Before this, no one had ever set foot in the heart of the Ice Purgatory instance.

According to the map description, the center of this dungeon is the purgatory where various ancient ferocious beasts are suppressed. It is very dangerous.

However, now that Demon World's large-scale invasion is right in front of them, they can't help thinking so much at this time.

As meteors fell in the sky, the Apex Level experts and rich people from all regions had arrived first.

Naturally, Lin Feng had arrived early, and with the golden Great Emperor, they headed towards the interior of Purgatory.

[You have entered the inner area of ​​Winter Purgatory. The current danger level of the area is: unknown! ]

A prompt appeared on their interfaces.

This purgatory is actually quite huge, located on the peak of a snowy field.

Purgatory is surrounded by a large number of magic spikes for defense, and magic towers are also guarding the surrounding area.

This trick really worked, as they entered the Purgatory Fortress.

The monsters that followed them stopped and did not dare to attack the fortress casually.

"The president really has a clever plan. They really don't dare to catch up here!"

The Golden Great Emperor looked at the huge group of monsters surrounding this purgatory fortress and did not dare to attack, and said quickly.

"This is just the beginning, don't relax."

However, Lin Feng did not look relieved, but continued to look around.

More players began to gather in this Purgatory Fortress.

Except for those powerful and powerful people and professional teams from various regions.

Even the ordinary players have arrived one after another and started to pour into the fortress.

"Don't squeeze, let me go in too!"

"Hurry up and get in! I'm almost out of blood. If I don't go in, I'll die!"

"Where did there come from so many people? Get out of the way!"

"Do you still want to go in? Stop yelling here!"

The scene was once plunged into huge chaos, with more than 100,000 players crowded into several entrances to the fortress.

The entire local channel was almost filled with the crazy shouting of a large number of people.

[World Announcement: The effective capacity of the Winter Purgatory Fortress is 100,000 people. Exceeding the upper limit will cause the Purgatory Fortress to be destroyed. Please pay attention! ]

[The current world main quest has been updated! ]

[Current mission: Send the Winter Bloodline inheritance into the depths of purgatory, open the seal of the ancient beast, and trigger the Rank Two mission! ]

Several consecutive world announcements appeared again, bringing desperate news.

The place in front of them that could keep them safe could only accommodate 100,000 people!

And now you can already see it just by visual inspection.

There are more than half a million players in this Purgatory Fortress!

According to the World Announcement, if the number of people exceeds the upper limit, the Purgatory Fortress is likely to be destroyed.

Now everyone in the fortress was not happy, and a huge mutiny immediately occurred.

Originally, if this place could accommodate everyone, it wouldn't matter even if everyone was crowded.

But now it has become a limited location.

Those who came first naturally immediately became very dissatisfied with those who came later.

A large number of professional teams and local tycoons who came first suddenly became dissatisfied and began to prevent ordinary players from entering the fortress.

"Don't come in. Didn't you hear the announcement? There are only 100,000 places here!"

"If you come in again, we will all die together!"

"Don't even come in. Don't say we didn't warn you. I won't be polite if anyone comes in again!"

"That's right, this place will be destroyed if you come in again!"

Conflicts quickly broke out between civilian players and wealthy players who originally did not interfere with each other.

In the midst of the chaos, someone suddenly launched an attack.

Suddenly, it triggered a large number of confrontations between players.

The players who were supposed to go hand in hand were now having a fierce confrontation at the entrance of Purgatory Fortress!

Various spells and large-scale AOE skills began to attack each other crazily, killing each other!

At this time, the Black King of the American Region saw this and immediately had a plan in mind.

He directly opened the world channel and shouted directly to the people in the Winter Purgatory copy.

"According to me, the Huaxia region has the largest number of players in this dungeon, so we should start clearing out the Huaxia region to make room for subsequent players!"

As soon as he said this, he immediately received a response from a large number of people.

What the Black King said was tantamount to directing all the conflicts between wealthy players and civilian players to the Chinese players!

For those players who want to enter the fortress, they can't afford to worry about so much at this moment.

They will support whoever says to let them in!

Soon, a large number of people began to pour into the Purgatory Fortress, and at the same time, they all began to attack the Chinese players!

Naturally, there are many personal feuds between North America, the United States, Japan and other regions.

They all used this reason to secretly take revenge on the players in the Huaxia region.

"We were obviously here first, why should we give up our place?"

"Don't bully me because there are no people in China. Do you think we are easy to bully?"

"That's right. The worst that can happen is that we will die together. We are the number one district!"

"If you have the guts, just come and fight and see who suffers in the end!"

The players in the Huaxia Region are naturally full of blood and cannot stand this kind of bullying.

Player conflicts between the Huaxia Region and other regions are about to break out.

At the same time, Lin Feng was already holding the sword inherited from Bitter Winter and wanted to go deep into the purgatory.

In the world announcement just released, in addition to mentioning the location of Purgatory Fortress.

At the same time, the last mission of Rank One has been updated, which is to use the Winter Purgatory inheritance to go to the depths of Purgatory to open the seal.

Originally this was a very simple task, nothing more than using a sword to open the seal in purgatory.

All things considered, it can be done within ten minutes.

However, the real difficulty of this level is the mutual attacks from other players.

Once it is announced that Purgatory Fortress has only 100,000 positions, it will inevitably trigger chaos within the fortress.

Even the player who holds the Winter Bloodline inheritance cannot avoid being involved.

What was originally a simple task will encounter multiple obstacles.

Because compared to completing any task, people are more concerned about whether they can survive at this moment.

In other words, this level is not a test of resistance to monsters, but human nature!

At this time, the conflict in the fortress has been fully triggered, and there are melees everywhere.

Even on Lin Feng's side, there were actually many players from outside areas blocking their way.

"These people are desperate for their lives. President, I will clear the way for you!"

The Golden Great Emperor and the others found it unsightly to see that players could actually cause such a full-scale melee.

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