The Omniscient

Chapter 872: Perish

Lin Lixin hugged his daughter with lingering fears.

Upon seeing this, Kira said miserably: "Lin knew it?"

Lin Li was furious: "Do you think you can hide what you did?"

"Have you forgotten all the human suffering?"

Kira knew she was going to die, but she still wanted to struggle: "I was wrong. I'm sorry everyone. I am willing to confess my sins and be punished. Please give me a chance to make meritorious deeds."

Lin Li shook his head, Kira still thinks she can live? Still think that death can be avoided by guilt and meritorious service?

"Do you think it's enough to give it a step?" Lin Li's voice was extremely indifferent.

Kira was startled, completely desperate.

"Kira, are crazy, you dare to engage in such a taboo without telling us, come, arrest all the personnel involved in the Life Research Institute, and express the canonical punishment."

More than half of the director family arrived at the scene. After hearing Lin Li's words, coupled with this struggle, they immediately became conscious and took the initiative to arrest people. However, in the words, everything was pushed to Kira and the employees on the spot.

The Solomon fighters did not run, and Kira was even more ashamed.

He glanced at the countless Solomons who had been caught by Lin Li, and his gaze stayed on those director families.

Many people glared at him, Kira lowered his head and simply confessed all his sins: "Everyone wants to be as high as a god, and I just provide them with this platform."

"I do everything, I deserve it, Lin Li, do it."

Lin Liqi laughed and laughed, his voice resounded across the starry sky and echoed throughout the Milky Way!

The people who laughed so many Solomon, panicked!

Solomon's senior yelled at Kira: "The laws set by the emperor through thorns and thorns have been corrupted by you. How do you let us all on earth deal with ourselves?"

A mouth is all human beings. Zhao Wushuang of the Mobility Empire can’t hold back, and said coldly: “Don’t bring me, the queen has investigated you for a long time. Now these customers have close business with you, and often have abnormal big The order, I’m afraid it’s to help you launder money, right?"

"You use the emperor's light elves as your tools to create a large amount of uniform substances for you. It is a great handwork. With this money-generating machine, what you lack is the channel to turn them into legal property. These customers are yours. Helper? With the help of various high-level civilized powers to work together to make false accounts for you, this is the root of the rapid rise of Solomon's various industries."

"The interest entanglement is so deep, involving all aspects of Solomon, is it something Kira can handle? Don't tell me you don't know anything!"

In the entire battle, Lin Weimiao did not fight Solomon alone, the human side also did something.

In addition to Yu Moshuo's investigation, the Queen of Ji Xin also watched for a long time, and Black Tail successfully lurked in, buying time for Lin Weimiao at the critical moment.

Even if there is no today's matter, in fact, one day in the future, human beings will solve it by themselves.

It can be said that Lin Li is cut off...

"Don't talk nonsense, Zhao Wushuang! This is Kira's work, and we have oversighted, but you should not pour sewage into the entire Solomon kingdom! Are you going to ruin mankind?" Solomon's top retorted vigorously. Staring at Zhao Wushuang, as if to say: Do you still think the trouble is not big enough?

Lin Li said coldly, "What a ruined human being, what can't you do?"

"What!" Countless people were shocked.

Many civilizations watched silently.

Lin Li called them and witnessed Solomon's sin, which really surprised them.

Wouldn't this matter be resolved internally? Now everyone knows that if human beings can't come to Taiwan, how will Lin Li end up?

Is it possible...

Lin Li stretched out his palm, the quantum limit unified field, covering the entire galaxy at a distance.

Beside all the people of Solomon Kingdom, the void created a wormhole and transmitted all of it.

In an instant, countless Solomon people piled up in space, densely packed and mighty.

There were no warships, no mechas, and everyone was floating tremblingly.

Seeing this battle, everyone was solemn.

All those who participated or knew about it had scalp tingling.

"Emperor Lin, Solomon's country cannot be blamed for this kind of incident. I am afraid that many people are involved in it. We must thoroughly investigate to the end, thoroughly remove the involved personnel, and give you an explanation..." The directors' families were panicked.

Seeing that they didn't see the coffin, they didn't shed tears. He squeezed toothpaste and said, "Shut up! I still want to fool me!"

After all, he projected thousands of silhouettes in a vacuum.

Under Time and Space Reality, all the crimes hidden in the kingdom of Solomon are revealed.

Back then, Taiweihua was able to go back atomically, deducing the historical context of the past, not to mention the luxuries?

Coupled with the data recorded by Solomon himself, a huge criminal network suddenly appeared!

Since the establishment of Paradise, there are as many as millions of people who have directly participated in this planet! The indirect participation is countless!

"You have used the milk enemy to produce a large amount of uniform substances every year, but you still have to do this kind of thing, not just for money..."

"You are the biggest customer!"

Countless Chinese, electronic races, and even people from other interstellar nations are all looking silly.

In the beginning, he was actually a high-ranking member of Solomon, who wanted to experience the feeling of being a **** in reality. They feel uncomfortable under the legal constraints of civilization and want to go beyond the law, so they have Solomon Paradise!

Once upon a time, human beings looked up to gods, but now they are gods themselves. What a pleasure it is.

They used the milk enemy as a tool, and the innumerable wealth they got was not seen. In the Milky Way, we still can't do anything recklessly, so this superstar has been specially created and many races have been kept in captivity on it.

If you can't do things in the reserve, you can create your own small world to do it.

Protecting Lin Wei, the primitive races who chant ancient ballads are humanoids! On the entire planet, the most numerous are the many primitive humanoid races based on human aesthetics!

This is why most of the creatures that Lin Weimiao sees feel very beautiful and cute, which is in line with her perception, because this is originally for human customers!

It was only later that other categories were gradually added to cater to guests of other civilizations and incidentally use these powerful and powerful to make the whole stall bigger.

This doesn't stop there, Lin Li continues to evolve, and the scope of data restoration covers the entire Solomon country.

I saw that the people related to Paradise are involved in more people and things, one by one clustered together, which is a radiating network of interests.

Solomon has done all kinds of things like taboo experiments, pirate looting, and breaking the law industry!

Since Huang Ji ruled the Milky Way, all of these had been eliminated, but now they have all recovered!

What the Galaxy and all races dare not do, they all dare to do!

It seems to be a brand new Anunnaki Group!

Any civilization has sins, and because of its free economy and system, the kingdom of Solomon has become a paradise for crime, accepting lawbreakers from all sides of the galaxy.

Just like Li Daxing and other serious prisoners, the first choice after escape is the kingdom of Solomon.

Today, when the Star League laws are strict, there is very little darkness, and most people don't dare to do it at all, but it still exists after all.

Those very few lawbreakers have nowhere to go, so they can only come to Solomon's country, because there is money here, and there is a whole set of networks that can launder money, and even the equipment of Ziwei civilization can't be found.

With the convenience of human identity and the technology of milk enemies, the hidden darkness of the kingdom of Solomon is more than this one?

"Grass! Such a big stall, are you too embarrassed to pretend to be innocent?" Zhao Wushuang said frankly in astonishment.

Yu Moshuo is also numb. He knows that there are countless clues that this kingdom hides a lot of sins, otherwise he would not kill him to investigate the kingdom of Solomon.

However, no evidence can be found. If there is evidence, Solomon will immediately abandon the car to protect the handsome, and it will not be able to hurt them.

At this moment, Lin Li suddenly revealed all the darkness that they were hiding under the light, and Solomon's brain buzzed.

What is this! Dare to open this lid?

"This this…"

"Lin Li... These are all false projections that someone has planted us on, where are you looking for? This is a conspiracy of an alien race!"

Countless Solomon people argued vigorously, in cold sweat.

But Lin Li didn't listen at all, raised his arms high, and the terrifying immortal energy was filled with it!

Lin Li's voice shook time and space: "We destroyed the Anunnaki back then and created a new era for mankind. Now that you are the Anunnaki, I will end it myself."

"The kingdom of Solomon can be destroyed."

Everyone felt the fear of death, he came true.

"He wants to destroy the country!"


This power is too powerful, and all civilizations in the galaxy feel a decisive heart palpitations.

They know a little bit more or less, after all, the stall is so big, but everyone has one eye closed and it feels harmless.

In an instant, countless civilizations felt awe-inspiring. Unexpectedly, Ziwei would not move, and the country would be destroyed if he moved, even humans would not be spared, let alone them.

"Lin Li! Stop it! You can't do this!"

"No sin to death! I am not going to die!"

"What to do with me! I don't know about happy land!"

"How could you kill us all because of this!"

"I want to see the Great, the Great Enze Wan Clan, it is absolutely impossible to allow you to exterminate us!"

"We are the same race!"

"Spare me, Lin Li! Give me another chance!"

Countless people screamed frantically, they were crazy or cried.

Among them, there are those who are biting and not letting go, but there are indeed innocents.

Lin Li's deduction accuracy is not high enough. For nearly a hundred years, he has restored imaging, but earlier, he could not be accurate to everyone.

Those who did not see themselves in the projection, immediately use this sophistry.

Many other civilized people also pleaded with each other, saying that there is no need to be so fierce, and it is impossible for everyone to be damned.

They are trying their best to give Lin Li a step.

Seeing this, Lin Li had a clear understanding again, and suddenly smiled: "You still have the face to mention the big brother, okay! I will give you this opportunity!"

Lin Li's power drew and did not speak, but what he said surprised everyone.

Solomon surprised more than tens of billions of people, and sure enough, there is still a chance! Sure enough, everyone is of the same race after all! Sure enough, as long as the emperor is mentioned, Lin Li will be worried!

I saw Lin Li's creation in the void, dropping a coin in front of everyone.

Not only them, but the entire earth civilization, the six interstellar nations, and all the adults, a coin appeared in front of them.

It is ordinary, with the word ‘one’ on one side and an orange on the other.

Lin Li said: "The things you do, God knows, and earth knows."

"I want to know if Big Brother will forgive you, just throw a coin."

"If you throw an orange, I will forgive him, and if you throw one, it will be a death penalty."

Let's just say, he let go of the shackles of everyone, and created a vast earth under their feet to carry all sentient beings.

Everyone was dumbfounded, their feet on the ground, looking at the coins in their hands, their hearts said that this is all right?

Kira didn't expect that he also had a coin, could he also have a chance to survive?

"How many chances?"

"I'll give you ten minutes. In these ten minutes, as long as you can throw oranges upwards, it represents salvation!"

Countless people are ecstatic! This is equivalent to hundreds of opportunities!

Legend has it that Emperor Ziwei always gifted people with oranges. As long as the other party receives it, it means that he will be redeemed.

Now that the emperor is not there, they just need to toss a coin?

I saw Kira clutching her bleeding body, stood up hard, staring at the coin, and threw it up tremblingly.

There is no interference, everything seems to be random, the coin spins freely and falls to the ground, which is a ‘one’.

Kira was taken aback, and quickly cast again, but it was still ‘one’.

He felt wrong, and kept throwing it up, making a hundred consecutive shots! But every time it is ‘one’!

Not only him, but everyone in the Solomon nation, almost all of them, no matter how they throw, or even think of ways to cheat, the orange side is ultimately downward.

They now have no mechas, no technological equipment, and their bodies are nothing more than longevity bodies. Most people don't even have a hydrogen level, and it's okay to cheat.

The coins can only be rolled over again and again, but as if there is no probability of oranges going up, all the results are death.

Many civilizations are horrified, do you really think Huang Ji doesn't know? He knows everything.

It is not so much that Lin Li is going to kill them, it is better to say that this is Huang Ji here.

"I... how am I the same? Lin Li, I am not a Solomon!" There was a Pyramid countryman with a pale face at the scene.

Then came more and more human cries from other countries.

Lin Li not only distributed coins to the Solomon people, all of the six kingdoms have them.

"Aren't you asking for love? Then come together."

"The same goes for other civilizations. You can use whatever you want, not limited to coins. If you can throw an orange, it's fine."

Hearing this, many civilizations are numb, so what a mouthful!

It was originally only a matter of Solomon's kingdom, but now it's doing well, and it gets angry, and they have to come to accept the judgment of this fate.

"Everyone in the universe who pays attention to this place, don't be stunned, try it."

In an instant, countless experts in the observable universe were stunned. They tried it, and most of them cast oranges. After all, after the establishment of the Ziwei Order, they were all very honest.

I saw that among countless people, only oranges cast oranges! No matter how many times you try, the orange must be up.

On the contrary, in any case, it is also ‘one’.

Whether it's the Barnard galaxy, the solar system, or some distant civilization, it's the same!

Whether it is coins made by Lin Li, coins made by them, or just dropped a piece of paper... the probability is also locked!

Even the Star God couldn't help trying it, and the result was the same!

If they cheat and use the force field to prescribe exercise, the related equipment will immediately fail.

This is the real substitute for the rules of nature, down to mortals and up to the Star God! Without exception!

The rules that Lin Li said casually were implemented in this way. Is this the power of Huang Ji?

Countless people looked up at the starry sky. They could not feel any interference. Those guys who thought that humans could be spared, bowed their heads in despair. It turned out that Lin Li was just an executioner.

"When the time is up, those without oranges will perish."

The energy in Lin Li's hand burst out, bursting out hundreds of millions of beams. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

These beams can even turn and jump! Boom to countless planets inside and outside the galaxy!

"Do not!"

"The Great! I was wrong. Give me an orange!"


Ionic sparks of annihilation bloom everywhere in the world.

The many Solomon people gathered in the forest turned into brilliant blue and white brilliance, and finally washed away from nothingness.

The kingdom of Solomon perished, leaving less than 60 million young people trembling.

These people were holding the coins in their palms, and the lifelike oranges reflected upward the blue and white brilliance of countless people around them.

They held the coin tightly and put it in their arms.

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