The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 110: Gathering Geniuses! (Fifth Update!)


Seeing that a battle was about to break out, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

Kankuro, whose face was originally cold and full of anger, shuddered instantly, and his face revealed a terrified expression, as if a plague god had descended. Even Temari in the distance could not help but tremble and his face turned pale.

Seeing the expressions of the two, the players are very curious, what kind of character makes such a powerful Sand Shinobi ninja so afraid?

Involuntarily, they all searched for the past after hearing the sound.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, you can't help being shocked when you look at it.

It turned out that the person who spoke was a boy in brown clothes who hung his body upside down from a tree, and carried a huge gourd on his back, with the word "Love" written on his forehead.

The juvenile looks very normal, but for some reason, it gives people a very scary feeling. When the players saw him, they all felt a chill rising slowly from behind.

"Gaara, it's you...hehe, my hands are itchy for a while." Kankuro had a flattering face, and hurriedly received the crow behind him.

It wasn't until he left that Kankuro noticed that he had been enveloped by a terrifying 760 killing intent, no matter what he did, he would be turned into flying fragments under the lock of this killing intent.

And the owner of Murderous Intent stood not far away and looked at him.

This murderous intent, if he doesn't move, he can't feel it at all, it's silent...

"Good, so strong..."

In an instant, Kankuro's face turned a little pale, and he was a little thankful that he didn't fight Uchiha Qing, otherwise, he might not even know how he died. And he can feel that the degree of murderous intent is not weaker than Gaara...

A bead of sweat oozed from Kankuro's forehead, wiped the sweat stains on his forehead, and jumped onto the tree. Before leaving, Gaara took a long look at Uchiha Qing, turned around and left without saying anything.

But looking at the back of Gaara leaving, Li Tu frowned greatly.

Sharingan, who could see the enemy's level and strength, can't see through Gaara's level at this time...From this point of view, Gaara has become very powerful to a pervert level.

But Li Qing thinks about it carefully. Gaara is One Tail Jinchūriki after all. How can his combat power be mediocre? You must know that in the original book, the Sand Shinobi troops put all their hopes on Gaara.

It's normal for such a character to have no level.

"That person always feels so strong..." Lin Jiachen was a little terrified, "I was born in a soldier, and I am naturally sensitive to various dangers."

"I, I feel like I can't even speak in front of him." Cheng Mengmeng was also nervous.

For the reaction of the two, Li Qing had expected it a long time ago. He smiled lightly: "There are many geniuses like this, and you will see them soon..."

"Uchiha Qing, you helped out again..." At this moment, Uzumaki Naruto and little Sakura rushed over with gratitude on their faces.

Konohamaru let out a long breath: "I feel fear from them...but Brother Naruto, I really didn't expect you to be so weak. Brother Uchiha Qing is the best

Hearing this, Uzumaki Naruto scratched his head in embarrassment, his face turned red: "Actually, I just let them come. Hey, little Sakura, don't pull my ears......

"Naruto, is that right?" Before Naruto could finish speaking, little Sakura pulled his ear angrily, and Naruto gritted his teeth in pain.

Looking at the two people who are like enemies, Li Qing was about to say something, but the little Sakura had pulled her away by her ears, while Konohamaru and the others quickly slipped away while lamenting the horror of women... ..

"It seems that about the (bdci) ninja exam, we can only let Mr. Kakashi tell them."

Li Qing smiled, and rushed to the address left on the [examination admission ticket] without wasting any more time.

Like the original book, Li Qing and others ran into Locke Lee, Hyuga Neji, Tian Tian and others on the first floor.

Hyuga Neji saw Li Qing and immediately stopped him. In the last Hyuga incident, he hadn't thanked Li Qing properly, but what kept making him grieve was "Uchiha's strength.

"Uchiha Qing, I hope to fight against you this time." Hyuga Neji's eyes flickered, flashing with a rolling fighting spirit.

"I also hope to fight with you, hehe..." Li Qing smiled, thanked them briefly, and went up to the second floor.

There is a small obstacle here on the second floor of the original book. Three Chunnins pretended to be candidates and set up a fake classroom. They did not fool Li Qing and others. After a while, the three of them successfully arrived at the address.

It is a very large classroom, dozens of times larger than the classroom in the original book, and it seems that it can accommodate at least 10,000 candidates!

At this moment, countless talented players from different hidden villages are chatting and laughing here, including NPCs and players. And when Li Qing came in, those eyes instantly projected over, making him the focus of the audience in an instant.

"Ah, he is Uchiha Ao?"

"Sure enough, Uchiha Qing will definitely not miss such a mission.

"Is he the best among players?"

"Hmph, it's just a clown. As far as I know, many unions of players are developing in a low-key way. There are still many real masters."

"Now there's a good show to watch."

The NPCs and the players were talking a lot, and a few players wearing hats in the crowd gently pushed their glasses at this moment, passing a cold light.

It can be seen that the alliance name of these bamboo hat players is [Sacred God Alliance], and the level of these players is actually a heaven-defying level of 160! More importantly, they have a unified surname: Uzumaki.

Yes, that is Uzumaki.

The backstage of the Slaughter God Alliance is extremely mysterious, and it is one of the few characters in the world who has obtained confidential information.

And they have a lot of ways to upgrade quickly.

"The elite player of [League of Legends] lost to him last time. This time we must avenge him. By the way, we will take the [Artifact] [Beheading Sword]. I heard that the captain of [League of Legends] is for revenge. I even gave my own woman to others, just to exchange for an [artifact], tsk tsk tsk..."

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