The Online Game For Everyone Started With A Hundredfold Retaliation!

Chapter 199 Complete The Handover Without Any Bloodshed

At this moment, the steps of the mountain god have arrived here.

Lin Feng, who was riding the mountain god, quickly traveled through the endless snow-capped mountains, and in the blink of an eye he had arrived at where Xuanyuan and the others were.

The huge mountain god transformed and disappeared, and Lin Feng walked directly into it, followed by members of the Immortal Guild.

Among them, Xuanyuan's younger sister, Xiao Yu'er, was naturally included.

"Captain, why don't we run away? This Immortal has killed hundreds of players in the outer area in a row, and has captured the spirits of seven ferocious beasts!"

All members of the Chinese professional team heard about Lin Feng's series of actions just now.

Now that they saw Lin Feng appearing here in person, it was naturally difficult for them to stay calm.

"The Immortal is a man who cares about China. Let's take a look at his purpose."

But Xuanyuan did not intend to escape, but instead took the initiative to walk towards Lin Feng.

Unless they voluntarily quit, this copy of Winter Purgatory is so big, and his coordinates will be automatically disclosed by the system. Where can they escape?

Moreover, based on Xuanyuan's several meetings with Lin Feng, he concluded that Lin Feng was not that kind of brainless person.

"Captain Xuanyuan, we meet again."

Lin Feng walked towards Xuanyuan, he did not look too nervous, he just smiled and said.

"Immortal, you have made a lot of contributions to the Huaxia region this time. I would like to thank you on behalf of the official."

Xuanyuan was also very upright and answered honestly.

This time around the World Level dungeon, in addition to various guilds competing for control of this dungeon.

In essence, it is also a competition for each region to compete for the first region.

So no matter what, at least at this point, Lin Feng has locked the result in the Huaxia region in advance.

Regardless of whether their professional team guild wins or the immortal guild wins in the end.

The title of the first region is guaranteed to be in the Huaxia Region.

In this regard, Lin Feng has indeed made considerable contributions to the Huaxia Region.

"Since you said that, I'll make the story short. Your Chinese research team has been trying to contact me before. I'm willing to cooperate with you."

Lin Feng didn't waste any time when he came up, he went straight to the point and said.

His words were so unexpected that not only Xuanyuan was stunned for a moment, but even the members of the Immortal Guild were a little surprised.

You must know that in order to get in touch with Lin Feng, the Chinese professional team tried their best to find out everything about him.

They even sent many dedicated people to contact the members of the Immortal Guild from the real world.

But now the president actually agrees to cooperate with them?

" mean, at the expense of this, you want me to give you the spirit of the beast?"

Xuanyuan gathered his thoughts for a while and quickly understood what Lin Feng meant.

It is no longer a matter of a day or two for the higher-ups to formally contact Lin Feng.

If he can get his consent this time, it would be a very powerful bargaining chip.

"President, why do you need to cooperate with these official people? With their strength, we can definitely handle it!"

The Golden Great Emperor was a little worried for Lin Feng and said immediately.

Although what he said didn't sound good, it was also true.

The benefits of the Immortal Guild are simply terrifying. They are now almost world-class in terms of level and equipment.

Even if you really want to play against the Chinese professional team, I'm afraid it won't be too difficult.

Therefore, Lin Feng's words were already a big step forward.

"You can't say this. Whether it's us or the official, in fact, everyone just wants our region to become stronger, and the original intention is still the same."

"How about Captain Xuanyuan, this is the biggest concession I can give."

Since Lin Feng said this, he certainly had not worried about safety at all.

He took the initiative to make concessions this time, mainly because he wanted to establish a good channel between the Immortal Guild and the official.

First of all, he will fight for a lot of things for the Huaxia region in the future, and it will always be smoother with official support.

Secondly, the character and strength of the Chinese professional team in the previous life were obvious to all in the official professional team.

Since it is his own professional team, Lin Feng does his best not to want to fight with his own people.

"Of course you can, if you keep your word."

Although Xuanyuan didn't dare to believe this was true, he still said quickly.

Before, they had spent all their efforts to reach the Immortal.

Now if the Immortal One takes the initiative and is willing to cooperate.

Compared to before, whether or not to give him the spirit of the ferocious beast was a trivial matter.

The Immortal is currently the only Transcendent Level player in Apocalypse Continent who is independent from the official government. There are too many mysteries about him, and he has become the focus of the global scientific research team.

The information he has that is even more advanced than that of the scientific research team is already of unimaginable value.

In contrast, if it is just exchanged for a World Level copy, Xuanyuan believes that the official will definitely agree.

What's more, the reality is that they are not even qualified to refuse.

"But I want to remind you that if you cooperate with us, the scientific research team will need you to contact us in the real world. I hope you can agree to this."

But Xuanyuan then made another request.

The identity of the Immortal affects a lot of energy in the Huaxia region, and what officials are most worried about right now is his identity.

So meeting in the real world is their minimum requirement.

"You officials shouldn't be so pushy. It's already great that we are willing to cooperate with you, but we still want to be caught by you in the real world?"

The Golden Great Emperor became even more angry when he heard this condition, and immediately cursed loudly.

"President, it's safe enough in Tianqi Continent, but are you afraid of being in the real world..."

Linglong Luoshui immediately whispered worriedly behind Lin Feng.

People with status like the Golden Great Emperor and Linglong Luoshui are always wary of such official meetings.

"Don't worry, since I proposed this idea, I'm naturally not afraid of meeting. I agreed to Captain Xuanyuan on this matter."

But Lin Feng smiled easily, as if he had already anticipated the meeting.

Since he took the initiative to cooperate, it was inevitable for the official to propose meeting in the real world. This was not surprising to Lin Feng.

After all, for the officials, they also want to find out who is such a person who has a huge influence on the Huaxia region.

Regarding this aspect, Lin Feng already had a solution, so he was not worried.

"Okay, this is not the first time we have met. I also believe in your promise."

Xuanyuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately took the initiative to transfer the beast spirit in his body to Lin Feng.

He had expected that the worst case scenario would be that they would all be annihilated.

It is beyond expectation that the handover can now be completed in a peaceful manner.

As soon as Lin Feng took the last ferocious beast spirit in his hand, a loud sound of world announcement came in the air!

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