The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 188: Learning Rasengan! (Fifth Update!)

Following Jiraiya, the pervy sage, Li Qing soon sat on Wentai's back, along with Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng.

It's been a long time since I saw these two guys, let alone, Li Qing still misses them a little.

"Uchiha god-tier, I watched the PK match between you and the champion of the United States. It was really exciting and exciting!" Lin Jiachen smiled, full of admiration, and gave Li Qing a thumbs up: "Great! We Huaxia people look up!"

"Yeah, Brother Qing, I also watched your match, even a weak woman like me was boiling all over, especially when I knocked Mike to the ground, I wanted to shake my fist! "

Cheng Mengmeng echoed from the side, and still waved her fist excitedly.

"What are you guys talking about?" The topic of the three of them immediately aroused the interest of Uzumaki Naruto who was beside "Eight Five Three", and leaned closer, "Why can't I hear you?"

"NPCs are not allowed to enter the PK field, of course you don't know!" Cheng Mengmeng shrugged.

" it a virtual space for you players to compete with each other?" Uzumaki Naruto scratched his head: "I don't know much about the principle of this virtual space, but it always feels amazing.

In the distance, Jiraiya lowered his head and browsed the porn quietly, but did not participate in the conversation of several people.

After a while, everyone walked out of Konoha Village.

Bunta's huge figure instantly attracted the attention of many players, especially when they saw that the player on Bunta was actually Uchiha Qing, the players' eyes widened.

The mouth is so open that it can even stuff an egg.

For such a cool and stylish Summoning beast, they can only be envious and jealous.

After leaving Konoha Village, several people wandered around and came to an open area after a while. Jiraiya guided the practice of several people as promised.

Since Li Qing has stepped into Chūnin, and has reached more than 300 levels, Jiraiya found that he could teach him something, so he took him to a relatively hidden place, just like he taught Naruto Rasengan in the original book, to teach him Li Li cheered up.

First, let him control Chakra and pop the balloon. When he successfully uses Chakra to pop the balloon, he can proceed to the next stage of practice.

As for the control of Chakra, Li Qing has long been handy, and it is by no means comparable to a fool like Uzumaki Naruto. In just half an hour, he successfully used the rotating Chakra to burst the balloon.

"So fast?"

Apparently, Jiraiya was shocked by Li Qing's quick mastery of skills, and stared at Li Qing with disbelief.

After all, it took him more than ten days to learn Rasengan in the first stage. Uchiha Qing didn't know what was in his head, but he learned it so quickly.

"Ah, yes!" Li Qing shrugged helplessly, and said a little narcissistically, "Who made me learn fast?"

"Okay, let's move on to the second stage of training...hey, let's squeeze the ball like just now?" Jiraiya smiled and gave one to Li.

The ball is indeed harder to pop than the balloon, Li Qing controls Chakra, keeps rotating and colliding, trying to pop it. Unknowingly, his ability to control Chakra is gradually improving.

While Li Qing was learning Rasengan, Lin Jiachen, Cheng Mengmeng and Uzumaki Naruto were still working hard on the basics of practice.

Unknowingly, the day passed like this, and when the sun was about to set on the mountain, Li Qing woke up Jiraiya who was still sleeping lazily not far away.

"Hey teacher, I succeeded!"

"This, so fast? It only took one afternoon to burst the ball?" Jiraiya's eyes widened, she couldn't believe everything in front of her, and Li Qing's gaze fell on suspicion: "I really doubt that you are Not a monster! Pervert, really too pervert......

But just as he was cursing, his eyes widened again.

Chakra collided with each other and spun quickly in Li Qing's palm, obviously, it was Rasengan!

"This, this, this... I obviously haven't asked you to try the third round, but you have learned it?" Jiraiya couldn't believe what she was seeing, and even doubted life... After all, this Things are too beyond recognition, "Uh, you try the power first!"

Lin Jiachen, Cheng Mengmeng, and Uzumaki Naruto at the side saw Li Qing's move, their eyes flickered again and again, shining like stars, and they all wanted to learn...


Li Qing let out a loud cry, and ruthlessly covered a thick tree with several people hugging each other with one hand.

The terrifying destructive power pierced through the tree in an instant, and the rear exploded with an awl-shaped bang, revealing a big hole.

"Congratulations, you have learned Rasengan!"

At this time, a system prompt sounded in Li Qing's ear.

【Rasengan】: It is the same principle as Tailed Beast Bomb, it is to concentrate Chakra in a small range and rotate at high speed to generate a huge tearing force to destroy the enemy, forming a palm-sized Chakra ball and then attacking the opponent. Once it hits an opponent, it will not only cause superficial damage to it, but also briefly cause chakra to confuse the enemy. It can cause 200% ninjutsu damage and 50% chakra disorder damage to the enemy. It is a ninjutsu skill with strong penetrating power.

Looking at the introduction, Li Qing was a little excited. Naruto, the main character in the original book, dominated the entire ninja world by virtue of the skill of making balls one by one, which is enough to show the power of balls.

What's even more frightening is that this technique does not require seals at all, and among all ninjutsu that does not require seals, Rasengan has the highest level of power 5.0, and it is still an amazing ninjutsu that will grow together with the user!

He has a lot of ninjutsu skills, but only lacks a strong penetrating skill like Rasengan to break through defenses.


Seeing this terrifying destructive power, Lin Jiachen and the others gasped.

Nervous Uzumaki Naruto raised his head unhappily: "Mr. Jiraiya, you are eccentric!"

"Yes, teacher, you are eccentric!"

"Teacher, you are eccentric!"

Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng immediately grabbed Jiraiya's clothes, tugging coquettishly, hoping to be treated equally!

Jiraiya was annoyed by several people, and was about to throw the blame on Li Qing, when she suddenly felt something wrong!.

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