"No problem! Boss, please wait for my good news!"

"By the way, boss, since we want to expand the scale, do I also need to register an Apocalypse Continent account?"

Lin Xin put away Lin Feng's list and kept all the target areas in mind.

"Register, but if you don't want to join our guild, create another one. I will arrange the funds and resources. Don't worry."

Lin Feng replied to him briefly and quickly, and quickly arranged all his next steps.

"I completely understand, boss, then I'll start working right away!"

Lin Xin had not dealt with someone so organized and courageous for a long time, and he immediately became more energetic and spoke loudly.

"Go ahead and do your best."

Lin Feng answered in the affirmative and then cut off the communication from his side.

In this way, Lin Feng has captured the great master strategy team in Apocalypse Continent that all the powerful people are looking forward to in the future!

Returning to the depths of the Ice Purgatory dungeon, Lin Feng quickly dismissed the reporters and players and continued their map exploration and drawing.

Only the confused members of the Immortal Guild were left on the spot.

"President, there are countless studios producing content on Apocalypse Continent. Why did you suddenly decide to invest in this strategy team?"

The Golden Great Emperor just feels that his president is really unpredictable every time and will make some unexpected operations.

Especially this moment, it was even more sudden and caught them off guard.

"Yes, President, especially those who make guides. It is currently recognized that they are unreliable. Apocalypse Continent is so big, who has the ability to make a guide?"

Linglong Luoshui also did some research on this aspect and expressed a negative view.

"The emergence of the strategy team is a general trend. It's just a matter of time. Please inform your people as soon as possible and send money to this studio."

Lin Feng didn't intend to explain it to them in too much detail, after all, it involved the reborn.

He just immediately told the Golden Great Emperor about this matter and asked him to take action as soon as possible.

"Don't worry, President, I will definitely take care of it."

Although he didn't understand Lin Feng's thoughts, the Golden Great Emperor was naturally loyal to Lin Feng and would never neglect this matter.

"But President, even if he can develop, if he doesn't join our guild, won't it be difficult to control this person in the future?"

Shadow did not question Lin Feng's decision. What he was worried about was whether this person would stab Lin Feng in the back.

"Once his business expands, he will inevitably form his own team. This is inevitable, but I am the major shareholder of his company, so I don't have to worry about this problem."

Lin Feng naturally considered this problem early on, which is why his first move was to buy a stake in Lin Xin's company, and it was a large share purchase.

After deciding what to do about this unexpected situation, they finally set off again, following the instructions of the winter pointer and continuing to transmigrate the snowstorm in front of them.

Following the guidance of the cold winter pointer, they finally made their way out of the blizzard without direction, bearing, or map.

At this time, as the sky became bright again, what appeared in front of Lin Feng and the others turned out to be a throne completely made of ice!

In front of the throne is a wide road, with ice sculptures of different shapes on both sides.

But unlike the previous ice sculptures in the Ice Temple, there are no monsters inside these ice sculptures, they are just decorations.

And on top of the throne is a sword filled with endless cold air, inserted directly on the throne.

This sword is the last medium that inherits the bloodline of Bitter Winter.

Lin Feng has already done the main plot of this world once in his previous life and knows the process very well.

So he didn't stay here for more than a moment and walked directly along the road in front of the throne.

As soon as the five of them stepped into this place, they instantly triggered the strange runes on the ground and made a sound of turning machines.

Before they were even halfway there, endless white light rays were emitted from the ice sculptures around them and rushed toward them!

But Lin Feng seemed to have predicted this matter in advance. As he walked forward, he gathered the power of the dragon in his hand and waved it around.

The three dragon shields simultaneously covered their left and right sides and behind them, perfectly resisting all light attacks!

Thanks to Lin Feng's terrifying panel values, the shield value of this Dragon Shield is also surprisingly high.

Although the attack power of these lights is very high, they are still unable to penetrate the Dragon Shield.

"You stay here and immediately remind all Chinese players to prepare for danger."

Lin Feng said a word, then left the protection of the Dragon Shield alone and continued to walk towards the throne.

As soon as he left the protection of the Dragon Shield, several rays of light immediately gathered on him at the same time, dealing horrific damage to him.

This is the last protective measure of the Winter Bloodline inheritance. Before the sword is pulled out, anyone who tries to get close will trigger the sniper attack of Winter Light.

The damage of these rays is very high and lasts forever.

So even if someone can complete mission goal 1 and come here, it will not be so easy to obtain the inheritance of the winter bloodline.

However, such an attack would naturally have no effect on Lin Feng.

The protection of the immortal divine body instantly rose up on Lin Feng's body, and countless blocking sounds appeared.

As for him, he just endured the attack of the cold winter light and walked directly to the throne.

The golden Great Emperor who stayed in place looked confused.

Did the president just ask them to remind Chinese players to prepare for hedging?

What danger should you avoid? Where to avoid danger?

They had no idea what Lin Feng meant, so they had no choice but to immediately turn on the World Channel and start shouting.

"Attention players in the Huaxia Region, stop your monster spawning and prepare to avoid danger!"

"This is a reminder from the Immortal Guild. You may be in danger at any time, so be prepared to respond!"

"Chinese players hug each other as soon as possible and stay away from dangerous areas!"

Since they didn't know exactly what dangers to avoid, they had to immediately remind them based on their own experience.

However, this is a World Level dungeon with rich rewards, so their reminders naturally did not get many people's attention.

Except for the players in the Huaxia region who reacted, most players in the outer regions obviously turned a deaf ear.

In their opinion, the Immortal of the Huaxia region might be up to something else, and they wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to prevent them from spawning monsters!

At this moment, Lin Feng carried the white light and walked to the throne, and suddenly pulled out the sword on the throne!

At this moment, the entire throne collapsed instantly, and all the white light around it disappeared.

At the same time, what was brought about was an unprecedented shock that directly caused the entire valley, and then spread directly towards the entire ice purgatory!

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