The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 123: Special Forces King Is Uchiha Qing's Younger Brother! (Third Update!)

Listening to the prompt sound coming from their ears, the players who were worrying about another scroll were first taken aback, then elated.

Then, they made their choice.

Some chose to protect Naruto Sasuke and stood on the side of the [guardian camp], while some chose to take the opportunity to kill Naruto Sasuke and stood on the side of the [death camp]. Few teams of players chose to be neutral, and basically all made their own choices.

As players choose different tasks, they also get different task prompts.

The [Guardian] side is to let them quickly protect Naruto and Sasuke who passed out, and the [Death] side is just the opposite. Soon, they got the coordinates of Naruto and Sasuke, and swarmed towards the target.

At this moment, Naruto and Sasuke are still in a coma, little Sakura and Cheng Mengmeng are taking care of them, Lin Jiachen is looking into the distance vigilantly, with a serious face and a little nervousness.

Li Qing had a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and a look of disdain in his eyes.

He has played this kind of confrontation mission many times. If someone really chooses [Death 13 Camp] this time, then don't blame him for being rude with the [Decapitating Sword] in his hand.

Just as he was thinking, hundreds of players from far away had rushed over from all directions.

The quality of these hundreds of players is far from comparable to the 100,000 players before. They are all the best among the players, and they are like the elites of the union alliance. It can be seen from the seven Uzumaki players that Li Qing met before.

"Ah, yes?"

Little Sakura looked up and saw so many players, her eyes showed nervous and frightened expressions. Xianglin at the side secretly clenched her fists.

As an NPC, there is no mission reminder in his ears, and they are unaware of the temporary [Guardian Mission] that appears.

"Little Sister Sakura, it's fine. I have Uchiha Qing and Brother Lin Jiachen here, so I'm not afraid." Cheng Mengmeng was considerate and thoughtful, and gently held the hands of little Sakura and Xianglin. Hearing Cheng Mengmeng's words, the second daughter secretly let go of her nervous and worried heart.

"Let the three of us be the last line of defense!" Cheng Mengmeng took a deep breath and clenched her fists.


The second daughter nodded heavily, took a few steps back, and stood up around the unconscious Naruto and Sasuke. At the same time, they all clenched Kunai tightly in their hands, and the three immediately formed a protective triangle formation.

"Ah, I didn't expect there to be Uchiha Qing as a player in [Guardian Faction] this time."

"It's actually Uchiha Ao..."

"Damn, this time it's on a different side from Uchiha Qing, is it going to fail again?"

"Isn't the system specialized? Uchiha Ao is against us, isn't it unlucky...?"

At this time, the players approached slowly, only to find out that the player of the [Guardian Faction] was actually a god-level player Uchiha Qing, and the confidence that was soaring for a while was defeated a lot.

However, some families are happy and some are worried.

When the players who chose the [death camp] were troubled, several players who chose the [guardian camp] rushed over, not to mention how happy they were, and stood on the side of Uchihaqing's camp.

"Hehehe, that's great, I didn't expect to be in the same camp as Uchiha Qing god-tier this time!"

"Yeah, as long as you are in the same camp as Uchiha Qing god-tier, you will definitely win. y

"It seems that this time the book of heaven is obtained, and it can successfully pass the death forest."


Compared with the huge number of players in the [Death Camp], the number of players in the [Guardian Camp] can be described as very few. However, the side with a small number is not only not sad, but very excited and happy.

"Damn it!" Several players from the [death camp] cursed bad luck, turned around and left. Uchiha Ao's horror, they've learned something.

The rest of the players looked at the leaving player and looked at each other in dismay. Should this mission continue or... terminate?

If the death forest fails, it means that the chance of the Chūnin exam is lost.

"Hmph, Laozi doesn't believe that the so-called Uchiha Qing is really that powerful!" At this moment, a violent player took out a mouthful of sharp kunai from his waist, covering his whole body with a faint layer of thunder attribute Chakra rushed towards Li Qing.

Li Qing glanced lightly, and the visitor was a player from Cloud Shinobi Village, level 156, who seemed to have some strength.

"Heh, it's not our boss' turn to deal with you, so let's beat me first!"

Lin Jiachen sneered, took out Kunai from his waist, and rushed forward.

In the next second, there was only a bang, and the two sharp kunai collided suddenly, stirring up dazzling golden flowers.

The next moment, Lin Jiachen aimed at the player's vitals, and threw out a set of knee bumps, whirlwind legs and over-the-shoulder blows, showing the tough fighting skills of Chinese soldiers. In just a moment, the player was thrown to the ground heavily. There was a scream, and a blood volume of more than 5,000 points was shot, which directly reduced its blood volume by one-third.

The player was about to resist 350, and Lin Jiachen unceremoniously came to a "broken bone". It can be clearly seen that at this time, there is a faint thunder attribute Chakra on his body, which makes his physical activity even higher. cut.


The sound of bone shattering sounded, and more than 5,000 damage was dealt, but the player directly hit the bottom.

Lin Jiachen didn't do anything, but when he made a surprising move, he turned around and the Kunai in his hand pierced the player's chest.

The last blow dealt more than 3000 points of damage, directly smashing the player into gold coins and equipment.

"Who is coming?"

Lin Jiachen's ferocious eyes swept across the audience, and the aura of the king of special forces was instantly exuded.

The whole audience could hear the needle dropping quietly, all the players held their breath and gasped, they never thought that such an ordinary-looking guy beside Li Qing would have such a vigorous skill.

"Looking at his skills, he should be a soldier king in this world, the Chinese soldier king!"

A sharp-eyed player saw something, and his tone was shocked, "I never thought that a character like Huaxia Soldier King would be willing to be a green leaf, so how terrifying is this Uchiha Qing?".

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