The Online Game For Everyone Started With A Hundredfold Retaliation!

Chapter 191 The Battle For The Beast Soul Begins!

"These ferocious beasts cannot be beaten by the Spirit Body. They are immune to all kinds of damage. I don't know how to deal with them!"

Linglong Luoshui said immediately.

In fact, it's not just them, there are a large number of professional team members gathered on this snow-capped mountain, but even they can't do anything.

"At least four Primordial Spirits have appeared on this snowy mountain. Three of them were found based on the coordinates you sent us."

Xiao Yu'er also added.

Lin Feng sent five coordinates to each of the five of them before setting off.

A total of three people finally found the beast spirit.

Of course, there are already more than three ferocious beast spirits appearing on the Endless Snow Mountain.

In addition to the area they were in, the Ice Bear Professional Team also discovered another ferocious beast spirit on a higher mountain.

The British princess and the royal professional team also discovered the spirit of a ferocious beast in another area.

Lin Feng listened to what they said, and it was basically similar to the situation in the Winter Purgatory instance he experienced in his previous life.

Most of the ferocious beast spirits on the endless snow-capped mountains gather together in one area.

In addition, there will be one or two wandering in other corners of the mountain.

"It doesn't matter. Since someone has already found it for us, let's let them look after it for us first."

Since the professional team hasn't figured out how to capture the Spirit Body unit yet, Lin Feng is happy to let them get busy first.

With a professional team watching over there, Lin Feng was not worried that these ferocious beast spirits would be lost.

Just as he was about to leave, a communication outside the game was connected to his chat window.

Lin Feng saw that it was the call coming from Lin Xin.

Could it be that the message sent at this time was some information he discovered?

Lin Feng didn't think much and immediately opened the call.

"Boss, I just heard some news through the channels outside, and I thought I might need to give you some advice."

As soon as Lin Xin saw that the communication was connected, he immediately said to Lin Feng.

"Okay, you say."

Lin Feng knew that he would not do boring things. Since he said this, it must be valuable information, so he answered succinctly.

"According to rumors from outside, the scientific research team has decrypted the latest World Level copy information and sent it to Lift Continent. According to my guess, this information should be about Spirit Body creatures."

Although Lin Xin is not in the Winter Purgatory dungeon, he still has several reporters and players inside to tip him off. He naturally knows what is going on in the dungeon now.

It was precisely because of this that he thought it was necessary to let Lin Feng know the news.

"I know, you go to work first."

Lin Feng thought for a moment after hearing the news, and then said to him.

I originally thought I would have a lot of time, but looking at it now, I still don’t have much time.

The professional team is backed by a global scientific research team and has the advantage of cracking codes to obtain intelligence.

Once the information about the Spirit Body creature is decrypted, the professional team will have a chance to capture the spirit of the beast.

At the same time, various professional teams were also on the endless snow-capped mountains.

All ten regional professional teams including China, the United States, England, North America, White Bear, and Japan have all received information transmissions from their respective research teams.

This new information that has just been cracked clearly lists all the characteristics and response methods of Spirit Body creatures.

How to capture the spirit of the ferocious beast suddenly became extremely clear!

"Now that the intelligence has been confirmed, prepare immediately. We must capture the beast spirit on our side as soon as possible!"

For the British Royal Professional Team, Princess Maria has given the order decisively.

At this time, the two professional teams of England and White Bear were not in the core area of ​​the snow mountain. The two teams found a lone ferocious beast spirit in other remote areas of the endless snow mountain.

In terms of good luck, these two professional teams can be said to have the best luck.

"There are at least two ferocious beast spirits in the core area here. As long as I get them, my panel attributes will be greatly improved. By then, even the Immortal will not be my opponent!"

On the other side, in the American professional team, the Black King also said arrogantly to his men.

Previously, they had always been wary of Lin Feng's strength. They only dared to attack the Huaxia region in a sideways way and did not dare to face the enemy head-on.

But if they can get a powerful panel upgrade from the beast spirit this time, everything may be possible!

In addition, several professional teams such as Japan, Korea, Australia, Asia, and Asan are also planning to pick them up, and their targets are directed at these ferocious beast spirits in the core area.

At this time, these ferocious beast spirits were not stupid, and soon sensed that the attitudes of these human players began to change.

They had been teasing them just now, but now they started to round them up.

These ferocious beast spirits sensed that something was wrong, and all turned into blizzard phoenixes and began to flee!

"The ferocious beast spirit has been alarmed, follow!"

Lin Feng knew what was going on as soon as he saw it. He immediately summoned the mountain god and followed him with the magic of earth escape.

The other professional teams who are still planning secretly are not stupid either.

The Chinese professional team, the American professional team, and the North American professional team in the core area all took action at the same time, and they all began to chase the two Blizzard Phoenixes!

Although these two blizzard phoenixes are just mimetic transformations of ferocious beast spirits.

But with the blessing of the power of the ancient ferocious beast, it also has a spell level equal to the original one.

The two of them turned around in the air and instantly summoned a blizzard of ice and snow, directly attacking the pursuers behind them!

This move was originally a high-level spell from Blizzard Phoenix, which was enough to deal astonishing damage.

But since the two of them are just illusions, there is no damage, only the freezing effect of the original skills.

A blizzard suddenly blew by, and more than half of the dozens of chasing players were frozen in place.

Only the immune-controlled Lin Feng and a few professional teams survived this move.

Black King and Jack from the American region, Xuanyuan, the captain from the Chinese region, and a dozen other professional team experts.

They all relied on their own methods, either through skill mechanisms or special potions, to escape the control just now.

At this time, the two ferocious beast spirits flying in the front had already crossed the top of the endless snow-capped mountains.

In the blink of an eye, we have entered the Level 100 high-risk area.

At this time, a wild BOSS appeared in front of them by coincidence!

"This is trouble."

Lin Feng smiled bitterly, but the two ferocious beast spirits seemed to have seen a life-saving straw and immediately burrowed into the snow monster BOSS.

Two groups of ancient ferocious beast spirits squeezed into a wild BOSS at the same time!

The snow monster BOSS suddenly let out a roar, and then its size began to tear apart and grow!

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