The Omniscient

Chapter 811: Gulambaatar

The master of    shouting, the image is extremely tragic.

   He has only a small piece of remnant left, weighing only a thousand tons, appearing hastily in the twisted time and space, flying out embarrassingly.

   What's more terrifying is what he said, the orange light overlord has fallen? Of course, the fall here refers to the loss of the most important characters.

   Overlords like Orange Light have at least ten types of masters, and at least they are all galaxy-level geniuses starting. Only when two or more galaxy-level genius personalities merge, it is possible to get the low-dimensional expedition quota.

   Undoubtedly, this loss is enormous. The loss of orange light has also brought a cosmic genius personality. This immediately fell to the bottom of the overlord, and may even fall out of the ranks of the overlord.

   Besides, it didn’t take long for the orange light to go down. If even he had fallen so quickly, there would be an ambush underneath, and the many explorers who went down might have all fallen.

   It's probably good luck to flee back to this.

   "The place of arrival has been exposed..."

   "I'm afraid I encountered the Legion of Dimension Guardians as soon as I got down!"

   There are many experienced people present, and they immediately realized what happened.

   But the master who fled back should know better, but he didn't say more, but went to the administrator to upload information privately.

   After a short while, his broken body was repaired, not only that, but also reached the level of 500,000 tons.

   This means that he has obtained information on immortal materials worth 500,000 tons in one breath!

  It must be brand new and important information!

   Rui Ji murmured: "What happened, he got so many rewards after uploading...

   "Five hundred thousand tons of immortal materials, really low-dimensional expeditions are the richest!"

   She knows why the straw hat and the phoenix dominate have so many immortal substances, while Taiweihua's technological level is not much worse, but only ten grams is pitiful...

  The master who fled back embarrassedly, she remembered that when she went down, she only had a volume of hundreds of thousands. When she came back to report on the information, her background had soared more than three times. This was a wealth that was too small to accumulate.

   "It should be said that he is seeking wealth and wealth. He was lucky and became a fish that slipped through the net."

   "And all the masters who went down before have all fallen, and after calculation, our dimension is lost."

   Huang Ji said lightly, and Rui Ji calmed down. Yeah, Tai Weihua didn't have the chance to go down at the beginning, but none of the people who went down came back alive. This is how poor it is.

   None of the people present blamed the master for not disclosing the information. After all, the information obtained by others desperately must be exchanged for money.

   So I want to know what's going on underneath, and whether it has developed any new technology specifically for them, which all have to be bought.

   For a time, many masters began to consult.

   Tianshui also said: "Huang Ji, buy a joint venture with me. It only costs 200,000 Mei, and one person pays half. You can give me a ton of immortal matter."

   Huang Ji stopped him and said with a smile: "You don't need to buy it, it's nothing more than encountering the Legion of Dimension Guardians. Regarding the details of the weapons of some of the strong ones."

   "Of course it is the guardian of the dimension. I guessed this, but the intelligence of any guardian is very precious. Knowing them will help our survival rate." Tian Shuai said solemnly.

   Huang Ji smiled and said, "Anyway, I don't want to buy it. If you want to buy it, you can buy it yourself."

   "You...we are in an alliance, that is, we can use one piece of information, one piece of technology, and share with each other. If we buy it alone, won't we lose?" Tian Shuai said.

  He has been there several times, and he knows the power of the Guardian of Dimension.

   Dimensional Guardian is composed of the most top-notch powerhouses in the light cone of the same dimensional frequency in time and space.

   specializes in resisting and hunting dimension-defenders from upper time and space.

   They represent the strongest guardian power in the current dimension. Legend has it that Lan Tian is one of the guardians of the 3.1415926 dimension.

   In the face of a group of Lantian and even stronger legions, let alone the overlord, even the supreme may fall.

The explorers who have just arrived are very fragile. Even though they are π-class bodies immune to all conventional methods, they are small in size. The average explorer is only a few hundred thousand tons in size, and the Orange Light Overlord only carries it. One billion tons, this is a trivial matter in the face of native indigenous people.

   Coupled with different physical parameters, each of the Guardians has a very good understanding of their own dimensions, and the methods are endless, and technically they are equal to crushing.

  Only explorers who have grown up for a long time after the advent can truly contend with the native guardians.

  Many unrestrained and unrestrained masters have been directly resident in low-dimensional, and they have been mixed for one hundred thousand years, or even longer.

   Some of them may be dead if they didn't come back, and some of them may be that the warping matrix was destroyed, and they were trapped in low-dimensional forever.

   But some have developed into a giant after going through all kinds of hardships and dangers. Once they return, just like the return of the king, they have become the overlord or supreme resounding through the universe.

   Anyway, to be ambushed as soon as I get down is definitely the most dangerous, almost mortal.

  In a short time, the resentment in the hearts of those masters who were stopped by Huang Ji from leaving, was replaced by gratitude.

   They almost followed and died, but Huang Ji stopped them.

   "Inspector, dare to ask your name." The drill is honest.

   Huang Ji announced his own name, the Milky Way constellation dominates Huang Ji, everyone heard that they didn’t know... it was completely unknown.

  Checked carefully and found that he was a newcomer who defeated the Straw Hat Master on record. To be honest, the straw hat... is not very familiar.

   But this does not prevent everyone from respecting him. First of all, Huang Ji has hegemonic level of technology, high technology is worthy of respect, and secondly, he saved everyone. In this indifferent cosmic society, this is a very precious kindness.

   If this group of masters is not grateful to Huang Ji, then others will not think it is Huang Ji stupid, but they think that this group of masters is not worth contacting and should stay away.

   "Thanks for the great grace, I know what happened below, so I will share it with you." The drill master directly gave the information he bought to Huang Ji.

   Huang Ji didn't even look at it, so he changed hands and broadcasted it.

  The decay of the sky and many masters are still entangled in whether to buy it out of their pockets. I was stunned to see this scene, yes, no need to buy it, there are good people who will buy it...

   After reading the information, they were shocked in a cold sweat.

   More than 10,000 massive black holes towered in the descending area, blocking most of the escape angles, and disturbing the warping matrix, making it impossible to return in a short period of time.

   In addition, there are at least three hundred dimensional guardians ambush among them.

   There is also a commander-level guardian named Gulan Bator, who is beyond the astral dominance.

   The Gulan Bator is like a dim starry sky background, with eyes like five giant stars. Without moving, only one of the eyes gleamed slightly, and the body of the orange light overlord was wiped out, turning it into countless methane.

  Although it is still an immortal matter, all the thinking structure and all the mechanical structure of the ascending body are disintegrated and returned to the natural state!

   Orange Light Overlord’s hexagonal weapon automatically counterattacked, and countless high energies blasted on that eye from over distance, causing only slight fluctuations.

   can't understand, this is totally incomprehensible technology. But judging from the fact that the other three hundred guardians are under his command, like his men, this is definitely the supreme existence beyond the dominance of the star realm.

   One can imagine how lucky it is for that guy who escaped!

   "Is it really pure good luck? Maybe, it's good luck to be selected..." Huang Ji said suddenly.

   "Huh?" Diamond Master and others, now attach great importance to what Huang Ji said.

  I looked at the surviving master who had fled back for a moment, he...could he betrayed?

   Dimensional betrayers exist, and in the past long years, there have been several uncovered. In turn, become a low-dimensional spy, work for the low-dimensional π-level boss, provide intelligence and materials, and send immortal materials to the low-dimensional far and away!

   "Hehe..." The surviving master ignored Huang Ji at all, opening the wormhole and preparing to leave.

   However, Huang Ji flew behind him, the force field shrouded.

   "I can come back alive, it is my chance, what right do you have to suspect that I am a betrayer!" The surviving master is furious and burns more immortal matter, and the force field recoils will disintegrate the yellow pole.

   However, something appeared in his body out of thin air, which instantly disrupted his functioning.

   Huang Ji expanded his authority, and of course said: "I am the inspector."

   "What!" The surviving master was stunned.

   He was released back. As the only survivor, he uploaded information that no one could falsify. There was no clue that he had betrayed him. Even the administrator on the scene could not keep him.

   But there is only one authority, and that is the most unwelcome inspector. If you hear about it, you can investigate if you suspect it.

   But this is so offensive, thankless, he never expected that there are still inspectors these days, and they happen to be waiting for him!

   "You and I have an enemy?" The surviving master said solemnly, desperately searching his memory to see if there is such an enemy.

   "No, I'm just performing the duty of an inspector." Huang Ji smiled.

   Surviving the ruler's heart said bad luck, how did you encounter such a neurosis?

   He thought for a while, didn't fight back, and said calmly: "Okay, just ask what you want. I want to know, what can you find out!"

   "I ran back desperately, and I was even suspicious of you. I remember you!"

   Inspectors suspect that anyone can directly stop the investigation, but this investigation power is also limited. At most, they can cross-examine, scan the body, or go to other people’s homes to search for clues.

   In short, it is impossible for people to open source databases, that's over.

   Everyone has secrets and privacy. It is impossible to search the source database just because of simple suspicion. That can not only steal other people's technology, but also hurt them. In case of intrusion, the assassin is suddenly hit, at least it is a serious injury, and it may even kill others in a second.

   So, this is regarded as the most useless authority, that is, thankless, people are not fools, really betrayed, will there be any clues on the surface for people to find out?

   However, Huang Ji didn't ask anything. He scanned it and said, "That's it, because it's the weakest in the audience, so I was recruited."

   He threw a piece of data matrix out, and in an instant it broadcasted another truth.

   didn't have three hundred guardians, but only one existed. His technique really surpassed the astral master, and he was indeed called Gulan Bator.

   But he didn't obliterate the Overlord of Orange Light and other explorers in an instant, but the eyes of five superstars, shining at the same time, shattering the warped matrix hidden in the brains of all explorers on the scene!

   If you lose this, you can't come back!

   I saw him staying there, come one, catch one, come one, catch one!

   The huge palm of the starry sky background board resembles a dark and boundless continent, where dozens of explorers stand in a row.

   Anything in which the subject's soul descends is allowed to surrender, but all resistance must be given up and a kind of transformation aimed at the soul must be actively accepted. There is no doubt that accepting this transformation, with the strength of the opponent, I am afraid that he can ignore the distance and directly obliterate it with the power of divine consciousness.

   Most of the masters chose death, because this is only half of their body, or even less. Everyone has the dream of becoming the One, as long as there is a choice, they are not willing to subdue to others.

   Especially the Orange Light Overlord, indeed domineering, he even fought back.

   However, no matter whether it is strength or size, there is a huge gap, and it was easily obliterated into countless methane.

  The surviving master is the weakest in the audience. He yearned for the strength of Gulan Bator and chose to betray without hesitation. Only then was he able to come back and become the hidden son of Gulan Bator.

   "Damn it! It turned out to be false information!" The drill master was furious. He believed Huang Ji and was about to shoot immediately.

   The surviving master was shocked. He knew this was the truth, but these things existed in his source data. How did Huang Ji find it out?

   The picture is so clear and the details of various data are clear!

   quietly read his data?

This unscientific! Even if Huang Ji is the third level of the unified force, it is impossible to do it! Unless he is the fourth tier, or extremely proficient in invasion, he belongs to the third tier that is unique in data control.

   "You hurt me! This is not my source data!"

   "How could he retrieve my source data? He compiled it all!"

   The surviving master tried his best to quibble and was seen through the betrayal. This is no joke. Once the low-dimensional successfully counterattacked and conquered their dimensionality, unfortunately all the strong!

   "Take him first!" The dozens of masters who were previously stopped by Huang Ji, who were quite resentful, all believed in Huang Ji at the moment.

   Even if this is really made up by Huang Ji, so what? It just happened that Huang Ji's kindness to save them was returned.

   "Are you the law enforcers do not care?" The surviving master was suppressed, still shouting.

   At this time, the law enforcement officers present finally spoke: "The data should be true."

   "How do you know that it is true! I want to make up these details too!" The Surviving Master refused to accept it.

   "But can you make up an explorer that you haven't seen?" the law enforcement officer said indifferently.

   Everyone nodded, and they gradually discovered many amazing details in the data.

   For example, the explorer who descended six months ago!

   Who went down, the official records. Since the opening of the low-dimensional door this time, forty-five explorers have successively gone down, all in the palm of Gulan Bator!

   You can check it a little bit and you will know that Huang Ji came today, and even more, he only registered as the owner of the group a few days ago.

   Six months ago, he was still in his own Milky Way nest, how could he know who had come in the past six months? And even the details of the explorers' weapons, physical parameters, and divine consciousness fluctuations are so clear?

   Unless, even the official administrators all work together to fabricate this data, but is it possible? Just to frame a little ordinary master?

   "Lan Tian law, betray the dimension, kill without mercy!" Several law enforcement officers shot together, a total of 500,000 tons of immortal matter, just burned.

   It is not that the law enforcement officers are wealthy, but the consumption of reasonable law enforcement, which can be reimbursed at public expense... This is the reason why other official positions are still very popular although people do not wait to see the inspectors.

  Using the legal order to deal with the enemy is the most economical, and I can take the opportunity to practice my all-out big moves.

   even a little bit of corruption, as long as it is not excessive, the past will be ignored.

   "Retreat!" Huang Ji protected Lin Li and Rui Ji, quickly pulling apart.

  The weather is unclear, but he still retreats: "What are you running? He can't make any storms."

   Huang Ji did not answer, but watched the law enforcement siege the surviving master.

   "Uh ah! Three-eyed monster! I remember you! I remember you!"

   The surviving ruler gritted his teeth and burned all the immortal materials with all his strength. At the same time, he rushed to the low-dimensional gate while flying away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   Along the way, his body was completely annihilated, but the immortal little ball was left, and he fled quickly!

   "Are you going to let him go?"

   "No, that ball is weird!"

   The law enforcer is also very ashamed, can this still make him run? Impossible, that immortal ball is indeed a bit troublesome, but after all, the volume is too low, and a little more time, it will be completely annihilated soon.

   But at this moment, the surviving master has entered the twisted time and space of the low-dimensional gate.

   "You don't know the greatness of Gulambaatar at all!"

   "Gulan Bator can guard the sky with one palm. You dare to reduce your dimensions and die one by one!"

   The surviving master laughed wildly when he saw that he had successfully escaped into the low-dimensional door.

   "What's the use of you coming in! Without us turning on the device, you still want to reduce the dimensionality!" The four administrators said contemptuously.

   The distorted time and space of the low-dimensional gate does not mean that you can reduce the dimensionality if you enter it. Instead, the administrator needs to activate the equipment to reduce the dimension of the people inside.

   Seeing, the four-sided attack will completely annihilate the traitor.

   But at this moment, a huge round celestial body suddenly appeared in the low-dimensional gate.

   The entire distorted space-time, trembling violently, a magnificent force field swept across all directions, and the master who was too close to the low-dimensional gate was shaken out, and his body was torn apart, shattered and expanded! As if supernovae exploded one by one.

   "Low-dimensional invasion!" Many masters on the scene shouted in horror.

   I saw the infant enemy Si staying here, the immortal battle star that had been silent for a long time, shining brightly, and the power enveloped the entire starry sky and strangled the fierce force field of the round celestial body.

   You come and I go with each other, throwing over blows in the air.

   The round celestial body also became irregular, pits and pits, and finally collapsed and annihilated into a magnificent brilliance, leaving only a small piece of debris.

   But the immortal battle star of the young enemy Si, also shattered!

  Everything happened in an instant, counterattacking the ascending perfect circle celestial body and staying shortly thereafter, the remaining fragments disappeared into the twisted time and space with the soul ball of the surviving master, leaving only a mess and a mighty afterglow on the scene.

   "What! What level is this!"

   Every one of the masters on the scene was shocked. Although only a few of them were injured and did not suffer much, the scene that happened just now shocked them to the point of trembling.

   Is that Gulan Bator?

   is not only the small ball left in the mind of the betrayer, but also resisted the siege of several luxurious group owners.

   also upgraded to a huge weapon, smashed the immortal battle star of the young enemy Si, and brought his spy back down again, which can be called sky-defying!

   is too powerful, it definitely surpasses the Astral Domination! And for their 926 dimension, they already know it very well, and only then can they create objects that still have good combat power in this dimension.

   "Gulan Bator! He has researched the technology of our dimension to the overlord level, or even higher!"

   "Being able to obtain so much information from us, I am afraid that betrayers have served him very early!"

   "This is a super existence that can counterattack high dimensions!"

   The terrifying change just now shocked and worried the masters present for a long time.

   This is what everyone has heard of, the strongest. If it were not for dimensional suppression, let him and Lan Tian be born in the same dimension, definitely stronger than Lan Tian!

   One person guards the Tianguan alone, and the huge palm of a galaxy pinches the entire descending mouth. These high-dimensional powerhouses are like ants.

   Who would dare to go down?

   When encountering such a strong man against the sky blocking the way, let alone the orange light overlord, the young enemy Si himself may fall. Even a strong man like Lan Tian, ​​if he pretends a little bit, he may not be able to come back!

   He is absolutely invincible in his own dimension.

   "Administrators, the place of arrival has been exposed, and randomly switch to a new location." Huang Ji suddenly reminded him in a dead silence.

   The administrator recovered, and quickly switched the landing location.

   "Wait a minute, do you want to go down? The immortal battle stars are all shattered. Let's end this dimensionality reduction conference ahead of schedule!" After the administrator switched, he suddenly regained his strength, and said that this is a fart? Who would dare to go down?

   "Are any of you going down?"

   Hearing the inquiry, many people who plan to go to civilization and masters refused.

   "It can't be done, Gulan Bator can find the landing place so quickly, I am afraid that he has mastered some kind of technology to quickly detect abnormal time and space." A strong man solemnly said.

   Other masters, hearing of the name of Gulan Bator, also temporarily dispelled the idea of ​​expedition.

  What are you kidding? In the past, those who didn’t know were fearless. Now that the low-dimensional situation is unknown, who would dare to die? Adventure belongs to adventure, but if you hit Gulambaatar, you can only betray if you don't die.

   However, Huang Ji swaggered and entered the low-dimensional door.

   The sky fell in shock and said: "You still go? I think it's better to wait and see for hundreds of years!"

   Huang Ji looked at him: "How vast is the time and space of a cone of light? The probability of randomly coming to one place and appearing in the nest of a powerful civilization is extremely low, and the probability is a remote interstellar vacuum."

   "Even if Gulan Bator can detect a new arrival location, it will not be so fast. It is safest to arrive immediately now."

   "But for this kind of thing, do you want to bet your life?" Tianshouxin said that he was too courageous.

   I just saw a scene of a perverted strong man, guarding the sky and attacking the high dimension, and even dared to go down. How iron is this head?

   Even if the new arrival point is switched, it hasn’t been long since the arrival point just now. Gulan Bator started blocking the door half a year ago. How fast is this? Isn't it good to wait and see for a while? Waiting for the young enemy Si and even Lan Tian to go down to make sure, is it the best policy?

   What is going on underneath, I don’t know if I don’t come here personally.

   "I couldn't go on just now, you have to do it, and now I go on, you are scared can't overcome your fear, just stay." Huang Ji smiled.

   "How can I be afraid!" The sky faded and hesitated for a few seconds, and finally followed him after gritting his teeth.

   Huang Ji glanced at the drill master and the others meaningfully, but didn't persuade him, but just smiled at them.

   Then he signaled to the administrator that the administrator faithfully performed his duties and saw that Huang Ji, Tianshui, Ruiji, and Lin Li all disappeared in the warped time and space.

   The people who had been rescued before, such as the Domination of the Drill, admire Huang Ji's nothing. It's really kind.

   They all have eyesight. It can be seen that Huang Ji is definitely the top power. This kind of strong is not strong in strength, but a certain kind of self-confidence and wisdom.

   Is it intuition or some kind of technology to perceive the danger in the end? The same level reads out all the source data of the surviving masters, exposing them to be betrayers.

   But anyway, this is a strong person who can bless others.

  Vaguely, they felt that Huang Ji could not only seek his own advantages and avoid disadvantages, but also lead others to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. This special power is more useful than the power of the overlord.

   For a time, six courageous existences including the Drill Master, hesitated for a few seconds, followed by them, and disappeared into the low-dimensional door.

   At the same time, 3.1415922 dimension, in a misty dusty star cluster.

   Gulan Bator, shrinking the magnificent darkness like a huge body of the vacuum itself.

   The surviving master has reshaped a body of several thousand tons at this moment, and is still consuming the surrounding star fog and dust, slowly increasing its mass.

   "The great star god...this is basically the situation. If it weren't for the **** inspector, I would definitely be able to hide in the upper level!" The surviving ruler trembled, and at the same time projected the data of Huang Ji and others.

   Gulan Bator ignored him. After listening to all the things that happened in the upper echelons, he looked at the time and space that had recovered to a stable level, his body shrank suddenly, UU read until he disappeared!

   Yes, disappear!

   Even the mass is disappearing, and in the end only one atom is left, emitting faint rays.

   The surviving master looks up to such a great technology, admires and admires from the heart!

   Where is the quality? Has the conservation of mass energy been broken? No, that is the first-order law of the universe, which should be hidden by some strange technology.

   "Stay in this dimension? Yes, there is no place for me in the upper level."

   "Understand, I will continue to create immortal matter for this dimension!"

   The surviving master alone was talking there, he had already understood his next mission through high-dimensional communication.

   swallows low-dimensional matter, transforms it into a part of the body, and creates immortal matter.

   In other words, he was raised a pig! Become the immortal milk producing machine of this dimension.

   "Reaper, Bode." Gulan Bator finally informed him of the parameters of a guardian, and the guardian named Bode would come to him from time to time to harvest immortal materials.

   After explaining everything in the dark, Gulan Bator buzzed, and finally the faint atomic light disappeared, as if there had never been a trace of him in the vacuum.



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