The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 139: Large Confrontation Mission, Konoha Collapse Plan! (Fifth Update!)

Uchiha Sasuke is the second talent besides the player Uchiha Qing, and Gaara's various performances in the qualifiers have already proved this person's tyrannical strength from the side.

The strong collision between the two now naturally aroused the excitement of countless people.

Just like in the original book, Gaara slowly stepped onto the battlefield, with a greedy expression on his gloomy expression, as if he was about to lose control and go berserk. At this time, Uchiha Sasuke hadn't arrived yet due to his Thunderbird practice, and was on his way to the official examination room.

In the distance, Kankuro and Temari secretly observed Gaara's expression, while Baki beside him also had a solemn face. They can feel that Gaara, Sand Shinobi's secret weapon, is about to explode and fall into a state of loss of control...

Ten minutes later, Uchiha "One Seven Three" Sasuke rushed over one second before I did not know Xuanhuo was about to announce the result, and had a wonderful duel with Gaara. In the end, Sasuke used the Thunderbird who had just practiced to break open Overwhelmed Gaara's absolute defense, stabbed Gaara, and caused Gaara to fall into an out-of-control rampage...

Gaara's early rampage caught Baki and others by surprise. As a last resort, Baki had to let Kankuro and Temari lead Gaara to go first, and the troops of Sand Shinobi and Yinyin who had been deployed around were also ordered by him Launched a surprise attack and started Operation Konoha Crash!

The next scene was exactly the same as in the original book, but it was tricked, changing from Third Hokage to Fourth Hokage.

First, the four of Otogakure set up the Genin method: Four Purple Flame Formation, and then Sand Shinobi attacked from the periphery of Konoha with the cooperation of Otogakure ninjas. Among them were several giant snakes summoned by Orochimaru to participate in the battle!

The sudden scene caught the players present by surprise.

At this time, they also received different mission prompts in their ears.

Players of Konoha Village, received: "Protect Konoha Village, get rid of Sand Shinobi, Yinyin ninja, and destroy their conspiracy mission!"

Players of Sunagakure received: "Destroy Konoha Village, cooperate with the ninjas of Yinyin Village, and break Konoha together!"

Players in Yinyin Village and Sunagakure players have similar tasks, but a small number of higher-level players have received the task of "Protecting the Ninja Four Purple Flame Formation from being destroyed.

As for the players of Cloud Shinobi, Rock Shinobi and Mist Shinobi, they can freely choose [Guardian] or [Destroy] camp, and start different tasks.

As soon as the task was released, the players in Wu Yangyang began to execute it according to the task.

At this time, Li Qing, who is a Konoha player, and others also got the same task, but those who are familiar with the plot will not be satisfied with the simple "protect Konoha Village".

"Naruto, Sasuke is chasing Gaara. I'm worried that Sasuke will suffer alone. Follow up." On the viewing platform, Kakashi gave orders to Sakura and Naruto. , Only Naruto and the others unlocked the illusion with the help of little Sakura.

"Yes, Teacher Kakashi!" Naruto was about to agree, but Li Qing jumped up, "Kankuro and Temari are both very strong, so take me this time."

Seeing Li Qing, Kakashi nodded heavily, and the worries in his heart became less: "With Uchiha Qing here, I am relieved a lot. Parker will help you track the target, and you just follow it."

As he said that, he Summoned a ninja dog with a ninja forehead protector, which is a fat dog similar to Teddy.

"Follow me!" Parker briefly introduced himself, sniffed the scent left by several people, and then chased after them.

Naruto was worried about Sasuke's eagerness, so he rushed out the moment Parker left, and Li Qing followed immediately. At this time, his task was successfully replaced.

"Successfully talk to Kakashi, get [Hidden Mission] [Gaara's True Face], please follow Uzumaki Naruto, Xiao Sakura and others to track Gaara and others, mission difficulty: SSSS, mission level: 250, mission reward: 2000000 experience points, Chūnin Ninja proof!"

[World Channel] System Announcement: Player [Uchiha Qing] has started the hidden mission of [Operation Konoha Crash]. There are still many hidden missions in [Operation Konoha Crash]. Players might as well try more!

As soon as the announcement came out, players all over the world couldn't help vomiting blood, Nima, there are hidden missions here too? Immediately, some players tried to talk to various NPCs around to see if they could open the hidden missions like Li Qing. It's a pity that the players all failed without exception...


The three-man marching team was fast, but there was still no sign of Sasuke, only some traces he left along the way.

At this time, Parker suddenly frowned: "Someone is coming!"

The three-person team stopped quickly.

Immediately afterwards, seven or eight Chūnin ninjas with a level of more than 300 fell from all directions, all wearing Sand Shinobi costumes.

"Yes, there are still a lot of Sand Shinobi ninjas."

A cold light flashed across the scarlet eyes, and Li Qing's Ergouyu [Sharingan] saw everything clearly.

"They're all Chūnin!" Little Sakura gasped, her eyes flashed with fear.

"We can only force our way in." Uzumaki Naruto raised his eyebrows and lowered his voice.

"Hey, it's not just Sand Shinobi NPCs, but also us players from the [Pervert Alliance]... Uchiha Qing, I didn't expect us to meet so soon!"

A proud voice sounded, the guy who was still begging in front of Li Qing in the morning, now, in front of the same person at 4.6, showing a proud and disdainful smile

As soon as the voice fell, seven or eight figures fell down, each figure was very tall and burly, with a strong body, presumably with an unusual physique.

They are all prefixed with [Pervert Alliance], all wearing the ninja forehead protector from Yinyin Village, and all of them have cynical smiles on their faces.

The levels are all around level 190!

"Uchiha Qing, it's just right, let's settle the old and new accounts together!" Yamamura Wild Wolf smiled proudly, "You stole dozens of ninjutsu scrolls from me, and now I want to double them......

Before he could finish speaking, the player beside him was cut in half with a single knife, and was sent back to Novice Village completely.

And the one who did it was Uchiha Qing!

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