The Omniscient

Chapter 785: Uncover hypocrisy

  Chapter 787 Revealing hypocrisy

  "Great Emperor, how about the gift of the Dragon Race, don't you comment on it?" Lu Sa suddenly said.

  Just now Huang Ji commented on his gift. Of course he would like to hear what Huang Ji said about the dragon gift.

  "The gift of the dragon race has been a little bit more careful, but it still can't attract humans." Huang Ji said casually.

   "Huh?" Ji Heng was stunned.

  He thought Huang Ji was inclined to him, but he didn't expect it was not.


   Huang Ji took it for granted: “Because these things are only attractive to scientists.”

   Ji Hengxin said that this is wrong? Scientific progress is the most important thing. Compared with Jinwu's garish sugar-coated cannonballs, the sincerity of the dragon clan is much greater.

  If the final decision is made by the leadership class, then humans will definitely choose Golden Crow. If the decision is a group of scientists, then it must be the dragon clan.

  Just now, the representatives of human beings conspired loudly, and they have to make decisions based on the scientific outlook.

   "People have different judgments on value, let alone different civilizations? Go ahead..." Huang Ji said meaningfully.

  Lusa breathed a sigh of relief. If Huang Ji only judges from the perspective of human beings, the decision is still in the hands of human beings.

  He firmly believes that humans cannot resist the desire for longevity.

  Next, various civilizations showed their gifts one after another.

  Because in the past thirty-two years, Ziwei has blocked the solar system and deleted the data on the earth, so most civilizations are more ‘salvage people by oneself’.

Some send multi-functional nano bee colonies, which are actually very useful and can be used in all walks of life, but they can’t be made in many ways. Small ones are invisible. They are all installed with gravel-like devices, so that humans can see nothing. Psychological fluctuations.

Some are sent to the planetary floating artillery defense system, various remote control, can also automatically alert the floating turrets, deployed in an array outside the atmosphere, whether it is destroying meteorites or attacking illegal units, it is quite good, but with the dragon family, the golden crow Compared with those two, they are too far behind.

  Others have given away a set of gene editing equipment, which allows humans to improve their own race. Unfortunately, just one set is a drop in the bucket for all mankind. To create some mutants, is it to split society?

  What’s more, one hundred thousand vegetable man slaves were given away!

  The so-called vegetable man is a primitive intelligent creature, which is very suitable for the environment of the earth. It only needs water and sunlight plus some organic nutrients to maintain a minimum of survival.

  Have the ability to reproduce themselves, and their estrus and estrus period is when the sun and heat are the most abundant each year.

   is tall and has four times the strength of human beings, but his actions are slow. Generally speaking, his combat power is equal to that of human beings.

  Intelligence is okay. It has multi-threaded thinking and can learn languages. It is approximately equivalent to a human with an IQ of 60 to 70. But as a hardworking laborer, there is still no problem. He has a docile temperament and full endurance, which is very suitable for agriculture.

   "Straight... send us 100,000 people directly?"

  "A slave to an alien civilization! With such a high IQ, it is a race of wisdom at all!"

  "This was not made, it is a natural race! Is it enslaved because there is no civilization?"

   "What about us humans? Because we have reached the interstellar level, will the exploitation methods used be slightly more advanced and civilized?"

  None of the fifty-six countries are still using slaves. I feel very shocked that there are civilizations that give 100,000 intelligent creatures as gifts.

It was the Dark Wings who chose to send the slaves. Seeing that the human reaction was so great, they quickly said: "Although the vegetable people are a natural race, they are sold by the civilization of their vassal... and the vegetable people are not a wise race. The slave economy is The Milky Way is very common, thanks to its diverse and luxuriant, numerous natural life planets."

  "The races with substandard imagination are just animals. Enslaving them is just like enslaving cows and horses."

  While he explained, he slandered in his heart that mankind abolished slavery, and if he believes that it is backward, does he think that advanced civilization in the universe will also abolish slavery? Humans would think this way, purely because there is no suitable enslavement target on the human planet.

  If vegetable people are born on the earth, humans will surely enslave them, this is economically determined.

  The Dark Wing Clan’s messenger continued: “Enslave the same level of wisdom, and even creatures of the same clan as you will be backlashed. It is only natural that the system will be eliminated.”

"In the universe, it is also believed that it is barbarians to enslave the same race and enslave civilized creatures with higher intelligence. However, there is no problem with the enslavement of races whose intelligence is lower than the standard value, and there will never be any slave uprising. If there is really The slaves created a large-scale uprising. This kind of strong spirit of resistance can be regarded as higher wisdom. Instead, the civilization that enslaved them will be released to their freedom, making them their own vassal race and allowing them to establish a nation."

"There are about a hundred countries in the galaxy, which were promoted by the slave race in the past. This is normal in the galaxy. After all, the efficiency of civilization in creating social wealth is much higher than the slave economy... This is the galaxy is very advanced and universal System."

  The Dark Wings did not have slavery at first. They stepped into the interstellar age and met various life planets before they gradually ‘developed’ ‘advanced’ slavery.

  After all, on their previous home planet, the species were too barren. Counting microbes, there were only six species...

  This kind of situation is too common in the universe, unless it is a force that engages in a gray industry like Anunnaki, the general decent force actually expects the upgrade of the slave race.

Hearing these words, the human representatives were stunned and couldn't help but retort: ​​"No, isn't it right? How can it be advanced to have slaves? Since this vegetable man has wisdom, then it is wrong to sell it. They were not born. Civilization, just because you didn't give them this time!"

  "It’s like all kinds of people on Earth for millions of years. Although their intelligence is very low, given them enough time, civilization will evolve!"

At this time, Huang Ji personally retorted: "No, in fact, in the history of the earth, in the past hundreds of millions of years, countless species more intelligent than the'human animals' have evolved. Some have existed for thousands of years. For example, an egg-thief dragon, it not only uses tools, but also smashes flint to make fire with its hands holding eggs, but in the end they all went extinct, and they did not develop civilization."

  Everyone is shocked. Dinosaurs are a species tens of millions of years ago. How did Huang Ji know this? Are you talking nonsense?

Huang Ji continued: "Looking closer, Neanderthals’ brains are no less than humans, but their wisdom has gone the wrong way in the evolution, has serious defects, and cannot understand complex language and social structures. It is destined to not develop civilization."

   "Of course, their extinction was accidental. If anyone interfered, Neanderthals could continue into modern society. I can guarantee that they must be slaves of modern Homo sapiens."

   "I don't agree that the slavery system in StarCraft is advanced, but it does exist reasonably."

  Slavery is reasonable? The human representatives are very excited and feel that Huang Ji is subverting their civilization and is unpredictable!

  Huang Ji actually explained slavery, which is a completely inhuman thought.

  However, most of them remained silent and noncommittal.

Only the British representative, with an expression of'we are extremely civilized', stood up and said: "Impossible, perhaps in the past will be enslaved, but with the development of productivity, the slave economy cannot keep up with the times. Whether it is civilized or not, whether it is We are not of the same race, and neither of us will enslave creatures with a certain amount of wisdom."

  Huang Ji smiled, staring at the British representative who was speaking and said: "Really? Then why do human beings desire to enslave higher-intelligent artificial intelligence?"

"In the imagination of human beings, we all hope that there will be a robot with human intelligence, even higher than human intelligence, and even with emotions. And enslave them, and we must also imagine all methods to prevent them from rebellion, and hope that they will live forever and remain loyal. Serve mankind and create wealth for all mankind."

"Although such artificial intelligence does not exist, human beings yearn for its existence all the time, right? It is precisely this kind of thing that does not exist, that is why interstellar civilizations retreat to second place and create various sub-intelligent races. They are better than others. Human beings are more sensible, knowing that civilization cannot control higher-level wisdom, so they only enslave lower-level wisdom. If low-level wisdom has potential, it will be allowed to become higher-level wisdom. This is already quite moral."

  "This..." The representative of England was speechless and completely stunned.

  Huang Ji leaned forward, staring at the sluggish compatriots before him, and said: "What human beings really abolish is only the system that enslaves itself."

  Everyone moved their throats twice, but they didn’t know how to refute it.

  Humans still don’t know that there is an upper limit on the intelligence level of artificial intelligence, so they have been working hard to invent robots that are smarter than humans.

  Undoubtedly, it is hoped that there will be a kind of labor that can replace human beings and free human beings from some unwilling things.

  No one has ever said: We create a race of robots as smart as ourselves, and then share the earth together, share land and resources with them, teach them skills, compete with them for jobs, and enrich the diversity of our society.

  No, no civilization will do this unless the productivity is so high that all side effects are indifferent.

  Huang Ji waved his hand and said: "British representative, sit down, don't stand. All of you present here are civilizations with a long history. Don't talk about some hypocritical things, let alone lie to yourself."

  The British representative sat down slowly and glanced at each other with the other representatives.

  In fact, everyone understands this truth. Human beings just don’t have objects suitable for slavery. Or to put it in a more neutral description, that is, human beings have not domesticated a species that is smart enough to replace most of their labor.

  If it exists, humans must now also have vassal slave races.

   just doesn’t exist, that’s why humans say this. The subtext is actually: Anyway, no lower intelligent species can be enslaved, so why not do it if you are hypocritical?

  North American civilization has no cavalry because there is no horse at all. If there are horses, the Indians domesticated faster than anyone else.

  Huang Ji tore off the mask of human hypocrisy. For a while, everyone felt a lot more transparent.

  They thought deeply, it is very advantageous to import the slave races of interstellar civilization when the robots are not smart enough. They can replace a lot of human labor and even some dangerous jobs, liberating more people to receive education.

  If the humanoid creatures are not very good and will cause social repercussions, then non-humanoid races.

  This vegetable man is very good, looks like a tree man, like a biochemical robot that can perform complex tasks.

  Although not very smart, in modern society, machines are mainly used for work, so as long as they can operate machines, it’s fine.

  Looking at it this way, the gifts of the Dark Wings are very good. There are more than 10,000 vegetable people, so they can feed and breed.

  The changes in their attitudes can be seen by all civilizations at once.

  In a short time, many civilizations have come up with various slave races.

  "Vegetable people are a bit low-level. Learn about the Jagged tribe. They are smarter and quick to respond. Although there are only a hundred, these people have learned to control various nano-level instruments..."

  "I, fishy clan, understand? It can adapt to the pressure of 10,000 meters deep sea, and it is much more convenient to carry out underwater operations than human beings."

  "The gift I prepared is from the Wingshou tribe, with a total of 3,000 people, capable of manned flight, and has a sense of direction and time concept..."

  Many medium civilizations prepare slaves.

  Because Ichirang can buy a lot...Although Ichirang does not buy a hundred thousand vegetable people like the Dark Wings, many of them are functionally better than vegetable people.

  However, Lu Sa was aside, and said abruptly: "I have these slave races, the Jinwu tribe, and we are the largest slave economy in the galaxy."

   "If the civilization of light becomes the leader, I will open the trading channels of all slave races to the earth civilization, and I can customize it at will!"

  For a time, many civilized messengers retired consciously. Their civilization had no specialties, so they came here to join in the fun.

  Luzar even said this, they are not competitive, so they can only watch the show.

  You must know that in the game of gifts, higher civilizations have a great advantage, because they have too many ways to reduce costs.

  And the lower civilizations can only do all kinds of strange tricks, spend more time.

  For example, Darrow, the representative of the beast civilization, wants to be the leader of the earth in return for Huang Ji. In addition, as Ziwei's vassals, they got the status of guide, wouldn't it mean that Ziwei got it?

  I saw Darrow preparing 10,000 quantum computers, yes, 10,000!

  Enough enough for all the first-class research institutes on the planet to have one! Each one is more than a dozen orders of magnitude more advanced than the large quantum computers of earth civilization.

  But even the lower civilizations don’t bother to use such backward computers, so one shot is enough to receive a lot.

  This is the second-hand goods acquired by the beast civilization from the homes of a large number of rice bugs and poor ghosts, but for the people of the earth, it is already extremely advanced.

  It is quite ingenious to reduce costs by collecting used goods.

  Advanced, numerous, and extremely practical computers, this caused a sensation among human scientists and included them in the priority list.

  After all, a supercomputer is one of the basic conditions for scientific research. The better the computer, the more manpower, material resources and time can be saved.

Compared with   , Tianxin civilization appears to be ‘very stretchy’. As the top leaders in the unified power era, they did not engage in any way to cut costs and realize high-tech products.

  Instead, I bought eight kilograms of antimatter directly with Ichirang!

  Different civilizations have different prices for antimatter. Eight kilograms per lang is already the cheapest antimatter.

  Tianxin Civilization has its own mines, and the antimatter nebula with hundreds of thousands of times the mass of the sun is enough to get them the lowest price, and the remaining cost is used to make a transparent ball for storing antimatter.

   "Antimatter! Eight kilograms of antimatter!"

   "Moreover, there are storage devices for our long-term research!"

  One gram of antimatter and one gram of positive matter are annihilated, and nearly 50 million kilowatt-hours of electricity can be produced.

  In terms of energy, eight kilograms of antimatter is already a lot of wealth.

  The key is that this is something that is not on earth! Not to mention the earth, the entire solar system and even the surrounding galaxies are absent.

  Humans either find aliens to buy, or they can only produce by themselves, but the efficiency of production is too low, the cost is so high that the unit is trillions, it takes hundreds of years to make a gram, and it can’t be preserved...

  The gift from Tianxin Civilization is a clever and unworkable gift, and it also makes the geoscientists very excited.

  However, Lu Sa shook her wings on the side, and said casually: "Antimatter? This is the basic resources that my light civilization intends to open to earth civilization after becoming the guide. You can buy it directly."

   "What!" The human side is shocked, can you buy it directly?

  With this sentence, the gift of Tianxin civilization instantly depreciated...

  Tianxin civilization messenger said indifferently: “Tianxin civilization can also open antimatter purchase channels. My civilization has the most antimatter nebula, and the price is naturally the lowest.”

  "As a unified civilization, the price of our civilization is one of the best in the entire galaxy."

  Lusa stopped speaking, and understood the strategy of Tianxin civilization. Tianxin civilization only presents anti-matter as a gift, which is actually equivalent to ‘inspecting goods’, showing the earth’s people the channel details for the low-cost export of countless kinds of resources.

  When others were still thinking about gifts, Tianxin Civilization jumped out of this framework and directly used the ‘long-term future’ and the ‘benefits of long water’ to attract the people of the earth.

"Hahaha, the Tianxin civilization is still great, our Shacha civilization is not so great, but we and Ziwei are close allies, and we have the greatest kindness and sincerity to the earth civilization." Han Bai said, Chong Le King Ke winked.

  Leji King waved his hand, bang bang bang, a device larger than a container, suddenly fell down twenty boxes.

  "Earth civilization has ingested a huge amount of radiation during the gamma natural disaster. For this reason, Shacha civilization has prepared ten sets of smart antibody production lines and ten sets of breeding cabins for gene repair solutions."

  "The gene repair solution can make up for the broken gene chain of human beings after being exposed to radiation. Humans have such a degree of gene collapse that they are not ranked in the interstellar."

  "Smart antibody is a nano-robot that strengthens the human immune system. It can protect the immune system and guide immune cells to recognize all viruses, bacteria, and even cancer cells known to humans."

   "What!" The representatives of human beings knew right away that this was a gift specially prepared for the radiating patients everywhere on the earth.

  Not only that, but incidentally, it also solved all the stubborn diseases of mankind, even cancer.

  Of course, with the development of the times, there will be more powerful pathogens, but even if it is only to solve most of the diseases that humans cannot solve, this is a remarkable thing.

  There is no doubt that the gift of Shacha civilization is very important to the earth’s civilization, and physical health is the first!

   Keeping close to current affairs, this is the strategy of Shacha Civilization. Originally, King Le Ji had prepared this not. After Han avoided returned, he asked him to replace it with this gift.

"Foul! The cost of the production line of smart antibodies tailored for humans is at least 500 rang! You are too much. This kind of expert customization service is often the most expensive in the galaxy. Don't tell me this is suitable for humans. You have already researched the new product, and the technical safety review period has ended. Now you can donate it to open source!" Lu Sa was anxious, feeling that Shacha Civilization had done too much cheating.

  Hanbihui reclaimed the information publicly and said: “It’s really that more than 30 years ago, the Shacha civilization made these things... Emperor Ziwei can testify!”

  "When my civilization developed these antibodies, Emperor Ziwei was also there!"

   "Huh?" Luza was stunned. More than 30 years ago, he created intelligent antibodies for humans?

After reading the information, he understood that this is true... The reason is very simple. Shacha Civilization and Ziwei have had long-term cooperative scientific research, and various projects have been studied. The creation of intelligent antibodies for humans is just one of the researchers. Projects that are easily completed.

   Keeping up with current events does not mean that these products are temporarily studied.

  Lu Sa's eyes were burning, she looked at Huang Ji, and thought: "Could it be that Sha Cha is the leader of Huang Ji's hope?"

   "You were too rushed after all, Han avoid." Huang Ji said.

   "What?" Han Bi was stunned.

  Huang Ji looked at him and said, "Just have one set of production line. What do you send so much for? In your eyes, do you only see this?"

  "I..." Han avoid thought carefully, and suddenly slapped the volute, annoyed.

  These production line materials are not precious, and they are not much more advanced than the current technology of human beings. The key is the value of medical intellectual property tailored for human beings. And these, because they have been researched a long time ago, they can be donated directly to the Star Alliance now.

  The cost space freed up in this way is huge, and he can give some more.

  In the end, he thought that Huang Ji was already interested in Shacha, and then he simply shipped the production line from the warehouse in an emergency, and was unprepared for the rest.

  He didn’t care, he didn’t care...

   "Apart from Shacha, who else has developed human intelligent antibodies thirty years ago?" Han Bi murmured, and suddenly he looked at Nefeta with a serious and somewhat naive face.

  Nuomu civilization followed Ziwei earlier than Shacha.


   P.s: Sorry.



  (End of this chapter)

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