The Omniscient

Chapter 828: Causal weapon

Sa! The star god, whose outline resembles a double-headed dragon, came to Huang Ji.

The Star God was about to take action, and the guardians' minds settled down. In their eyes, the Star God was invincible.

However, the double-headed dragon star **** said: "Huang Ji, your technique is very great. I don't want to kill you, I even hope you become a real star god."

"But I have to admit that if you become a star god, you might be better than us."

Gulambaatar interrupted and said, "Remove maybe."

Upon hearing this, the masters present had a lot of discussions.

Huang Ji said, "But you don't trust me."

"Yes, once you become a star god, you will be completely beyond our control. The entire dimension is under the threat of you alone." said the double-headed dragon star god.

The others are dumbfounded, Huang Ji is alone, threatening them a dimension?

The double-headed dragon star **** continued: "Compared to you, you are still in control at this moment."

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, but you must be imprisoned."

Huang Ji calmly said: "Whether it is killing me or imprisoning me, just try..."

The double-headed dragon star **** said: "With your technology to control black holes? This is far from enough. The star **** is the incarnation of time and space and the substitute for the laws of nature."

Huang Ji was happy and said, "You have fifty minutes left."

"It doesn't take that long." The double-headed Dragon Star God didn't know why Huang Ji was so confident, but he was also confident!

Huang Ji smiled and said, "If you can't do it, how about joining Ziwei?"

"I'm free." The double-headed Dragon Star God agreed casually.

Gulambaatar also said: "Yes."

But Yuliye's did not speak, so much so that many star gods also remained silent.

The double-headed dragon star **** opened his palms and took off his superstar eyeball.

"Are you ready?" The immortal superstar in the palm of the double-headed Dragon Star God suddenly disappeared.

Some kind of power affects this time and space, but it doesn't cause it. It seems that he is afraid that Huang Ji is not ready.

Because this is no longer a game, or a small topic, but a showdown to prove one's own way.

He doesn't believe in any power that breaks the laws of nature. If there is, please prove it to him.

The Star God, who had already gained the upper hand, vaguely hoped that Huang Ji could resolve his attack.

But reason told him that it was impossible.

"Go ahead."

"Okay, remember, it's called the Black Coffin of Heat Death!"

I saw the next second, a strange time and space fluctuation, rapidly expanding!

Wherever it goes, all matter becomes the ground state!

This is not a force field, it transcends the force field, and seems to be a change in time and space itself!

The ground state, everything falls in the vacuum ground state, very fast!

When Huang Ji and Yake fought, the so-called ground state arrow and ground state coat were nothing compared to that.

The former is just a ground-state substance to attack others. The double-headed Dragon Star God seemed to have created the ground state domain.

The countless high-energy matter pervading the surroundings vanishes, and all energies fall into balance.

A radius of one million kilometers, tens of millions of kilometers...a billion kilometers!

All matter is arranged neatly, all energy is evenly distributed, without any disturbance, just like a black coffin, all the heat inside has turned into a deadly balance.

Huang Ji is no exception. The three particles are completely flattened and arranged in a neat quantum square matrix, becoming a part of this place of heat and silence.

This area is still expanding, and all the matter touched has also fallen into the entropy-full area, becoming a part of it.

Gai Yu was so scared that he gave up running away because he couldn't make it!

Under the oppression of death, he had no choice but to kill himself in the last time!

call! Gai Yu's body disappeared in ashes.

He turned it into the simplest quantum, evenly distributed in this space.

"This is the power of the Star God!"

"It's terrible, this is not a force field, but a more rooted force."

"The entropy in a piece of time and space is instantly full!"

Except for the Star God, he still stood firmly in it, as if everything had nothing to do with them.

The other stellar rulers and stellar overlords were all frightened and evaded one after another until the expansion of the black coffin of Heat Death stopped.

Too fast, this phenomenon surpasses the speed of light.

Yes, it can only be described in terms of phenomena. It is not that some kind of matter is spreading, but that all things are spontaneously collapsing to a certain state, unstoppable.

This black coffin of heat and silence can be said to be immortal.

Everything must have energy, even the soul consumes the energy of divine consciousness.

In a closed system, energy will fall from a high energy level to a low energy level, and move to thermal equilibrium spontaneously.

The double-headed dragon star **** created a closed space and time and caused all the energy inside to fall to the ground state. This was not forcibly suppressed by a force field, but a technology that surpassed the physics of the past.

Ground state space-time is a problem of probability. Theoretically, thermal death is still early. As time goes by, the entropy value gets higher and higher, the probability of ground state space-time formation will increase.

The Star God's trick was to pay a huge price to allow the universe to fill a certain range of time and space within a certain period of time.

It can be said that this is a causal law weapon, a universal law weapon!

It is forcibly transferring a large amount of entropy in the universe to the ‘land of square inches’ to create a small piece of ‘cosmic plot killing’!

Who can fight the universe? Unless, like the Star God, there is the same kind of technology to dissolve it, and it can stand in it and be independent and immortal.

Otherwise, anyone who gets in will have to die!

"Whether it is a low-level civilization or a high-level civilization, even if it is dominated by the star realm, their power depends on the elementary particles, on the force and the field."

"But the π level has moved towards a new world that is beyond the fetters of matter and beyond the fundamental forces."

"We are the substitutes for the laws of nature. For us, any natural phenomenon is just a different price."

"Any event with a probability of occurrence can be ordered by time and space for good fortune!"

The words of the Star God resounded in the minds of everyone present, making their hearts tremble.

There are four levels of unity: mass-energy conversion, void creation, universe factory, and quantum limit. The Astral Master is the fourth layer.

In other words, from the beginning of the scientific road to the dominance of the star realm, it is the era of ‘fundamental forces’.

However, when he arrives at the Star God, he will enter a whole new realm. Instead of manipulating particles with force, he will directly affect the time and space of the universe, creating various phenomena.

This is a ‘probability weapon’ and a ‘causal law industry’.

It is the possibility of being curled up in a high dimension, collapsed into reality. It is a kind of productivity that directly completes the transaction with the universe, so that it produces events, phenomena, and plots.

In fact, the so-called basic force technique is also a kind of causality, but it is just the most obvious first layer.

When a particle hits another particle, it moves according to various mechanical influences. This is the most basic law of causality.

The Star God has surpassed this level and reached ‘I’m the cause’.

Before the decay of the sky passed through the second level, the inadvertent triggering of the ‘take me as the cause’ subjectively determines the structure of the divine consciousness. This is just a scrap of the field.

The Star God completely used this layer of power. There is no need to use force fields to influence particles, and one particle does not need to influence another particle. Instead, it uploads a piece of ‘process data’ directly to the universe’s time-space database, so that time-space ‘deduces itself’.

This is like a note book that records three catties of wheat in the warehouse XX room, so there must be these three catties of wheat in the warehouse XX room.

If not, the universe would have to make three catties of wheat by itself and put it there. Otherwise... it violates its own laws.

Generally speaking, events occur naturally in the universe, and then time and space record information in real time.

But the Star God invaded time and space, and he was the cause, the driving force, forcing the universe to let a certain probability event happen in order for the information it stored to be correct.

π-level three steps, the first step π-level life form is to cheat the universe as a part of time and space, or as a USB flash drive on the server.

The second step is π-level souls, let their souls be independent, can think and record data in time and space, and get rid of material constraints.

The third step is to devour space-time particles and possess the ‘ink’ that changes the background of time and space. Only with this material basis can everything be created.

This is π-level productivity. The current Dimension Technology is in great consummation.

At this moment, the space and time are dead and silent, like a coffin.

The double-headed dragon star god, palm rests the black coffin, magnificent as the sky.

Right now, the time and space in his palm is completely dead, without quantum fluctuations, it is a kind of final return to the ruins.

It is useless to let Huang Ji's unified force technology play superbly.

Even a π-level soul, staying in such a place, will consume the power of divine consciousness at an extremely fast speed, depleting the eternal life into a period of ground state soul particles.

Because divine consciousness is also a kind of energy.

"Don't let him die." Gulan Bator created a humanoid sculpture, nothing unusual, just a dead thing.

The double-headed dragon star **** knew that this was Huang Ji's soul cage.

He put the sculpture in the black coffin, and when he took it out, there was a momentary fluctuation in his soul, struggling and trembling.

But that poor soul couldn't do anything. All its energy, including the power stored in the vacuum layer, was deprived of the black coffin just now. UU reading www.

The many masters onlookers sighed with emotion: "The power of the Star God is so great, how powerful Ren Huangji is, he can't escape his palm."

"This black coffin of heat and silence is Huang Ji's home!"

"Under the Star God, they are all ants, not a life level at all, not a technical level at all."

"This is the real causal law weapon, forcing one side to heat up in time and space! It seems to be in control of the rules of nature."

Everyone present felt that Sansheng was fortunate to be able to see the great power of the Star God to dominate the universe.

Even astral masters rarely see such power.

In the past, the Star Gods dealt with some explorers, but they were too lazy to use causal weapons and just use a little unified force to get it done.

Today, this trick of the heat and silence black coffin is a lore.

Huang Ji said that the Star God couldn't kill him. It was extremely ridiculous. Doesn't it give me a second?

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