The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 216: The Four People In Yinyin Were Shocked! (Third Update!)

Hearing the mission prompt, numerous players immediately rushed to the outskirts of Konoha, all wanting to kill the four invading Sound Ninjas and get a huge amount of experience and top-quality equipment!

Soon, there were countless posts on the Hokage forum offering high-priced rewards for the coordinates of four sound ninjas.

Just as the entire Konoha Village players started to move, the four sound ninjas who landed on a few trees not far away had solemn and horrified expressions on their faces.

"It seems that you have to enter the state of the curse seal to defeat this kid!"

From the fight just now, several people have deeply felt the terror of this kid in front of them. Whether it is close combat, long-range ninjutsu, or blood succession limit, he is perfect and impeccable. Often every blow can be unbearable for them. Fortunately, they have practiced with Master Orochimaru for so many years and have extremely rich combat experience. Otherwise, they would really die in the hands of this kid.

"Ah, yes!" Tayuya's eyes flashed with solemnity.

"We don't have much time left. Let's all enter state two and deal with this kid!" Sakon and Ukon frowned slightly, "I thought that our state two was prepared for those Jōnin in Konoha, but we didn't expect that. One Konoha Chūnin blocked our steps."

"Hey, Sakon, please stop complaining. The boss asked us to take Sasuke back. If we can't complete the task, we will all have to walk around without food!" It was Jirōbō who spoke, and he opened a potato chip from nowhere and grabbed it. He got up and started eating.

"Jirōbō, what time has it been, and you still care about eating?" Tayuya couldn't help but cursed.

"Laozi is replenishing his physical strength. This kid in front of him is so powerful. How can he defeat him if he doesn't replenish his physical strength!" Jirōbō said with a matter-of-fact expression.

"You!" Tayuya waved his hand and was about to take action, but Sakon held out his hand to stop him: "Tayuya, with your fiery personality, you won't be able to get married in the future!"

"Hmph, I need you to take care of it!" Tayuya snorted coldly, with disdain on his face.

"That's enough, stop arguing!" Sakon said sternly, "Enter state two!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the four sound ninjas didn't hesitate any longer. Evil auras erupted from their bodies one by one, and their entire bodies began to undergo horrific changes. Some grew black wings, and some grew huge muscles. , and some even had their faces enlarged, looking very scary.

Moreover, a faint evil aura surrounded the four of them, and the coldness of this aura could be felt from a distance!

"Have you entered state 2?"

Facing the four people who were about to enter state 2, it was unimaginable that Li Qing would say such words in such an arrogant tone.

In fact, Li Qing was also beating the drum in his heart. After all, among the four Sound Ninjas in the original work, they were able to kill three Konoha Jōnin in one instant. In the battle of Konoha's collapse, they served as Orochimaru's bodyguard and protected Orochimaru's safety. They laid a plan The barrier is difficult for even Konoha Anbu's ninjas to break.

It is enough to show the terrifying strength of the four people.

But now that they have entered the second state, their strength and various attributes have increased several times more, which is not easy to deal with.

However, Li Qing is a very strong person. The stronger the enemy, the more intense his desire to fight will be aroused in him. Moreover, the end of the world is coming. If he cannot increase his strength by challenging these strong men, he may not be able to shoulder the responsibility of being the chosen one. this important task.

Although he is usually a carefree guy, he is still very clear about the right and wrong of human disasters.

While he was thinking, suddenly, Jirōbō, whose body was several times larger, appeared behind him almost instantly.

It is unimaginable that Jirōbō, with his size, could have such an agile attack speed the moment he entered state two.


No matter how fast his attack speed was, it was not as fast as Li Qing's [Lightning Style Chakra Mode] was turned on. The moment he saw his huge and powerful fist about to hit, "his whole person entered a state of ice."

In an instant, a huge MISS exploded!

Jirōbō sneered. He has the ability to absorb Chakra. Although his physical attacks failed, it does not mean that he has no back-up moves.

0...Please give me flowers...

Just when he was about to take advantage of the situation to absorb Li Qing's Chakra, Li Qing's entire body turned into a [Stand-in Wood], which was obviously a [Body Replacement Technique].

Jirōbō's face changed slightly. He didn't expect that he was able to attack so fast and was actually dodged by this kid. For a moment, he was extremely surprised.

But when he was surprised, the Pheasant Sword had already struck his head.

Seeing Jirōbō's body being cut in half with a single sword, a huge ghost gate engraved with countless strange patterns suddenly appeared, blocking the Kusanagi sword.

Yes, the Rashomon summoned by Sakon and Ukon has arrived.



A violent metal collision sounded, and Li Qing was blown away by Rashomon's terrifying defense, like a kite with its string broken.

Such a terrifying defense really shocked him, but his expression soon calmed down.

At this moment, the three huge summoned creatures behind him waved down their weapons. It was the summons that Tayuya was playing that took action!

In the original work, it’s called Three Ghosts!

One ghost uses a wooden stick, one ghost uses a bone grab [and the other ten ghosts use back-butt attacks.

In conjunction with the actions of the three ghosts, Tayuya played the song of death.

"Hmph, illusion!?"

Li Qing's [Sharingan] captured them all clearly, and suddenly, his right eye [Mangekyō Sharingan] activated the illusion.

Tayuya had just played halfway when she suddenly felt the world spinning, as if her head had been hit hard, and then with a plop, she fell heavily from the tree.

The three ghosts he controlled also fell to the ground because they lost control.

"Don't look into his eyes, this guy is still boasting!"

Sakon, Ukon, Jirōbō and Kidomaru were even more surprised when they saw Tayuya falling.

They are very aware of Tayuya's genjutsu ability, and they are also extremely resistant to genjutsu, but they were actually hit by this kid's genjutsu in an instant! What a loss?

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