The Online Game For Everyone Started With A Hundredfold Retaliation!

Chapter 137 The Enchanting Effect Of The Blood Demon Equipment

A burst of intense light began to flash across Lin Feng's eyes.

This mountain dragon king's soul began to resist and struggle violently!

However, the foundation of the Blood Tyrant Demonic Equipment is even deeper, as if it is bottomless.

Soon, the entire dragon king's soul in the huge mountain range was completely swallowed into it, and there was no more sound.

[Congratulations! Enchantment successful! ]

[You have obtained the Dragon King’s Blood Demon Equipment +5 (Legendary)! ]

A prompt came from the Star Casting Platform, and the enchanted and strengthened Blood Demon Equipment dropped back into Lin Feng's backpack.

Lin Feng couldn't wait to open his backpack and check it out.

[Dragon King’s Overlord Blood Magic Equipment +5 (Legendary Unique)]

[Level: 65 (Growth Type)]

[Attributes: +50w (+15w) Health Points, +5w (+1w) defense, +5w (+1w) magic resistance, +30% damage reduction]

[Blood Pool (Passive): Your maximum Health Points are always doubled, and 5% of your maximum Health Points are restored every second. When receiving fatal damage, you will remain immortal for 5 seconds (600 seconds cooldown)]

[Demon body (active): Use it on up to 20 allies, establish a life link with the target, and resist 100% of the damage suffered by the target]

[Soul of the Mountain Dragon King (enchantment): triggers a full-screen earthquake, causing slowdown, knockback, and stun effects to all enemies in turn, and causing magic damage of 40% of your maximum Health Points (+ defense power)]

[Description: The legendary terrifying magic costume was born from the holy blood pool of the blood clan and fell from the hands of the ancient evil god...]

After a round of strengthening, the basic attributes of this Blood Demon Equipment have been improved to an incredible level.

Just one piece of equipment directly adds 650,000 blood and 60,000 double resistance!

Moreover, the Blood Tyrant Demonic Equipment itself also has a heaven-defying passive special effect, which can directly double his maximum blood volume!

This is the effect of strengthening!

Although the bonus attributes you see now are not very high, that is because the level of enhancement has not gone up yet.

After strengthening to +7 or even +10, the added attributes alone can even be higher than the original attributes!

After the enhancement level is increased, the equipment has such arrogant power.

Wearing one piece of equipment is equivalent to wearing two or even three pieces of attributes.

Therefore, in the world of Apocalypse Continent, the rich initially compete on the quality of equipment, but in the end they compete on the enhancement level of the equipment.

In addition, in addition to strengthening the level, the Soul of the Mountain Dragon King also brings powerful active effects to the Blood Demon Equipment.

It is an earthquake AOE skill with a range that is almost equal to the entire screen!

And unlike ordinary skills, the damage of this move is not based on Lin Feng's attack power.

It's based on Lin Feng's maximum Health Points and defense!

In these two attributes, Lin Feng, as an Ancient Dragon Rider, has an absolute advantage!

Without saying a word, Lin Feng immediately put on the Blood Demon Armor again.

[ID: Immortal]

[Level: 65]

[Occupation: Ancient Dragon Rider (Second Turn)]

[Health Points: 200w/200w]

[Attack power: 10w]

[Defense: 44w]

[Strength: 3w]

[Agility: 2w]

[Intelligence: 2w]

[Physique: 10w]

Once Lin Feng put on the Blood Tyrant Demonic Equipment, Lin Feng's health and defense immediately began to surge.

With the passive blessing of doubling the maximum Health Points.

His blood volume finally settled at two million blood, and his defense power had soared to 440,000.

In other words, at this time, he sent an earthquake from the Dragon King of the Mountain Range.

It's so easy to take over one million damage in full screen!

Where can I find a shield fighting profession that can resist, counterattack, and clear monsters all over the screen?

The increase in combat power brought about by this wave of equipment enhancements was simply beyond Lin Feng’s expectations!

It seems that the strengthening stone is also a resource point that cannot be taken away by others...

After seeing such a huge improvement in the Blood Tyrant Demon Equipment.

Lin Feng himself said secretly in his heart.

Strengthening is too great for improving equipment, and this resource cannot fall into the hands of others.

In Lin Feng's previous life, as the commercial gameplay of Tianqi Continent gradually opened up.

As a result, more and more business players have emerged.

These players may not have strong Combat Power, and some may even have never played this type of fighting game.

But with their own brains and business methods, they also formed a force in Apocalypse Continent.

In previous lives, these merchant players controlled the source of strengthening stones.

Lying on the player's body and sucking blood for a long time.

In this life, Lin Feng doesn't want to see this kind of thing happen again.

After all the guild and equipment were dealt with, Lin Feng did not leave the guild immediately.

Instead, he continued to move within the city and entered the guild station again.

There is one last thing he has not yet finished, which is the raw materials for the potions on the production line.

The Immortal Guild currently has business dealings with several NPC chambers of commerce.

But for high-level raw materials like this, we have yet to find a suitable supplier.

Lin Feng opened the Guild Station function and immediately searched for all NPC chambers of commerce within the communication range of the Immortal Guild.

As the level of the guild increases, the scope of communication of the Immortal Guild also expands.

Soon, Lin Feng had searched for several suitable trading partners.

[Tissot Chamber of Commerce (Dark Elf Tribe)]

[Butcher Pirates (Naga Tribe)]

[Spider Silk Church (Spider Human Race)]

[Human Race]

Wait, Tissot Chamber of Commerce?

Isn't this the elusive and mysterious chamber of commerce in the previous life?

This Tissot Chamber of Commerce was a famous existence in the previous life, and even Lin Feng had heard of it.

It is said that the movement route of this chamber of commerce is particularly strange, and it can travel to several places in Apocalypse Continent in one day.

Moreover, when doing business with this chamber of commerce, we have almost never encountered any business routes being hijacked.

You must know that doing business in Apocalypse Continent, whether with people or NPCs, is risky.

Because contracts are different from player transactions, they are not transmitted out of thin air instantly.

After the contract is signed, one party must honestly deliver the goods to the other party.

So accidents may happen on the way.

Whether it was intentionally hijacked by people from other guilds or encountered wild monsters of other races on the road, it was all possible.

Once they are robbed midway, players will suffer a lot of losses.

So even in the previous life, escorting trade routes was a very important part of a guild.

The peculiar thing about the Tissot Chamber of Commerce is that their method of transporting goods is very special.

As a result, there is no possibility of interception by ordinary guilds and wild monsters, and it is completely safe.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng immediately clicked on the Tissot Chamber of Commerce and decided to contact them.

Soon, as the Immortal Guild's signal was sent, the Tissot Chamber of Commerce quickly responded.

A huge noise suddenly came from the sky above the Immortal Guild, and a strong wind came at the same time.

A huge shadow appeared above Lin Feng's head, and then an airship appeared directly above him!

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