The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 103: Arrogant Kado! (Third Update!)

Zabu Zhan is not a fool, after Li Qing's touch, he instantly realized what he should really stick to.

Not to complete the task, but to cherish the people in front of you!

He thought of these years, hiding in Tibet under the pursuit of Mist Shinobi's hunting troops, from the beginning to the end, only Minazukishiro was by his side, taking care of his daily life, taking care of everything about him, even his When he was at his worst, it was also Mizunazukishiro who supported him to walk down.

He always uses Minazukibai as a tool, but in fact, he already treats Minazukibai as a relative in his heart.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so desperate!

"Kill me!" Zai Bu Zhan is an arrogant person, gritted his teeth and said, "As long as you spare Shui Wu Yue Bai and let him live."

"Zen, Mr. Zabuzhan..." Minazuki Bai heard the words, her body couldn't help but tremble, this was the most heartwarming words she had never heard from Zabuzhan, for a moment, her eyes were a little red The red eyes that fell on Li Qing were full of gratitude.

"As long as you give up assassinating Dazna, we will no longer be hostile, and we will naturally let you go." Kakashi has heard the story of the ghost man Zabuju, and knows that this is a tough guy. He also admires Zabuza very much. , and he is not a bloodthirsty person.

"The ninjas in Konoha Village are really kind..." Hearing Kakashi's words, he grinned and was about to grit his teeth and hit [Kunai] when a [earth wall] appeared without warning. Appeared in front of him, blocking his actions.

"Why, why?" Zai Buzhan looked at Li Qing angrily, his eyes bloodshot.

He regards fame as more important than his own life, as long as Minazukibai can live, he is already content.

"Is it really that important to complete the task?" Li Qing asked back.

"Uh... that's natural!"

Bu Zhan froze for a moment, then nodded.

"But others don't see it that way, they just treat you as a dog..." Li Qing shook his head with a wry smile, and glanced into the distance from the corner of his eye...

clap clap!


From the corner of his eyes, he could clearly see hundreds of samurai legions holding katana swords, following behind a gangster boss, their faces full of arrogance.

The one who applauded was the gang boss. And he is Kaduo, the boss of the Kaduo Group, who specializes in killing people and stealing goods. He secretly executed many people who resisted, and made the entire border town of the Kingdom of Waves shrouded in darkness under his rule...

"Yo, isn't it that ghosts don't kill people anymore? I didn't expect you to have not completed the task. I'm so disappointed. It seems that your name of Mist Shinobi seven people really needs to be replaced. You can't solve it for a long time. These people, I had no choice but to send my men down. Hehehe..."

Kado smiled faintly, "Of course, I know that there are many of you, and you are all very powerful, especially Uchiha Qing... So, I hired some players to help me again. Compared to not beheading, The price of players is much lower than yours, and many of them are coming to you for the [Decapitating Sword] in your hand."

After all, Kado clapped and saw more than a hundred speedboats speeding over from all directions of the bridge, with more than a dozen players sitting on them. Then, the players sneered and jumped onto the bridge, showing their own body shape.

In an instant, there were 40,000 to 50,000 players gathered here on the bridge, only a small part came for Kado's commission, and most of them came for [Decapitating Sword].

In online games, NPCs can also issue missions by themselves and provide commissions to hire players to fight for them. As the CEO of Kaduo Group, Kaduo’s money can be described as rich and powerful. Hiring so many players is nothing to worry about Down.

Among the players, Li Qing saw some alliances and trade unions that he didn't usually see, [Jiaolong Alliance], [League of Legends], [King Kong Alliance], [Blue Dragon Alliance], [South African Special Forces Alliance]... .Looks like they are all players near Kirigakure.


What made him laugh a little was that many players saw him, especially after seeing his name, their eyes widened, showing a look of horror, as if they had encountered some ghost!

...asking for flowers...

"How is it? Very powerful?" Cardo sneered and took out a cigar from his waist and smoked it. "It's much cheaper to hire them than not to kill you. Well, it seems that you can't beat them. It's useless, you... have been fired, and at the same time, I will send someone to sell the information on your haunts to the Mist Shinobi hunting forces, I believe it can make up for my loss... In addition, Daz Uncle Na, if you don’t have money, don’t fight with me, if you fight with me, you will die!”

"You!" Dazna's body trembled with anger, "This bridge is the hope of all the islanders of the wave country! Even if I die, I will not give up!"

Bu Zhan did not speak, but turned his cold eyes to Kado, at this time he had reached the ultimate level of anger.

Kakashi and others were also very angry, especially Uzumaki Naruto, who was very nervous, retorted: "Do you know that this bridge is the bridge for the survival of all the islanders of Nanamura?"

"So what if you know? Laozi is rich!"

With a disdainful glance from the corner of Kado's mouth, he threw the cigar on the ground, stomped on his foot, and was about to order the players to kill Li Qing and the others, when he turned his head and found that quite a few players were trembling all over. , a pair of eyes flickering with horror.

"What's the matter with you?" Cardo asked a little strangely.

"Boss Kado, when you announced the mission, you didn't say that there is a god-tier Uchiha Qing!" A player with a little fear in his eyes said with a trembling body.

"Yeah, Boss Kado, you didn't say there was Uchiha Qing here, you just said let us kill Dazna..." Another player also echoed.

"Boss Cardo, I can't do it. My feet are trembling when I see Uchiha Qing now. We can only retreat first, you, you take care!" This is a timid player, turning around and getting on the speedboat before running.

When the other players saw it, they remembered the horror of those missions being dominated by Uchiha Qing, and immediately followed.

In an instant, the original 30,000 to 40,000 players ran for a day!

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