The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 117: Plug-In, Purify Everything! (Second Update!)

at the same time.

Sand Shinobi players who have entered the [Death Forest] also started their own main task: [Cleaning Konoha], please try to reduce the number of Konoha players in the Death Forest. When you successfully kill the Konoha NPC, you will get High rewards.

Players in hidden villages such as Rock Shinobi, Mist Shinobi, Rain Shinobi, etc., open the main task of [Investigating the Situation]. Please collect as many information about [Konoha], [Sand Shinobi] as possible without exposing yourself. ] and [Yinyin] valuable clues and information!

And those peripheral players who failed to take the Chūnin exam are not idle. Players in Sunagakure received the task of [invading Konoha and collecting information], and other hidden villages also received different tasks. To confuse Konoha, protect "Two Seven Three" and protect Orochimaru], Kusanagi Village players are to "establish friendship with Konoha NPC".

Just when players all over the world were moving because of the [Chūnin Exam], the three of Li Qing had come to a small stream and simply rested.

"We killed several teams, all of them are Book of Empty, and there is no Book of Earth." Cheng Mengmeng looked depressed, when will we have Book of Earth!"

"Mengmeng, don't complain, so many players are about to use them to practice their hands, aren't they?" Lin Jiachen smiled slightly, "Then again, if Uchiha god-tier hadn't popularized the knowledge of ninjutsu, I would really I didn’t know there were so many doorways here.”

"Me too, me too!" Cheng Mengmeng clapped excitedly.

"Murderous threats are everywhere around here, so be careful." Li Qing chuckled, Ergouyu [Sharingan] spun quickly, observing the surrounding movements that might appear at any time





Suddenly, there were bursts of strange sounds in the dense forest, which attracted the attention of the three of them.

Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng, who were still laughing and playing, stopped talking, stood up instantly, took out two long swords respectively, and looked around vigilantly, wary of disturbances around them.

"Be careful, here we come, but...not a ninja, let alone a player."

Hearing this, Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng's hearts sank, what is that?

Then, the two were horrified to see that two gigantic boa constrictors with a body of several thousand feet suddenly rushed out of the three of them, shaking their huge tails, with their bloody mouths wide open. !

Lin Jiachen is also well-informed. He has carried out missions in the Amazon forest. What strange and huge beasts have not been seen?

But he had never seen such a gigantic boa constrictor that was as big as a human with just one sticking out tongue!

Even if it is Li Qing, I have never seen it...

And it seems that there are these two huge pythons in the original book, which almost killed Sasuke and Naruto! Seeing the pythons, Li Qing's heart sank and she knew...they were big snakes

It must be not far away!

Thinking about the plot of the original book, in the end Sasuke and Naruto lost to Orochimaru, Sasuke was left with a curse by Orochimaru, and then Orochimaru left. Since getting the curse seal, Sasuke has been in a coma several times, and his whereabouts are being secretly manipulated by Orochimaru all the time...

Now it is obvious that Orochimaru's purpose is to come to him. If he is defeated, he may have the same result as Sasuke.

Although the power of the curse seal is very powerful, Li Qing is not like being controlled by a disgusting guy like Orochimaru. Although this is an online game, he doesn't think that he can move freely after being sealed by the curse seal.

Thinking of this, Li Qing's eyes flickered, and he thought about all the possibilities to defeat Orochimaru. Of course, he also knew in his heart that it was impossible to defeat Orochimaru with his current strength. You must know that in the original book, Uchiha Itachi opened Susanoo, It was only then that he completely sealed it, and with his nearly level 200 strength, everything was impossible...

Just as he was frowning, a pleasant reminder sounded suddenly.

"Host is in danger, you can try to buy other plug-ins...."

It's a female voice, giving people a crisp and numb feeling.

Hearing this heavenly voice, Li Qing's originally worried eyes lit up instantly. He has been preoccupied with leveling up and doing tasks these days, how come he even forgot about cheats?

He hurriedly went to the plug-in mall to have a look. In addition to the multi-fold crit plug-in, he saw a plug-in called "Purify everything" in the corner of the mall.

[Purify everything]: When the player reaches level 180, he can purchase and open this hanger. With this hanger turned on, the player can be immune to all negative states within 10 minutes, including poisoning, petrification, paralysis, dizziness, freezing, etc. states, and can transfer these unfavorable states into beneficial states.

"Can you evolve [Earth's Curse Seal]?" Li Qing hesitated for a while and asked the plug-in mall.

A pleasant voice sounded immediately: "The curse seal is also in an unfavorable state, so it can be purified naturally. The plug-ins sold in this mall are by no means comparable to Orochimaru's scum. [Purify everything] can even help the host get rid of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya Ji's [Gravity Space] ], so that the Host is not affected by gravity."


Li Qing was overjoyed when he heard the words, but after seeing the price of [Purify Everything] 200 million yuan, he was a little bit pained: "Fuck, you might as well rob the bank, asking for so much money!"

"Host 4.0 can choose not to buy." The pleasant voice came, but there was a little arrogant tone in it.

"All right!"

In order not to be imprinted with a curse, Li Qing had no choice but to buy it even though she felt distressed.

"Congratulations, you have obtained the [Purify Everything] plug-in, which has replaced your plug-in [Quadruple Experience]. This plug-in can be activated at any time and lasts for 10 minutes. Please take good care of it, Host!"

Hearing the prompt, Li Qing secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

At this time, two huge pythons had already rushed towards the three of them.

Forest giant python armor, 356-level superior ninja beast, lord-level BOSS!

Forest Python B, Level 367 Jōnin Ninja Beast, Lord Level BOSS!.

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