The Online Game For Everyone Started With A Hundredfold Retaliation!

Chapter 106 The Little Fish Without Any Scheming

"The original Eternal City has now become the guild headquarters. There are also mysterious merchants. Come and take your pick."

Linglong Luoshui also spoke on the guild channel.

Upon hearing this, Shadow and Overlord immediately used the guild's teleportation array to teleport from their respective cities to the guild in an instant.

They went online a step late, and they haven't seen the guild's headquarters yet.

Naturally, everyone was impatient and left before they even had time to deal with their own affairs.

Only Xiao Yu'er didn't go to the guild immediately after recovering from the excitement.

Instead, he found the location of President Lin Feng and directly used the teleportation scroll to teleport there.

A blue light flashed, and Xiao Yu'er's short figure appeared in Dayuan City, and then hurriedly walked towards Lin Feng not far away.

"President, President!"

Xiao Yu'er shouted to Lin Feng as he walked, waving awkwardly.

"Why don't you go to the guild headquarters and take a look? Why are you looking for me?"

Lin Feng didn't expect this girl to come over suddenly and asked curiously.

"I have something to tell you. When I was in school today, someone from the Chinese research team came to see me!"

Xiao Yu'er obviously wanted to tell Lin Feng what happened this morning, and said it very urgently.

In fact, Xiao Yu'er didn't know that Lin Feng was so important at first.

She had always thought that Lin Feng was the master of this game, and probably a very rich brother.

But she never expected that Lin Feng's influence on the game had already alarmed the officials.

Therefore, after meeting the scientific research team, she came back online immediately to tell Lin Feng.

She didn't want Lin Feng to think that she was hiding something from him, or plotting to betray him or something.

"I know."

Lin Feng glanced at her and answered lightly.

"You, you already knew? I didn't say anything. They asked a lot of questions about you, but I didn't answer any of them..."

Xiao Yu'er was a little frightened by Lin Feng's answer, and immediately stammered to tell the truth.

In Lin Feng's inner circle of five people, Xiao Yu'er was indeed the most naive and ignorant person.

So Lin Feng wasn't worried at all when the scientific research team came to find her.

"I also know that you haven't even understood this game yet. How can they ask about me from you?"

Lin Feng burst out laughing. It wasn't because of the scientific research team, but because the girl's panic amused him.

Lin Feng used the specially exchanged Supreme game cabin.

Even if the scientific research team had official channels to decipher the code, it would never be possible to find the location of his game cabin.

As for the people around him, they all respected Lin Feng like a god.

Not to mention ordinary people like Overlord, Shadow, and Xiaoyuer.

Even the Golden Great Emperor and Linglong Luoshui, who have huge backgrounds, respect and fear Lin Feng.

From their perspective, it was impossible to see who this mysterious strong man was, let alone betray him.

Unless they no longer want to play this game, they have no reason to betray Lin Feng.

"They asked me for a long time before letting me go back... wow, it really scared me to death..."

Seeing that Lin Feng really didn't care, Xiao Yu'er finally breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

Lin Feng was the first master she met in this game, and he kept playing with her.

Deep down in her heart, she cherished her relationship with Lin Feng very much.

Especially now, Lin Feng can earn enough money for her father's medical expenses by taking her in the game.

Xiao Yu'er was even more grateful to Lin Feng.

So she cared very much about Lin Feng's thoughts and didn't want to be doubted or mistrusted by him.

"In short, you don't have to worry too much about the scientific research team. Just practice your skills well."

Lin Feng patted her shoulder, then opened the guild channel again and issued a summons order to all guild members.

"Now that the guild has been built, it's time to put an end to this large version of the Undead Catastrophe."

"Everyone come to my coordinates to meet."

According to Lin Feng's previous plan, he did not waste any extra time and immediately summoned all the guild members.

The undead cataclysm event has also been raging in Apocalypse Continent for more than a week.

In the core clue mission in Lin Feng's hands, only the last thousand demon eggs have not yet been destroyed.

This is obviously pointing to the Demon World lair in Australia and Asia.

Previously, Lin Feng had deliberately kept this large version of the content in order to weaken the Yuan Kingdom.

Now that Dayuan has been defeated, there is no point in continuing to maintain the Undead Catastrophe.

After all, it is very troublesome for this thing to exist all the time, and it imposes too many restrictions on players.

The four of them, the Golden Great Emperor, immediately took the order and instantly teleported from the headquarters to Lin Feng's location through the guild teleportation array.

Lin Feng threw the team invitation to them and formed a team of six people.

Then turn on the cross-region movement function, directly leave the Huaxia region in the form of a team, and enter the transfer station Sky City.

A ray of light opened under their feet, and all six of them were sucked into the light, and then disappeared.

In the Sky City, six figures appeared in the space portal of the Huaxia Region, arriving at this huge Sky City.

"Is this a transfer station for inter-regional movement? It's even more majestic than the castle in the lower realm!"

“It’s my first time here too, it’s really eye-opening!”

"It turns out that the previous president passed through this place to cross regions to England. This place is really mysterious!"

"You have to have a combat power level of 50,000 points to enter. Fortunately, we are in team mode now, otherwise we wouldn't be able to enter alone!"

It was the first time for the five of them to enter Sky City, a cross-region transfer station. Naturally, each of them looked strange and unusual, and they were amazed everywhere.

This city in the sky is where the guardian souls of all major planes reside. It is so majestic that it is not comparable to ordinary mortal realms.

It’s no surprise that they would react this way.

There are strict restrictions on combat power in and out of the Sky City.

With their current individual combat power, it is indeed not enough to move across regions.

That's why Lin Feng entered as a team with them.

Because if you are forming a team to move across regions, the required combat power is calculated based on the overall combat power of the entire team.

This means that players with high combat power can make up for the deficiencies of other players and force others to pass the level.

In previous lives, this method of cross-regional movement was also called smuggling, and it was also a very profitable business.

Lin Feng led them through the portal in the Australia and Asia region, and immediately moved downwards again.

[About to arrive in Australia and Asia...]

[Tip: You are currently entering a foreign region. You will log in as a foreign region player and will be regarded as a foreign region player by all local players in the region! ]

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