The Online Game For Everyone Started With A Hundredfold Retaliation!

Chapter 186 The Most Dangerous Battle For Power

[World Main Line Rank Two Section: Collecting the Spirits of Ancient Ferocious Beasts]

[The eight ancient ferocious beasts guarding this place have been destroyed, but their Primordial Spirit has not been destroyed. The spirits of the ferocious beasts remain in this space and are scattered everywhere]

[These ferocious beast spirits carry the power from the ancient purgatory. Whoever can seize all these ferocious beast spirits can completely master this winter purgatory and receive generous rewards! ]

[Tip: Since the Winter Purgatory Fortress has been defeated, the map will be restored to the simulated terrain of ancient times, and the special area of ​​endless snow mountains has been generated! ]

[Tip: After players capture the ancient ferocious beast spirits, they will have the opportunity to summon additional ancient exclusive mounts from the ferocious beast spirits. Each player only has one chance! ]

[Mission goal: Capture all the beast spirits and win control of the Winter Purgatory for your region (0/8) ]

At this time, a series of new mission instructions and world announcements have been released one after another.

Immediately afterwards, all the remaining surviving players' mission interfaces changed uniformly.

In the Rank Two of this Winter Purgatory dungeon, the only goal is to snatch the spirit of the ancient beast!

The eight ancient ferocious beasts that the players had just worked hard to kill, their Primordial Spirits are scattered in the corners of this map.

Anyone who can get one of them will be able to obtain a piece of power equal to that of the beast itself.

And whoever can collect all eight copies will be the real Lord of Winter Purgatory.

Such a main mission immediately aroused all the players' fighting spirit and desires!

The so-called World Level dungeon is all about this extremely huge benefit!

In Apocalypse Continent, World Level dungeons have one biggest difference from regular dungeons.

That is every World Level copy, regardless of its own main mission.

But eventually, one guild will win control of the entire World Level instance.

The guild that ultimately wins will win the title of the first region for its region and will receive region benefits that last for 180 days.

At the same time, the guild itself will also gain control of the World Level dungeon for the same period of time and obtain all the benefits from the dungeon!

This is an indescribably huge energy, and it can be completely swallowed up by one guild!

In Lin Feng's previous life, almost all major guilds that could be named owned or had owned at least one World Level copy!

And those Transcendent Level guilds at the top of the pyramid have each conquered at least three or four World Level dungeons!

One can imagine the huge benefits that those guilds gained from these World Level copies!

"According to the meaning of this main mission, this is about to start a nationwide brawl. Whoever has the ability can rob it?"

The Golden Great Emperor had just finished listening to this announcement and had already summed it up concisely and concisely.

"The Primordial Spirit of these ancient ferocious beasts is actually the key to clearing this dungeon? I really didn't expect it."

Linglong Luoshui put on a look of disgust. What she disliked most was fighting such big and ugly monsters.

"The Primordial Spirits of these ancient ferocious beasts are very valuable. Just by carrying them on your body, you can get massive attribute bonuses, and the first person to find them will also have the opportunity to unlock ancient mounts."

Lin Feng said to them immediately.

He has the advantage of being reborn in his previous life, and he is still very impressed with the large number of details in this World Level copy.

In his previous life, Lin Feng experienced a total of seven World Level dungeons, and each dungeon had its own unique dungeon benefits.

The Winter Purgatory dungeon is a plane where ancient monsters are imprisoned. Its unique benefits are a variety of divine pets, legendary mounts, and Divine Level mercenaries.

In addition, there is also God’s Kingdom, which has been converted into the production of strengthening stones, and a treasure land that specializes in providing various magical weapons, all of which are world-level copies.

If the Immortal Guild can capture all these profits in this life, then there will be no problem for the Huaxia Region to secure its position as the number one region.

At the same time, there was naturally excitement on the World Channel.

The Rank One section of the world's main storyline was unclear, and in the end, there were no particularly attractive rewards.

But now that the Rank Two section was exposed, they all became excited!

The Primordial Spirit of the ancient beast is already a very powerful force in itself.

And after getting it, every player has a chance to summon an ancient exclusive mount.

If you can gather eight Primordial Spirits, you can directly become the master of the entire dungeon!

Such a simple and crude task with huge benefits was the original intention of each of them to enter this World Level copy!

"This mission looks much more exciting. Let's get started quickly, brothers!"

"Get started immediately. Needless to say, for this kind of mission, whoever finds it first will be able to seize the opportunity. Hurry!"

"From now on, don't talk about the Huaxia Region. All regions are enemies. No one can provoke anyone!"

"Fair competition, let's see who is lucky enough to find it first!"

At this time, on the World Channel, all the twists and turns originally picked up by the American professional team have disappeared.

In the face of real interests, no one is really that stupid and would listen to the instigation of the American professional team.

In this round of Rank Two missions, everyone will only seek benefits for their own guild and their own region, and no one can target anyone else!

Because no one wants to make wedding clothes for others!

At this time, a large number of players had rushed out immediately and scattered in all directions.

Some moved towards the middle and outer areas of Winter Purgatory and immediately started searching.

Some rushed to the newly appeared endless snow mountain area. At this time, the snow mountain still did not stop growing and was still getting bigger and taller.

Naturally, the same goes for the professional teams in each major region. While they urgently contacted the scientific research team above them, they also set off immediately.

"President, the professional teams have dispersed. When will we start?"

Overlord saw that a large number of players had dispersed immediately, and he felt a little anxious.

He doesn't want his guild to be deprived of this benefit by others!

"Don't worry, this matter doesn't depend on who can find it quickly, it depends on who can find it accurately."

Lin Feng didn't look anxious at all. Instead, he immediately set his sights on the endless snow-capped mountains that replaced the Purgatory Fortress.

"According to me, the Primordial Spirits of those ferocious beasts should be on this snowy mountain, right?"

Linglong Luoshui Bingxue was smart, and she immediately guessed it when she looked at Lin Feng's eyes.

In fact, as long as you think about it for a while, you can understand that this is already designed to be obvious enough.

If this endless snow mountain has no effect, why would it go to such great lengths to suddenly appear in the Rank Two stage, and it is so huge and obvious.

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