The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 112: ChūNin Exam, First Round! (Second Update!)

Just when the two were amazed, Li Qing instantly turned into a state of [hydration], and the fist that struck from behind suddenly hit a taunting MISS!


Locke Lee, who failed to kill, frowned, and his heart sank. He is not stupid, how can he not see that Uchiha Qing entered this strange state, and can be immune to his physical attack? I thought that I would not bear it. Art and illusion, then if Uchiha Qing keeps this state, wouldn't he be in an invincible position?

"My hydration state can last for 6 seconds. During these 6 seconds, I can be said to be an invincible existence to you. In fact, when I shot just now, I could also use illusion to trap you into an illusion. ...Your physical skills are very powerful, but "170" has met a nemesis like me, and can only face a hero who is useless!"

Li Qing smiled faintly, released her hydration state, and rushed towards Locke Lee.

Only then did Locke Lee realize that Uchiha Qing had been holding back from the very beginning. He thought of his years of hard work in physical arts in order to defeat all kinds of geniuses. The fire flared up immediately.

"It seems that he can only be used."

Locke Lee thought to himself.

But at this time, Li Qing had already brandished the [Break-off Sword] and rushed towards Locke Lee, who opened the bandages wrapped around his hands.

Just at this time, a voice slowly sounded: "Li, until you are not in any danger, I forbid you to use the Forbidden Technique, have you forgotten?"

Sound Fong, known as the Konoha Village Blue Beast, a Might Guy with a super watermelon head, rides a Lai.

Seeing Mr. Might Guy, Locke Lee, who was still in high spirits just now, instantly looked like a deflated balloon, and immediately put on a teacher, please forgive me...

Might Guy snorted coldly and kicked Locke Lee several meters away.

Then the two of them had a hug under the setting sun in a weird way, and shouted the slogan of enthusiasm, what youth, what blood, what sunshine.

Seeing this pair of mentors and apprentices who were a little abnormal, Sasuke and Naruto felt very depressed, especially Sasuke, who felt that he was defeated by such an idiot, and his so-called genius name was ridiculous.

Cheng Mengmeng and Lin Jiachen covered their mouths and smiled.

Li Qing withdrew the beheading sword, shook her head with a wry smile, in the original book, both Might Guy and Locke Lee are very hard-working people, maybe this is the only way to release the depression in their hearts?

"Uchiha Qing, I'm looking forward to the fight with you!" Locke Li made a hand gesture, looked at Li Qing with piercing eyes, left these words, turned and left with Might Guy.

Before leaving, Might Guy took a deep look at Li Qing. As a ninja who has experienced countless battles and has extremely rich combat experience, he knew very well that Locke Lee lost the moment he struck. Uchiha Qing has countless ways to defeat it...especially the [hydration] state that can be immune to physical attacks, it is simply the nemesis of physical ninjas, a nightmare existence!

"Lee, next time you meet Uchiha Qing, you must go all out. He is not an easy ninja to deal with." Might Guy admonished Locke Lee in a rare way.

"Good teacher, I will remember!"

Locke Lee nodded heavily, took out a small notebook from his waist and memorized it.

The turmoil ended like this. When Li Qing and others returned to the classroom, the classroom was already filled with countless players. Judging by the number of players, there were at least 10,000 people.

Uchiha Qing, who just appeared, soon became the object of discussion among the players, and the existence of the topic, but Li Qing automatically blocked all these, and simply sat behind a desk and took a rest.

Then there are some plots of the original work, but what is different from the original work is that this time, Yakushi Kabuto is coming for Uchiha Qing. Presumably [Orochimaru]'s target this time has changed from Sasuke to Uchiha Ao himself.

"It's kind of interesting..." Li Qing smiled lightly, but he was very vigilant in his heart. It seemed that he would bump into Orochimaru during the Chūnin exam...

"Quiet, quiet!" At this moment, several Konoha Anbu members appeared, and the originally noisy classroom became quiet in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Konoha Jōnin Morino Ibiki appeared on the stage, and organized the first [competition] of the Chūnin exam. This time the competition is different from the Genin competition of the weekend task. 20,000 candidates are in the same examination room. The exam, and the teachers who invigilate the candidates are also much more than the original book, there are thousands of them!

"The first round of the Chūnin exam, the written exam, starts now! I'm here to briefly talk about the rules. The exam time is two hours, and the first round of exams can only be passed with a test score of 60 or more, and the three members of the team can only pass the exam with a score of 60 or more. In the last ten minutes of the exam, I will give an additional question. The score for the additional question is 100 points. You can get 100 points if you get it right, but if you do it wrong, all the candidates and teammates will be eliminated. Candidates who cheated were caught five times If you have more than five chances, you will be eliminated."

Morino Ibiki surveyed the audience.

Quickly hand out the test papers.

The players and NPCs who got the content of the test paper were dumbfounded for a moment, because the test paper was too difficult, and they couldn't do 4.9 at all.

All of a sudden, there was a lot of noise in the classroom, and everyone turned pale with doubts on their faces.

Li Qing, who got the test paper, also frowned at this moment.

Different from the original work, there are nine test questions in the original work, but here, there are a total of ninety-nine test questions, and each question is worth one point. Moreover, the difficulty of each question is very high, the average person can't do it at all, even a master of the exam, it is impossible to complete the answer sheet within the limited two hours!

He, Li Qing, has a lot of ninjutsu knowledge and thinks he can answer 50 of the questions, but he has no time to answer the rest.

Li Qing is not a fool, presumably this time the exam questions are not to test the basic knowledge of players and NPCs, but...adventurous spirit!.

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