a father at all!" Mo Yun accepted it generously. The straw hat dominates, and his mouth is quite venomous.

Many civilized bigwigs present were stiff, and Groove didn't know how to throw up.

Good guy, is the straw hat dominated by a tattered toy? Ugly may be a bit ugly, but the degree of preciousness is beyond doubt!

And even talking to Huang Ji like this, father and daughter? It is unbelievable that a person of Huang Ji's level would accept a daughter casually.

"No, this must have a profound meaning." The glow of the golden crow on the wing flickered, and the brightness was uncertain.

Being able to become the Lord of the Golden Crow, his political sense is extremely high, and he immediately saw that Huang Ji had deliberately revealed his relationship with Mo Yun in the presence of so many civilized Lords.

Coupled with the unique act of inexplicably sending a straw hat to dominate, he realized that Huang Ji had cultivated a woman as an heir.

The straw hat master in this state is obviously imprisoned to death. The strength is gone, and the only thing left may be knowledge. The situation is a bit similar to the Moya pirate trapped on the earth. This is by no means aimless, it seems to be a training for her.

Having said that, the talent of this woman is indeed excellent, no, she is even amazing. It is simply a "little yellow pole". If it weren't for the yellow pole to go against the sky, Mo Yun's performance would definitely arouse competition among many civilizations and many groups.

But obviously not anymore, the heir who is valued by Huang Ji, who would dare to win her for his own use?

"Don't you look like a father... That's what you said, after all, you are older than me." Huang Ji also said quite viciously.

Mo Yun was stunned, his face was weird, Huang Ji was younger than himself? Impossible, when Huang Ji became famous in the Milky Way, he was just a baby.

She couldn't figure it out, and no one else understood what Huang Ji meant.

"Huh? Huang Ji is younger than her daughter? By the way, Huang Ji is indeed very young. I remember that he is only a thousand years old in the data registration, but he is not younger than this woman...Is my Chinese understanding wrong? I like Yihui. This is probably a joke to express that I am actually very young." Zheyi Jinwu muttered in his heart, secretly saying that he should continue to learn Chinese.

Merely instilling Chinese data into memory does not mean that you can use it freely.

Everyone present thought Huang Ji was joking, but Lin Li was very emotional. In terms of the time he has experienced, Huang Ji is only twenty years old this year. Who wants to get that.

How Huang Ji went to the interstellar alone was deleted when he went to the moon, so there is no record of the moon. After that, he went to the Galaxy City to play the name of the emperor, and then he emerged. Everyone rumored that he was only a thousand years old. After that, he registered the Star Realm Human Race file and wrote that he was a thousand years old. This is so young that everyone never thought that this information was fake.

"You have been observing me, so, has the earth's civilization passed the test?" Mo Yun didn't question the details. She played with the straw hat and asked about the fate of the earth.

Without waiting for others to speak, Huang Ji first qualitatively said: "Whether to join the Star Alliance is not measured by personal ability."

"If you pass through the observer's spacecraft only by this accidental behavior, then the earth would have been a member of the Star Alliance."

Everyone understood that Huang Ji was talking about himself. Indeed, Mo Yun's behavior was insignificant compared to Huang Ji. If this were to be counted, Huang Ji did it more than 30 years ago.

"The Emperor Ziwei said that even if the earth civilization is Ziwei’s mother clan, it should not be treated specially. The promotion of primitive civilization has its own rules. Humans, prove that they can reproduce races on alien planets, your extraordinary behavior. , It is our negligence. If we don't hold this accountable, we will assume that nothing happened." The Lord of the Winged Golden Crow declared immediately following Huang Ji's words.

Mo Yun squinted his eyes and looked at the big ball of light. It was clear that he said ‘Congratulations’ before, but now he said blatantly about the rules, it became so fast.

Zheyi Golden Crow didn't care about Mo Yun's gaze, and he solemnly bowed to Huang Ji and said: "The emperor Ziwei, because of the particularity of the straw hat, I regard your behavior as having taken Mo Yun out of this assessment. So. Mo Yun will be temporarily detained until the earth civilization is promoted before he can return."

"Very reasonable." Huang Ji smiled in return.

Zheyi Golden Crow was very smart. He saw that Huang Ji wanted the earth to complete the procedure, and then understood another purpose of sending the straw hat villain, which was to exclude Mo Yun from the next assessment.

This is the ruler of the straw hat, with this kind of golden finger, but also a fart of assessment?

But in fact, there is no more suspense. Although Mo Yun's atomic-level biological manufacturing machine is very simple and unstable, there is probably no problem in feeding a few babies.

Even if Liu Zhuri is left alone, it will only take six months for Earth to join the Star Alliance.

"Reproduce offspring, right? I see, Liu Zhuri, I'll leave it to you!" Mo Yun patted Liu Zhuri on the shoulder.

Liu Zhuri's legs were almost weak, and his fragile human body couldn't support it in the face of so many high-energy beings.

This is because the other party actively converges and protects them with a force field. But the psychological pressure is still very high, especially some of the aliens, who look too terrifying, and the huge body itself is extremely oppressive.

Unexpectedly, Mo Yun, a girl who was so courageous, was not afraid of seeing so many aliens for the first time.

"Your machine won't break, right? You haven't taught me how to maintain it..." Liu Zhuri felt a little nervous.

The machine made by Mo Yun is completely an atomic-level machine composed of a pile of nano materials in a clever way. There is no doubt that the quality of such a cut corner product will be very poor.

Just like building an aircraft carrier with the technology of the great nautical era, it has a taste of steampunk.

This kind of ability to break the limitations of the times is indeed powerful, but no matter how talented it is, it cannot violate the laws of nature. This kind of ‘aircraft carrier’ can open and return, and it’s impossible to say when it will sink.

"It should be okay... There is a full set of mathematical models in the computer, you can read it yourself." Mo Yun said casually.

Liu Zhuri took a deep breath, and said that there was no way, and then he could only look at him.

Liu Zhuri returned to Proxima b to continue his mission.

Huang Ji looked at the lords of civilizations around him and asked: "A primitive race is about to be promoted. Does it require so many heads of civilization to be present?"

"The race that gave birth to the Great Emperor Ziwei deserves the respect of all races. After all, without it, there would be no stability of the star group today." Zheyi Jinwu said as it should.

Seeing Huang Ji indifferent, Zheyi Jinwu immediately said: "Of course, this respect does not need to be understood by the people on earth. If this stifles the potential of the people on the earth and causes mankind to become arrogant, it is the loss of the entire galaxy... "

Huang Ji said casually: "I won't let this happen."

Zheyi Golden Crow's heart was shocked, and he heard dozens of meanings just for this sentence!

It may be diplomatic failure, military force failure, or verbal trust failure.

As Huang Ji's status rises, everyone will unconsciously try to figure out what he means. This is not too much thinking, but a political need.

"Yes, this kind of thing will never happen. I really hope to be the leader of this great race. The Civilization of Light is fully prepared for this." Zheyi Golden Crow is very brave to express himself, and there is nothing in the audience. He kept looking for opportunities to talk to Huang Ji.

Huang Ji looked at him with a smile: "In fact, I also hope that the people on earth will choose the civilization of light. After all, it is better to break the delusion of God by yourself."

Zheyi Golden Crow was extremely excited when he heard this, as if he had been ordered by him.

The Golden Crow once enslaved human beings, and most of the Anunnaki were of the Golden Crow. He thought this would be a historical burden, preventing them from competing for the position of leader, Huang Ji might not like them to guide the earth.

Unexpectedly, not only is this not a hindrance, Huang Ji is even very supportive. Yes, they are like gods in the eyes of people on earth.

Whether it is in the form of a big ball of light, or like a winged **** like pulling, or like an angel, like a golden crow...the various forms of their races have been imprinted in the cultures of many nations.

"It turns out that a mature civilization should not regard another race as a god. We should guide mankind to recognize us correctly. It is worthy of being Emperor Ziwei. He broke the omissions in our guidance plan. I will immediately add it to the guidance plan. This point." Zheyi Jinwu said as if he was telling someone on the channel, as if he had entered a working state in an instant.

The former Lord of the Golden Crow sneered again and again.

Of course he knew the guy in front of him, a real politician, a guy who was extremely strong.

The former Lord of the Golden Crow breathed fire with his eyes: "Why it's just you... why are you in my position?"

The Zheyi Golden Crow looked at him straightforwardly: "Why? Isn't civilization waiting for you for decades without a leader?"

The predecessor of the Golden Crow was angry, but there was no way to refute it.

It is reasonable and legal to take the position of Zheyi Golden Crow.

Not to mention him, all the leaders from Tianxin civilization to Shacha civilization have changed, and Ruiji, the king of the dragon clan, has not changed.

Han Bi also looked at King Le Ji and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that my emperor's position would be gone."

When the cold escape was in the ashes, the Shell System determined that he was dead, and as the cabinet's first assistant, the same popular King Leji instantly succeeded to the throne.

"Don't say that, my majesty, your people are still holding you, as long as I abdicate, you will still be the emperor." King Le Ji saluted.

Han Bi said calmly: "I'm not polite to you, King Leji. After this battle, I have given up my dream of being a soldier..."

"Scientific progress is the only right way. I want to build our civilization well."

King Le Ji was very pleasantly surprised. For a long time, Han avoided being an emperor was only responsible for it, and he always regarded himself as a warrior...Now, he has finally matured.

The corners of Han Bi's mouth were bitter. He looked at Huang Ji and then at Yake who was not far away. He said that he was a fart fighter, and he was like a reptile in front of a truly powerful existence.

Like Xianhua Tianzun, after seeing the battle between Yake and Huang Ji, he actually had the idea of ​​retiring.

The Battle of the Straw Hat made him completely give up the naive thing of the so-called ‘Warrior’s Glory’.

Commander, he wants to be a commander. Like the commander of the triangle seat and the dragon clan Ruiji, at any time, you can call on your own civilization to join a war without hesitation.

It is as powerful as a yellow pole, and it also needs to rely on the strength of the people. The thing called leadership spirit deeply moved him, and now replaced Han Bi's desire for the glory of the soldier in his heart.

He is the emperor with the highest support in the history of Shacha civilization. He already has the capital to become a true leader. Why should he become a so-called warrior?

In the ensuing time, everyone quickly communicated.

The civilization masters who stayed behind in the galaxy gradually figured out all the details of the Straw Hat War.

In fact, they have guessed that they are inseparable from each other. After all, everyone knows what happens near the black hole.

Right now, the entire constellation pattern has changed.

Although the nominal co-lord is still too small, the actual center of governance has shifted to the Milky Way.

Not only that, but defeating the Straw Hat to dominate such a big event may have spread to the outside world.

No one can public opinion about what kind of vibrations such major events will cause in the super galaxy cluster, and what impact it will have on the local galaxy cluster, and there will be a result within about a hundred years.

Unsurprisingly, the era of the "closed and closed country" of the local galaxy group is about to pass.

"If you want to see, go to the earth. They must have started to explode in technology." Huang Ji said, leading Mo Yun into the wormhole.

Many observers, with weird faces, followed in.

In the sky above the earth, many civilized masters are hesitant to speak.

"What do you want to say?" Huang Ji knew what they were thinking without even looking at them.

"Huang Ji... don't you know... The earth didn't enter the technological explosion, their technological impetus can only be regarded as mediocre." Neffita said straightforwardly.

Everyone looked at each other and thought so, but no one said it.

Huang Ji stared at the beautiful blue planet and said seriously: "The time has not yet arrived."

"There are three major conditions for the explosion of civilization and technology, the first is a profound cultural heritage, the second is the collective will of civilization, and the third is an urgent need for progress."

"These three are not worthy of possession until the earth civilization not long ago."

Many civilization masters are lost in thought, and they dare not agree.

To say that these three conditions are reasonable, but many civilizations have had these conditions for a long time, but there is no technological explosion.

Take the earth alone, the cultural heritage is there, not to mention the need for progress, the catastrophe is that mankind urgently needs the explosion of technology.

As for the collective will, the earth was indeed lacking before, and all countries did not believe in China. It was not until the ‘earth civilization’ was formally established not long ago that they truly merged into a collective.

However, after the three have both, the earth is still stuck in a technological bottleneck, and there hasn't been a slight improvement in the two months of gambling in exchange for it.

In general, from the nuclear fusion spacecraft to the Kunlun mirror project, this series of technologies all originated from Huang Ji's legacy.

It is nothing more than the difference between the first-generation aircraft and the sixth-generation aircraft.

The fundamental productivity has not changed, and the technological explosion that belongs to mankind itself has no signs of even a single sign.

Ji Heng raised this question and said: "Not only the earth, all civilizations have studied the explosion of science and technology in depth, and the final conclusion is that the explosion of science and technology cannot be controlled."

"The difficulty of manipulating it is equivalent to controlling the chaotic system of nature, which is a social singularity."

"If the condition is not met, it will not be triggered, and even if the condition is met, it will not necessarily be triggered."

Lin Li raised his eyebrows and controlled the natural chaotic system. Isn't Huang Ji good at it?

The technological explosion is nothing more than a social chaotic butterfly. I am afraid that no one knows better than Huang Ji.

I remember that Huang Ji led the explosion of technology in the Nuomu clan.

Sure enough, Huang Ji said: "In the final analysis, what you are talking about is the lack of a fuse. The technological explosion requires an epoch-making event as Mars, igniting the scientific singularity of civilization and triggering a big explosion."

"Just like the singularity of the universe, it has all the conditions to become the universe, and it does not mean that the universe must be born. Only when the'first event' suddenly appears and generates the original impetus, it will explode."

Zheyi Golden Crow hurriedly asked: "What are the characteristics of the first incident? How was it triggered?"

Others also looked at Huang Ji eagerly. This is knowledge related to the explosion of science and technology. They have always thought of it as ‘add a little luck when the conditions are met’. Can you control even that luck?

Huang Ji said indifferently: "It is said to be an epoch-making event, so of course its characteristics are... things that have never been imagined."

"It must be something that hasn't happened in the past, and then at a certain point in time, it will become the spark and detonate the singularity."

"This kind of thing that everyone did not expect, has never imagined, but happened suddenly, will stimulate the imagination of scientists, open up their dark logic, combine the existing background, and then in the future, transform the potential into Real progress."

In an instant, everyone looked at Mo Yun who was playing with the straw hat ignorantly!

There is no doubt that she did one thing, nine billion people on the earth, none of them thought of.

Moreover, this matter had a violent interaction with the most cutting-edge scientists who mastered the core technology of the earth at this moment.

The fuse has been ignited!

"It's the electromagnetic wave!" Zheyi Jinwu exclaimed: "Mo Yun is a wizard of earth civilization. The technologies she sends will help geoscientists break through the bottleneck, and the technology will explode?"

"It's not technology, it's the matter itself." Huang Ji corrected: "Mo Yun's technology is indeed advanced, but it only makes this technological explosion proceed faster. Even if she just says hello, she will still become a guide. Fuse."

The observers were at a loss, their eyes pierced through the sea of ​​clouds, peeking at the shocked, confused, cheering, and excited people at Kunlun Base.

They can't see, thousands of causes and effects converge there from all directions, and a certain general trend has risen to the top.

Mo Yun's electromagnetic wave that pierced the four-light-year-old river was like a thunderstorm, splitting the sky and igniting that brilliant trend.

It's like the light of civilization when the flintwood hits each other and scoffs the flames in the early days of ancient times.

August 19, 2045, 13:14 pm.

Thousands of scientists at the Kunlun base received orderly electromagnetic waves from outside the sky.

It contains complex information and is extremely easy to decipher because it uses the official language of China's space communication.

After reading it, I knew that this was made by Mo Yun. During her 25-year journey, there were many inventions, and most of the technologies surpassed the local earth.

But these technologies are not helpful to the current situation of the earth. After all, Mo Yun didn't know the problem of the earth at the moment, and she didn't know that the earth later carried out the Kunlun mirror project.

Specially an engineer, he began to practice the machine designed by Mo Yun and to study the thousands of mathematical equations she discovered.

But more scientists are confused about how Mo Yun sent the information back.

From the perspective of the earth, this is really a puzzling problem.

Mo Yun is far away in Proxima b, and it takes at least four years for electromagnetic waves to be sent over. This time is wrong.

Did she send it on the way? No, it is written in the message, she has reached Proxima b. Wormhole used? But where did she get the wormhole?

Moreover, even if the electromagnetic waves are sent by some method, they will be erased by the great silence within the solar system.

Why was it so completely received by them? Could it be that she has taken advantage of the power of aliens? So you have joined the Star Alliance? But there was no mention in the information, and there was no sign that the aliens came to contact the people on earth.

The Moya pirates said that there are observers outside the earth at this moment. If they successfully pass the test, the observers should now notify the earth's civilization.

It is impossible for Mo Yun to secretly use the information sent by other people's spacecraft without the aliens knowing it? This is even more nonsense! Absolutely not.

So the question is, how did Mo Yun get the information back?

At this moment, the content is not important anymore. This behavior itself has aroused the fantasies of scientists from all walks of life. Scientists in various fields have begun to put forward their own hypotheses.

After all the phenomenon has happened, the scientist must explain it.

If the existing knowledge cannot be explained, new concepts must be introduced.

The unknown leads to exploration, and curiosity leads to progress.

If it is not necessary, do not add entities. Huang Ji gave them this ‘necessary’.

All kinds of whimsical ideas, all kinds of theories that broke the convention, began to sprout.

After all, Mo Yun's electromagnetic wave is extremely contrary to convention. In order to explain this phenomenon, they must imagine a means other than the wormhole, they must imagine a means that can conceal the aliens.

They even began to question the cosmic intelligence left by Huang Ji and other Ziwei people, what the Milky Way Star Alliance, what the standards of interstellar civilization, what the Great Silent Enchantment, they all began to question.

The interstellar assessment that they regarded as the truth may exist, but it may not be what Huang Ji said.

Why is Huang Ji so good? Perhaps he became a member of other civilizations after entering the starry sky, and began to assist the aliens in weaving a set of self-justified interstellar pictures, and even he may not have been on Earth.

Maybe from the very beginning, human beings have been trapped in a false framework constructed by extraterrestrial civilization, which may be well-intentioned or malicious.

Maybe Huang Ji, Little Grey, Illuminati, Ziwei, Candle Dragon... this whole set of stories itself is a ‘story’ for them to see, this in itself may be part of the real Star Alliance assessment!

What's going on, I don't know. But these most elite people began to think about the interstellar world independently, questioning the so-called ‘intelligence’ that had been regarded as authority by them for decades.

"What are you talking about! How could Huang Ji lie to us? Maybe Huang Ji helped send this message from Mo Yun. Don't think too much." Yu Moshuo was shocked by everyone's thoughts. He didn't expect Lian Huang. Some people question the extreme intelligence.

A young scientist said solemnly: "If Huang Ji helped Mo Yun send such a message, it would be contrary to what he said,'Let humans grow by themselves.' Now I have reason to believe that humans are always in some kind of shackles. This kind of shackle is not only physical, but also psychological! And the ink cloud pouring into the distant starry sky broke this shackle, and then this incomprehensible phenomenon appeared when she delivered the news to us. "

"Why on earth, I don't know, but we can try to explain."

The young man held up the knowledge books Huang Ji left behind and said, "I have been learning this set of things since I was a child. It is like our scientific bible."

"I must admit that the knowledge contained in the set of bibles left by Huang Ji is extremely great. But I now suspect that there is a problem with its representation of the truth. I plan to use methods other than the experimental examples mentioned above. Verify it again!"

Many scientists, especially young people, nodded one after another.

The administrative staff, including Yu Moshuo, were dumbfounded.

This is what Huang Ji left, the road that leads directly to the atomic age, and decades of productivity improvements have relied on it. Various nanomaterials and aerospace technologies have all been realized from it.

It can be said that it has been proved countless times, and the magnificent Kunlun Mirror Project in Tianwai is proof. These young people don't believe it?

"How can you not believe Huang Ji? Is that Kunlun mirror fake?" Yu Moshuo was angry.

However, the young scientist still insisted: "I don't believe it, but think this book...incomplete!"

"It said that there are only wormholes in the interstellar space that cross the distance between time and space. Is this true? Why can only be wormholes? Can't there be other models?"

"I think Huang Ji's description of the quantum world has certain limitations, and it is just some relative knowledge."

"Could it be that what he said must be the truth?"

Yu Moshuo couldn't accept it: "Without Huangji, we would not have the current Kunlun mirror, no interstellar spacecraft, and everything now. We don't need to question his intelligence."

"General Staff!" The young scientist solemnly said: "Information is intelligence, and truth is truth!"

"What others say is always only intelligence, and only our own answers based on phenomena will be the truth!"

Yu Moshuo was speechless.

In the end, a scientific revolution occurred.

Starting from the Kunlun base, it gradually swept the full-text scientific community.

When they jumped out of the inherent framework and restructured their vision of the Star Alliance, the universe picture depicted by Huang Ji became a reference material, and humans began to use a new way of depiction, considering Huang Ji himself as an alien observer. In this way, there is no need for complicated stories and coincidences to explain Huang Ji's legend, and the story becomes concise all at once.

This simplification is like turning the geocentric theory into the heliocentric theory. The orbits of the planets are instantly concise and clear.

There is also technology. They began to extract and verify the knowledge points in Huang Ji's scientific bible.

In the book, Huang Ji gives a lot of experimental methods, they don't use them all, just for reference, but instead imagine new methods and verify them.

Of course, the result of the verification proves that most of the knowledge points in Huang Jishu are correct.

But the so-called knowledge is actually a kind of artificial description. The true truth is beyond description.

Therefore, because of the changes in the verification and derivation process, people's ways of expressing many knowledge points in the book of Huang Ji have also undergone tremendous changes.

During this period, countless inspirations have been inspired, countless talented scientists collide with each other. Some ongoing scientific bottlenecks have been broken through unconsciously.

Combining the ‘Earth Civilization’ that has been united due to disasters and the collapse of various regimes, their resources and R&D capabilities have been thoroughly united, and the atmospheric problems have been easily solved, and the entire society has begun to recover.

This is the advantage of thinking outside the frame, the idea of ​​a hundred flowers blossoming like mushrooms after a rain.

The earth civilization, which is at the peak of the tide of the times, is exploding in technology from all walks of life.

One month, two months, three months...

Five months later, the scientific classics left by Huang Ji were directly put into the secret archives and became a ‘classical work’.

A brand new physical building constructed by humans has gradually taken shape and spread to the whole society.

The principle is still the same, the text has changed, the angle has changed, and the content has become more and more unrecognizable.

Observers from the outside world are all dumbfounded. Many middle and low-level civilization owners can't help but complain: "What kind of **** is that! A good set of atom entry-level theories fell directly into the nanometer heyday..."

Yes, the scientific framework established by human beings is far inferior to the one left by Huang Ji.

In fact, Huang Ji is right, but humans regard some of the things they don't understand as "incomplete conjectures" and put them aside.

They used a brand-new way of expression, but on the contrary, they lowered the knowledge level of Huang Ji's direct access to the Atomic Avenue by two levels...

However, Huang Ji smiled, very happy. Not mocking, but gratifying.

Everything he did was for today.

Although the theoretical edifice developed by mankind is only in the heyday of nanometer, it is the most suitable technology tree for mankind.

This is the path that mankind has walked out by themselves. They broke the shackles left by Huang Ji and truly walked out of their own characteristics.

In fact, some scientists thought it was correct, and Huang Ji itself was a test.

A truly great civilization must have its own roots, and this root is not created by a single individual, but by thousands of people. Although history only remembers the great, there are countless unknown people behind it.

No one can create civilization.

The Yellow Emperor in history is undoubtedly an outstanding leader, but history attributed all the credit of that era to him, as if everything was invented by him.

Huang Ji knew how the Huangdi knew so much back then. He was just a witch doctor and a doctor.

Today's earth civilization may still be impacted by thoughts outside the sky, but they will no longer follow blindly.

Even Huang Ji can question, what can't it?

Downgrading two levels in a row is a good thing. Temporary right or wrong is not so important. One day, they will go to the age of the atom, the age of the trinity, and even the age of unity.

When they understand that ‘intelligence is intelligence, and truth is truth’, ‘what others say is always intelligence, and only the answers we get based on phenomena will be truth’.

This civilization can truly enter the interstellar society.

No matter how powerful and great technology others have, it is only the nourishment for the growth of the earth's civilization. UU reading is not a truth that must be fully studied.

From this moment on, mankind has a truly mature technological trunk in a real sense.

Although it is only the heyday of nanometer, it is so unique that it belongs only to human beings.

Among them, there are even individual technical inspirations that Huang Ji did not anticipate.

This is the creativity of a civilization. It is not only an individual who can break fate, but a collective of civilizations can create miracles.

"Cut it...Humans don't need Huang Ji." Huang Ji's eyes were deep, and he seemed to have seen an endless and vast future.

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