The Omniscient

Chapter 803: Creationism

   The earth is shrouded in golden light, but judging from the waves of fierce collisions, the energy impact outside the atmosphere is extremely terrifying.

  A black line spread out from the sky, like cracked lines.

   Fragile humans, the panic about this can be imagined.

   died all of a sudden, but it was light, this kind of torture that may die at any time, on the contrary, makes people feel more depressed and powerless.

   After a short while, the earth cracked and the vast sea raised huge waves.

   Some lonely islands overseas, the land was swept into mud torrents by huge waves, and then the entire island sank underground.

   The entire earth is undergoing major earthquakes, the axis of the earth becomes unstable, and the earth’s rotation begins to tremble...

  Human technology has developed to the point where it is today, and it is still unable to face this kind of global natural disaster.

   They still seem to be bacteria on the earth's membrane, and they will be wiped out by the earth-shaking power anytime and anywhere.

   "It's over!"

   "That layer of golden light can only protect the outside from aggression, and protect the earth from being affected by the extra power...the lack of power is left out..."

   This is the shock after losing the moon. The ocean was pulled up by tidal forces, and the axis of the earth was originally stable because of the moon. Without this force, it would be a huge catastrophe for the whole world.

   On this occasion of despair, in the northwest of China, the mountains and rivers and soil layers are rolling to the sides, and a giant, thousands of miles long, rises into the air.

   The giant can be seen all over the eastern hemisphere, roaring thousands of miles, candles shining everywhere.

  Candle Dragon!

   Xingxing Eco Controller!

   It broke through the mountains and rivers, soaring upward, the dragon head raised, the tsunami subsided, the giant tail swaggered, and the earth's axis was stable.

   It can be said that the dragon and the snake rise from the land, the world repeats.

   The many shocks caused by the loss of the moon have all been calmed down one by one.

   "What is that? Isn't this a dragon?"

   "Why did the dragon pop up?"

   The people in the northwestern region are in a state of confusion. Tonight, one after another of drastic changes, no ordinary people will accept it.

   Fortunately, although they were frightened by the huge battles of dragons and snakes rising up through the mountains and rivers and soaring into the sky, it was not a major problem. Today's buildings are very strong.

   And soon, there are sane people who see that the candle dragon is a technological creation.

   "Is that the secret weapon of China? It quelled the turmoil that lost the moon."

   "But this consumes a lot of energy, right? Disasters that affect the world require huge energy supply every minute and every second..."

   People are right, the consumption of candle dragons is huge, and China quickly spread the news to all countries.

   It is impossible to rely on their family alone. Now China is already using war-preparation energy sources, such as antimatter and dragon crystal.

   This kind of thing is used a little less, if you want to maintain the candle dragon for a long time, you must use the global energy integration nuclear fusion superconducting circuit to concentrate the energy.

   I can only see the blue light that is visible to the naked eye, connecting and converging in the sky.

   In the northeast, southeast, and southwest directions, the energy centers of the provinces all emit a beam of light and hit the candle dragon.

   Then, centering on the northwest of China, various countries in the Eurasian continent also sent energy beams.


   "Not enough... it's best to save all energy for combat readiness."

   "Then mobilize the masses."

   After another period of time, many small cities on the Eurasian continent also emitted light beams, followed by various companies.

   In the end, every household was dimmed, and a steady stream of energy was sent to the candle dragon.

   Looking down from the sky, the energy beams are densely packed like a snare.

   Compared with the gamma natural disasters of the year, mankind has to deal with catastrophes calmly and united a lot.

   Except for the sense of collapse when the mentality exploded when they first saw the accidental strangeness at the first time, most people were able to maintain their rationality in the subsequent series of influences.

   After all, it is not the first time. Every time I grow up a little bit, the quality of the collective is improved layer by layer. Chaos is meaningless, it will only suffer, not to mention making a contribution, but also knowing not to make trouble.

   However, there is only so much that humans can do.

   I don’t know how long it has been. Many people have finished speaking their last words and haven’t seen any attacks on the earth. Instead, the terrifying energy from the outside is gradually dissipating.

   People can see the starry sky again, but an orange-red ‘moon’ floats in the dark night.

   "Isn't the moon destroyed?"

   "That's Mars!"


   Mars is as big as the moon disk, which means it is very close to the earth!

   The monster outside the sky attracted sparks?

  In the distant universe, the golden giant and the Thousand-Hand Monster are fighting fiercely far apart.

   Even human beings can see how far apart, it is conceivable that the actual distance between the two is even more distant, at least tens of millions of kilometers.

   How to fight fiercely at such a distance?

   Of course, it was a high-dimensional descending over-range strike.

  Various kinds of high-energy bombardment breed out of thin air, often when the golden giant gets out of the way, the vacuum in the place explodes violently.

   On the other hand, the Thousand-Handed Monster is constantly bursting with violent high-energy beams and even light.

   The bizarre energy has shattered the Thousand-Hand Monster to pieces.

   Human scientists are curiously observing, awe, doubts, sighs, all emotions are condensed together.

   There is an incredible meaning in the eyes, as shocking as seeing a miracle, that is the endless worship of the ultimate power.

  In the human physics building, there is no such thing as energy falling tens of thousands of kilometers away in an instant.

   Whether it is super-light speed or transition, or high-dimensional strike, they are all technologies that they can hardly look up to.

   In addition, they soon discovered that not only Mars had been sucked in, but the distant planets were all rushing to the battlefield from all directions.

   This is not simply because of gravity, but some kind of force is moving them. Star shift is easy to stay, and the star shifts when you fight.


   The sky was trembling violently, and silent explosions occurred in every corner of the solar system.

   The range of Huang Ji and the strange and accidental battle is getting bigger and bigger.

   The principle of ultra-range strikes is to exchange equivalence with the universe through quantum fluctuations, resulting in a sudden explosion of high-energy strikes in empty space.

   In a flash, the solar system was ‘fireworks’ everywhere. The silent place suddenly resembled a supernova explosion, giving birth to countless brilliance, and every explosion seemed as if there were stars falling there.

   "There is our forward base on Mars, oh, Mars doesn't seem to be protected!"

   "It doesn't matter, all the spacecraft have escaped from the solar system, there is no one on it."

   "No one? No, we have received a signal from Mars. Someone is praying to the stars! Pray for forgiveness!"

   Humans have observed that Mars continuously sends out various signals for help and prayer.

   This makes the earth civilized government very confused, who is it? Who is still on Mars?

   "Wait a minute, has that person been on Mars? Hasn't returned to Earth?" Yu Moshuo suddenly thought of a person.


"It's a person from the Illuminati. It's called Nochira. When we stepped into the interstellar age, we found him when we established a base on Mars. But he kept his door behind and decided not to return to Earth, so we didn't care about him. , Only if the Illuminati are going to drop a small piece of land on Mars."

   Mars was the channel through which China obtained extraterrestrial resources in the early days. There was an underground base on it, which was established before Huang Ji had left. The defender was Nozilla, the ‘emperor’ of the Messiah in the past.

   Later mankind entered the interstellar age, and China officially established a base on Mars and was self-sufficient. Nochira also did not come out, always locked himself in the ancient base underground.

   He is like an old antique isolated from the world, still fearing the little gray...

   Nokira was sent by Huang Ji to guard the mine on Mars, and he firmly believed that the Lord would return. He firmly believed that Huang Ji had killed the little gray man, and disaster was bound to come, and mankind would be destroyed one day.

   So he hid in the ground, until today, he finally waited for the ‘great trial’.

Of course, madly publish electromagnetic broadcasts, shouting "Great Six", "I am the last loyal minister of the Illuminati", "Don't hurt Mars", "Pray for your forgiveness", "I have one of the 666 places in the ancient contract." 'Wait a minute.

   After translating Nozilla's distress signal, the earth civilized government is speechless.

   Are you still waiting for the big trial? It's 2066!

   Everyone knows that Nozilla is very excited at this moment. He is over eighty years old, and his face is red, dancing excitedly in the shabby underground base.

   He hated Huang Ji for sending him to Mars, so he simply walked all the way to the dark, and let him leave him without leaving.

   Thinking of Huang Ji’s success, it is only temporary. One day, the Lord will come, and one day the power of God will destroy the solar system.

   When the time comes, what Huangji, what double-pupil faction, are just a passing moment. In that case, he simply stayed away from the earth and stayed under this Mars, waiting for that day to come.

   As the last faith of the Illuminati, strive for the final and final victory.

   In the middle of the journey, he doubted himself countless times and wanted to return to Earth countless times, but he had waited too long, and the sunk costs forced him to persist.

   At the beginning, it was because of the wobbly between the Illuminati and the double pupil, and fell to Mars. If you give up halfway and give up your faith, if the Lord comes, wouldn’t it be dumbfounded?

   When the Illuminati was strong, he was the Messiah. When Messiah ushered in the savior, he was an Illuminati spy. After the rise of the heavy pupil, he is a loyal little grey dog...

   Hedong for thirty years, Hexi for thirty years. After he deeply realized the changes in this situation, he realized that he decided to wait until the last ‘must win camp’ and hug Liushen’s thickest leg. He didn’t want to stand on the wrong team anymore!

   Finally, I'm sorry, he's waiting!

   Observing the two giants fighting fiercely in the solar system, Nochira burst into tears, and all the feelings he gave in the past are worth it.

   Is this the big trial? This is Liu's anger.

   The human race is over, what about entering the interstellar age? The entire solar system is going to be over!

   "I am the last defender of the Illuminati, and my belief in you will be carried out forever!"

  Nochira kept sending his shouts to the starry sky. He didn't know which of the Golden Giant and Thousand Hands Monster was the master, so he broadcasted directly.

   But guessing from the outside, the bigger, taller, and stronger Thousand-Handed Monster is probably the lord of the legend.

   The golden giant is too much like Huang Ji. Those three eyes and the energy vortex like a double pupil are probably the ultimate strength of the development of the double pupil force to this day.

   The vast majority of human beings can receive these broadcasts, and even more advanced mobile phones these days can receive cosmic signals.

   People who know the interstellar language do not know the cryptic stories of the Illuminati and Messiah. They thought that Nozilla was an earthly civilized astronaut guarding Mars.

  Nochira's words caused great social repercussions, and many people were at a loss. Is the Thousand-Handed Monster a god? As long as you believe in him, you can get asylum?

   Fifty-six countries are relatively stable, but North America is excited!

   They are already prevalent with extreme pro-foreignism. Through Nozilla’s broadcast, they seem to have heard a certain kind of bible, digging out countless religious doctrines from every word...

  What 666, the ancient contract, and the **** of light were suddenly absorbed by countless cyber-states.

  Many people in colorful and weird clothes, waving signs, rushing to the streets to pray, bounce and dance.

   "Boom! Boom!"

   A terrifying beam of light penetrated Venus, and countless fissures of white light spread on the surface of Venus, and Mars became a huge luminous body with its brilliance.

   The mankind looked at the ancient planet in horror, and it burst into pieces.

  Nochira also worshipped this mighty power with great awe.

   "I didn't expect Huang Ji to fight against the gods? But...too small!"

  Nochira was shocked by the strength of the golden giant, and she could not let the wind fall. But the most intuitive feeling, still can see the weakness of the golden giant.

   No matter its size or energy, it is much weaker than the Thousand-Hand Monster, as if a bird and an elephant are fighting.

   It can be seen that all Huang Ji's methods are trying to save energy as much as possible, and every attack is slender and thin.

   Looking back at the Thousand-Handed Monster, it is powerful and powerful.

   "Hahaha! Too strong! Too strong!"

   "This is the great six. After all, mankind disappears into the universe, and only God can give me eternal life."


  Nochira's face changed suddenly.

   I saw Huang Ji tear the accidental strangeness into tens of thousands. The thousand-handed monster collapsed suddenly, and countless materials poured into Huang Ji, making the golden giant body grow stronger and stronger.

   Thousand-handed monster, it collapsed into a cloud of light when it was caught off guard.

   "Boom!" Huang Ji grabbed it by accident and pressed it against the core of the sun.

  The huge power twisted the sun into a swimming circle!

   Countless solar matter continues to spread, blowing in all directions.

   "This...can't beat you?" He said strangely and shockedly.

   A thousand times the immortal material gap, one hundred thousand times the unified mass-energy gap... They all lost?

   It's not that he has to waste so much energy, but that he doesn't apply an attack with great coverage and can't hit the yellow pole at all.

   Even if it was an instant over-range strike, Huang Ji was able to dodge, but it was strange that he could only be forced to use more energy.

   Looking at Huang Ji, he only needs fine needles, long threads, and flake-like attacks to break his mecha body to pieces with Xiaobo!

   Mingming Huang Ji is still sleepwalking! The brain is burned out!

   "But, I still..."

   "You haven't lost yet!" Huang Ji said for him.

   Strangely by accident, a wormhole was created shortly afterwards, and dozens of magnificent figures descended on this world.

   Forty-two members of the truth society, gather!

   "No, I admit that I lost! But... the battle is not over yet!"

   "Who will single you out! I still have a helper! Hahaha, today I have to let you have a taste of defeat!"

   accidentally laughed strangely, this battle was originally a discussion, he had lost, he admitted, but he also wanted Huang Ji to be beaten!

   Long before he came to the solar system, he informed the truth society, and now the whole family is coming to beat Huang Ji!

  In a short time, the battle has been reversed again!

   One accidental strangeness is enough, and forty-one powerful strangers come again?

   Although it doesn't seem to be accidental and magnificent, but the volume is not weaker than Huang Ji.

   Seeing this scene, Nozilla burst into tears.

   Huang Ji defeated Huang Ji by accident, and almost scared him to death. Now seeing a group of people beating Huang Ji, he immediately relieved his heart.

   "I didn't expect you to win a small win. This kind of miracle is just like defeating Dies back then... What a **** of war..."

   "However, the six gods are the overlords of the universe. How can he fight against the countless gods under his command..."

  Nochira couldn't help but admire Huang Ji. He was too defying, and he was numb to the miracle.

   But how about winning every battle? A tactical victory can never reverse a strategic defeat.

   Back then, the overlord of Western Chu, victorious in all battles, created countless military miracles, and no one could defeat him head-on. However, the enemy fought more and more, but his own people fought less and less.

   The enemy can lose countless times, but he can't lose even once, until he loses everything in the end, he can only suffocate himself.

Isn't    Huangji the same? I haven't lost a single time, but once lost, it's all gone.

  Nochira looked in a trance, he actually admires Huang Ji very much, it is the light of human miracle.

   But the absolute difference in power made him stand firmly on the winning side.

   At this time, the battle escalated.

   Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, burst one by one.

   A tangible and invisible force swept the entire solar system.

   Even the huge sun itself fell into the vortex, and was finally torn into a sea of ​​flames!

   A circle of interstellar dust formed a ring of debris, sternly surrounding the battlefield.

  Nochira looked up at the mighty power and kept muttering.

   Suddenly, he fell into a panic.

   came because of the power swept, and Mars is also in it!

   "Lord! I am the last watchman of the Illuminati!"

  Nochira was terrified and sent a message frantically, but felt that the sparks were about to be torn apart, so he rushed into the escape capsule.

  嘭! Mars was divided into two, then broken into tens of thousands of pieces, and then turned into billions of debris like broom stars.

   The prayers on the earth stopped abruptly. What the last watchman of the Illuminati is meaningless, Mars is gone...

   The same power also spread to the earth, but the golden light left by the yellow pole firmly protected the sky.

  Zhao Wushuang stood on top of a building in the City of David, broadcasting to the whole city: "Hahaha! A bunch of idiots! God is created by man!"

   "Who do you think is flying into the sky to fight? He is a human!"

   "If you want to protect yourself, you have to become as strong as him!"

   Of course, Zhao Wushuang knew Huang Ji. At this moment, he finally understood why Fang Ye said that. It turns out that the earth people can really be so strong.

   It is a pity that he still doesn't know Huang Ji well, so he can only take the opportunity to wave the banner and shout here, destroy the deep-rooted power of the local church, disintegrate from it, and grow his team.

  People have also inquired about who the figure that flew into the sky before to fight is really.

   But most people don't know, and they can only be judged by accidental and strange initial invitation to fight, it is a person named Ziwei Great Emperor. Literal translation in interstellar language is ‘there is the Lord of Ursa’.

   "But... he seems to be losing..."

   People looked up at the starry sky, Huang Ji was indeed about to lose. Although the wind was still not falling, he was almost out of energy.

   On this occasion, a dim light suddenly lit up in the distance, one after another, endless and mighty.

   There are countless fleets in neat rows!

   is the Allied Forces of the Star Alliance, all kinds of ferocious huge war weapons, which have entered the solar system at this moment.

   Many big bosses of the Star Alliance failed to stop the accidental and strange rushing in, and they immediately summoned a civilized army and rushed to rescue them.

   As for any rules, break it if you break it, Huang Ji can't get into trouble anyway.

   So almost, the 3,000 civilizations of the Star Alliance have collectively killed, filling the solar system that has turned into a stellar air cluster!

   Starship the sea? No, this is the sea of ​​stars! The vehicles of advanced civilization are all giants. Either the mighty nebula, or the neutron battle star, or some kind of giant spectacle-like war weapon. All kinds of artistic styles beyond imagination, or fierce, weird, perfect and exquisite, or cold and cool...

   The universe has been obscured again, and humans have too narrow a field of vision, they can only look out through the small, cramped windows of the atmosphere.

   Seeing from my eyes, countless horrible things seem to fill time and space, making people all over the world silent.

   "Truth Society! If you don't hold your hands, you will die today."

   Star Alliance coalition forces, this is the most gathered since the establishment.

   In their view, the entire galaxy has no existence that can resist this force.

   "Swipe!" The people of the truth society slipped away and fled directly through the wormhole, leaving only an accidental strangeness.

   Although they know this is playing with Huang Ji, but what if? The Truth Society doesn't want to get caught up in a pot, so everyone withdraws first and let the accidental and strange things take care of themselves.

   But they were right. Huang Ji really didn't care about this provocative action. In fact, this was the incident he chose.

   is strange by chance, but it is just a chess piece.

   "Huang Ji, are you okay?" Luo Yan came to Huang Ji's side.

   I saw Huang Ji's brain gradually recovering, and then controlled the continuous energy provided by Ziwei to directly peel off the Super Galaxy Mecha.

   After that, from the brain of this ascending body, an astral human race that was 1,800 meters high came out.

   This is the optimized body of Huang Ji's deity, which is completely composed of immortal matter.

   He opened his eyes and then he regained consciousness...

   Huang Ji calmly said, "How come it's okay... My Tao is only beginning now."

  He controls the Super Galactic Mech, and the force field covers the solar system.

   In the next second, countless materials seem to be rewinding, returning to their original state.

   The Star Alliance forces were directly moved out of the solar system by him, so as not to get in the way.

   Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn... and even the sun, all recover one by one.

   Even his life can be restored as it is, let alone the stars?

   Human beings have wide-eyed eyes, unable to believe that there is such a mighty power, as if back in time.

  Nochira has also been resurrected, as long as it does not die for more than ten minutes, it is not considered dead.

   Huang Ji controlled the Super Galaxy Mecha constantly adjusting and deforming, and finally turned into a humanoid silhouette. The inner technology and structure have been optimized.

   Occasionally, the strangely looking eyes shined, and countless questions were squeezed in his heart to ask for advice.

   Huang Ji ignored him, only supporting the resurrected Nozilla and came to the sky above the earth.

   "You... are you Huang Ji? You defeated the god?" Nozilla said tremblingly, standing on Huang Ji's palm as if he was in the boundless continent.

   "You mean Wanhua Jing? He was dead long ago!" Luo Yan couldn't help but vomit, and was also drunk. It's 2066, and still watching the faith of the Illuminati, this Nochira is really a genius.

   After listening to Luo Yan, he didn't understand what truth society, what mecha made by the body of the straw hat ruler, and what the master of this galaxy group.

  Nochira burst into tears, he waited all his life, only waiting for Huang Ji's complete victory?

   It is clear that he was the Messiah from the beginning, and he was one of the first people to follow Huang Ji.

   "Can you accept me? Huang Ji?" Nozilla trembled.

   "Do you want to pray for the salvation of the gods?" Huang Ji suddenly asked this sentence.

  Nochira looked at him feverishly: "You are God!"

   Huang Ji smiled and said lightly: "You are old, go home."

   He flipped his palm, and a force sent Nozilla to the new headquarters of the Illuminati in North America, California.

   Huang Ji's gaze overlooked the people on the ground.

   People also looked up at him.

   I saw Huang Ji strip away the great, tyrannical, and trembling Super Galactic Mecha, and then gave it to the accidental strangeness. He was only left with the body of the astral human race.

   Occasionally weird and couldn't wait to merge in, and said with joy: "You have completely improved! Wonderful! Wonderful!"

   There were a lot of babbles, and everyone on the ground was dumbfounded.

   Huang is very difficult to get the spoils, and he will return it if he says it is.

   Strange occasionally at this moment, and as magnificent as gods and demons.

   But compared to the state of being scared to madness when looking up at the Thousand Hands Monster, looking at the same magnificent humanoid silhouette at this moment, people don't have the slightest fear in their hearts, and there is no longer the previous hysteria of facing the unknown.

   On the contrary, they are very curious about this unknown power. Can anyone use this thing?

   Huangji fusion, he is God. Occasionally weird fusion, accidental weirdness is God.

   But after all, it is just a powerful technological force. As long as creation and mastering this power, human beings will one day be able to control the stars.

   The advancement of civilization is the constant creation, and the essence of creationism is the creation of gods by man. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

   "Let's go." Huang Ji turned and flew away, ignoring the cry of various electromagnetic waves on the earth.

   Without turning his head back, he flew into the dark and deep universe without any nostalgia.

   Behind him is the mighty, countless powerful and civilized army, following them.

   I don’t know how long it took, everything is the same as before, and the sun rises as usual.

   The solar system has become clean, and the sky is empty...

   But human ambitions are filled.

   The high level of the earth civilization couldn't come back for a long time, Yu Moshuo put down his high head with emotion, and suddenly caught a glimpse of the person next to him.

   Lin Li Zheng opened his mouth in a daze, with question marks all over his face.

   "Huh? Are you left behind?" Yu Moshuo was in a daze.

   Lin Li said bitterly: "It seems to have forgotten me..."

   "It's okay, you can find Mother Nuo to send you back to Ziwei." Yu Moshuo comforted.

   "I know, but he didn't take me with him when he left..." Lin Li thought for a while, and suddenly realized.

   "No, how could the eldest brother forget me? He knew he left without saying goodbye, hoping that I would say goodbye to Grandpa for him."



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