The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 193: Sasuke, Do You Long For Power? (Fifth Update!)

Thinking of that sentence just now, Uchiha Sasuke felt his heart was stabbed several times with a needle, and it hurt like a piercing heart!

I'm afraid that no one can accept such a cruel thing that one's elder brother kills the father who raised him, and then just for the word "measure"?

Moreover, as a member of the Uchiha tribe, Uchiha Qing's performance was obviously superior to his own just now. Without his help, I am afraid that he would lose in a few strokes... Fortunately, he still thinks that he is the first in the grade and has been called Uchiha is a genius, and his strength far exceeds those so-called geniuses.

Now it seems that he is just a frog in a well. The real genius is his cheap brother, the player Uchiha Qing!

Suddenly, he felt that he lost everything in an instant! "Three one three"

Whether it's family or applause!

The more he thought about it, the more clearly Orochimaru's ferocious face became clearer in his mind.

"I need power, I need power, I need greater strength... only Orochimaru can give me!"

"No, Orochimaru is a bad guy..." At this moment, two thoughts collided fiercely in his mind.

Uchiha Qing looked at Sasuke's face full of pain and sighed secretly. He couldn't guess what Sasuke was thinking, but he didn't expect that the plot he tried to change would return to the original point again, just a little bit. Just change.

He thought about it carefully. The Uchiha clan and Konoha's high-level grievances have been accumulated for a long time. Even if the two sides have reached a friendly cooperation, the shadows in each other's hearts have not been completely erased. It is only temporarily resolved, and there is no permanent cure. A scene will happen sooner or later, it's just a matter of time.

However, despite this, Li Qing thinks that destiny can still be changed.

Okay, your plot wants to go back to the original point? Well, I don’t want you to go back to the original point!

Thinking of this, Li Qing suddenly felt a sense of clarity in his mind, all the things that he couldn't figure out were all integrated in an instant!

"Sasuke, do you desire power?"

Suddenly, Ji Lei asked.

Hearing this, Sasuke was stunned for a moment, then puzzled, and finally clenched his fists heavily: "Desire, I want revenge!" It can be clearly heard that his voice was trembling when he said this, showing that his mood at the moment.

"If you want to find Orochimaru, go ahead and look for it. I believe that with your ingenuity, a small Orochimaru won't be able to trap you." Li Qing said suddenly.

Hearing this, Uchiha Sasuke raised his head in surprise, and couldn't believe what he heard, "You, how do you know about Orochimaru? You, you still support it?"

"If you want to gain some power, you have to pay a price, either life or risk." Li Qing tilted his head and stared at Sasuke, "As your brother, I support you to do it!"

"I, I still need to think about it..." Uchiha Sasuke closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then held his breath, and replied.


Li Qing nodded lightly, without any emotion.

He is familiar with the original work, and he knows that after three years of practice with Orochimaru, Sasuke's strength not only skyrocketed, but also killed Orochimaru with his own wisdom.

Many Hokage fans think that Sasuke is thirsty for power. In fact, Sasuke is taking a slanted path. As early as when he surrendered to Orochimaru, he secretly planned everything.

He encouraged Sasuke to go to Orochimaru because he knew that Sasuke would be able to cultivate a ninja master in the end.

"I want to be quiet, let's go first!" Uchiha Sasuke dropped these words, turned around and left, and disappeared without a trace after a while.

And here, Jiraiya and others have brought Kakashi and Yuhihong back to Konoha's hospital for treatment.

When everything was over, the sound of the system finally sounded slowly.

Completed task [Truth]: Uchiha Itachi seems to have something to hide. Did he really kill his father to exercise his strength? The answer, what is it? Task difficulty: SS, task level: 500.

"You have been rewarded with ** experience points!"

"You got [All Ninjutsu Skill Improvement] Scroll*1"

"You got [All Attributes +10] Attribute Scroll*1"

"You got HP potion*10, MP potion*10!"

"You break through, "You reached level 321!"

A streak of golden light emerged from his body, Li Qing felt so refreshed and full of strength, washing away the slight sadness...

And this time, it was also the first time he got the scroll of skill improvement and the scroll of attribute improvement. Without hesitation, he clicked to use it.

The effect of attribute improvement is not very obvious, but the effect of the [All Ninjutsu Skill Improvement] scroll is obvious. The values ​​of his skills have been directly increased by 15%, and the explosive fireball has even produced a chain explosion effect.

The next scene is almost the same as the original, except that in the original, Kakashi and Sasuke were hospitalized together, but now there is only Kakashi alone.

Then a few people vaguely learned from Konoha's senior management that itachi and Kisame's purpose this time is likely to be directed at Jinchūriki Naruto. In the end, Jiraiya decided to take Uzumaki Naruto to practice, and by the way, find someone who can help Kakashi heal Tsunade-sama of Tsukuyomi.

Originally, Jiraiya didn't plan to bring Li Qing to go there, after all, Li Qing's Rasengan has almost studied, but Li Qing insisted on going with him at 4.5, and said that he could put more pornographic films on him.

In this episode, Li Qing doesn't want to miss it if he encounters a plot mission or something. Of course, the most important thing is to miss the opportunity to upgrade the level.

Forced by pornography, Jiraiya set off with Naruto and Li Qing, but Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng did not follow.


A mysterious military base.

A mysterious call came from the other side of the ocean. The sharp officer who was instructing countless players to level up, fight monsters and explode equipment answered the mysterious call.

"What? Player Uchiha Ao's address confirmed?"

The sharp officer who had been tortured and killed countless times by Uchiha Qing suddenly stood up excitedly when he received this call. .

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