[World Announcement: The main mission of Rank Two of War Purgatory has ended! ]

[Currently, all tribes that do not hold war relics will be forcibly disbanded by the system. All players will be judged dead and will be treated as refugee players according to the death penalty...]

At this time, with this cruel announcement to the world, the entire war is currently in purgatory.

Except for the four tribes that had mastered the sacred artifacts of war, a large number of other tribes began to disband automatically.

Some of the players in the tribe can't wait to disband, but it doesn't matter.

Especially the small number of people in the small tribes. With the Combat Power of those tribes, it is impossible to compete with such large tribes.

Therefore, these tribes themselves are determined to die. They have already been mentally prepared, so naturally it doesn't matter.

On the contrary, tribes like the Eagle Tribe that originally had a chance had to be disbanded.

This kind of medium-sized or even large-sized tribe can only say that they lost unfairly, but there is nothing they can do about it.

Because among the existing tribes, there are only these four that are truly extremely powerful.

The Iron Tribe of China, the Bear Tribe of the White Bear Region, the Fire Tribe of North America and the United States, and the Spear Tribe of England.

Although some of the other tribes have gathered some experts from major regions, their overall strength is not good enough in comparison.

Either there weren't enough people, and in the end they still couldn't pass the Fire Tribe level.

Although the Fire Tribe did not go looking for war relics in the first place in Rank Two.

But with his extraordinary size and strength, he finally obtained this war artifact from the Eagle Tribe.

Of course, this process is not so easy.

Since the Eagle Tribe had the support of a large number of guilds and tribes, they were defeated in the end.

But it still brought huge trouble to the Fire Tribe.

The Fire Tribe exerted almost 100% of its strength, and finally managed to defeat the Eagle Tribe.

Therefore, it can be said that their vitality was greatly damaged when they got the War Sacred Artifact in this wave.

At this time, as the major tribes began to disband, a large number of refugees began to flow into the war purgatory.

These refugee players were essentially all reduced to Level 5 and left in a weakened state.

And because the tribe suddenly disbanded, they were suddenly exposed, and some were even attracted by monsters.

Of course, these refugee players soon began to join the major tribes.

These millions of players began to gather on a large scale towards the remaining four tribes.

Among them, the Fire Tribe and the Iron Tribe naturally have the largest number of people joining.

Especially the Iron Tribe, since all members of the Immortal Guild are among them, they are naturally the most vocal among them.

But fortunately for Lin Feng's foresight, he never counterattacked the Fire Tribe. Instead, he repeatedly gave them time to breathe.

This allowed them to not be defeated at Rank Two, but to survive until Rank Three.

What he did was actually to allow the Fire Tribe to take over this position and prevent the Shadow Tribe from appearing.

At this time, all refugees have begun to migrate.

Today, the numbers of the four major tribes have been refreshed again.

Among them, the numbers of the Iron Tribe and the Fire Tribe have both reached more than five million.

The Bear Tribe and the Spear Tribe each have more than two million members.

The total number of this number is the number of players who have participated in the War Purgatory World dungeon this round, which exceeds 10 million.

At this time, the settlement of the Rank Two segment has been completed. At the same time, the main mission of the Rank Three segment is about to begin.

At this time, with the end of the world announcement, the main tasks began to change on everyone's interface.

The new main mission begins to cover the previous content. At the same time, the rewards for completing the Rank Two stage also begin to be distributed to everyone.

[Rank Three Stage War Purgatory Main Mission (sss)]

[Mission Objective 1: The war relics will be strengthened and begin to attract the invasion of monsters. Players from each tribe need to guard their war relics]

[Mission Objective 2: Return the War Temple in the center of War Purgatory to normal and defeat the monster nest occupied by it]

[Mission Objective 3: After the War Temple is completely cleaned up, place your tribe’s war relics into the temple and activate the War Temple at the same time]

[Task rewards: several Experience Points, several gold coins, limited treasure chests]

[Task punishment: - Level 5, punishing some gold coins and some Experience Points]

[Task description: Who can seize the name of the War Temple? Among the four tribes, only one tribe can receive this honor... ]

The difficulty of this mission is getting stronger each time.

When it comes to the main quest in Rank One, the difficulty of the quest is very simple. Each tribe only needs to occupy one city to complete it.

When you reach Rank Two, it becomes a little more difficult, and you have to go out to find and rob war relics.

At Rank Three, this time it becomes a multi-line task.

Each tribe must deal with goals in three directions at the same time, and each goal must be achieved perfectly.

This is really difficult.

The main mission of the War Purgatory dungeon has this characteristic.

As the number of Late Stage tribes decreases, the difficulty of their main tasks will begin to become increasingly difficult.

Of course, although the difficulty of the main tasks is also increasing, there is no doubt that the level of rewards will naturally continue to increase.

Lin Feng knew this very well, and naturally the players from the major tribes did the same.

At this time, the task description ends, and everyone has activated the new task of Rank Three.

"This Rank Three mission is really complicated. So, we still need to recover the temple, defend our tribe, and transport sacred objects to the temple?"

At this time, Linglong Luoshui said immediately.

"The third mission goal is the last thing. It can't be controlled now. The most important thing now is the first two missions."

But Lin Feng immediately reminded her.

The three mission objectives of Rank Three in this round have actually been made very clear.

First of all, starting from Rank Three, monsters will fully intervene in this war purgatory dungeon.

The monsters will rob and covet those war sacred objects, and begin to attack the four tribes holding the sacred objects.

Of course, during this process, the war artifacts they hold will be strengthened, giving them an advantage when facing monsters.

In addition, players also need to allocate their energy to go to the War Temple in the center of the map.

That place is now occupied by the Demon Nest, and players need to completely clean up the place and regain the temple.

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