The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 225: Rare Blood Successor, Jiao Dun! (Second Update!)

Suddenly, in the luxuriously decorated large living room of the Zhaomei tribe, a figure appeared quietly.

"Who!?" In the large living room, several Terumi's guards sensed the danger immediately, but when they looked around, they could not catch the incoming enemy.

"Huh? Is it because my ears are not working properly? Why is there nothing?"

"No, I just heard a strange sound. Let's go up and have a look. It would be terrible if there is any danger. After all, there are too many blood inheritance limits and secret techniques in this world."

Several guards whispered to each other and immediately started looking around.

While the guards were looking for her, Li Qing had quietly climbed the stairs to the second floor and arrived at Terumi's room.

In the room, Terumi Hui was reading newspapers and magazines provided from the real world while showing a happy smile, obviously enjoying the crystallization of human wisdom.

Terumi Hui, Kirigakure senior executive, 541st level lord level ninja.

At this time, Li Qing looked at Terumi Huo's level and couldn't help but take a breath. Not to mention that the opponent 273 wanted to kill was Jōnin, who actually had a level of more than 500 and was a lord-level BOSS. Obviously, it was not that Easy to deal with.

At this time, a system prompt suddenly sounded: "The Akatsuki mission [Kill Terumi Huo] has been triggered. Mission level: Level 600. Mission difficulty: SSSSSSS. Mission reward: A large amount of experience and gold coins. There is a chance of breaking out the best equipment and Rare blood inheritance limit, 30 points of favorability from Akatsuki members."

Hearing the system prompt, Li Qing was stunned for a moment, then frowned.

The mission level is actually level 600, and he is not even level 400 now, which shows how difficult it is to deal with the guy in the room.


Li Qing is not one to back down and hesitate. Since he has made up his mind to join Akatsuki, he will start his new life in the ninja world with the blood of Terumi Hui!

In fact, another purpose of his joining Akatsuki is to be able to secretly deliver news and clues about Akatsuki to the world like Itachi. He has seen how powerful the Shinra Tensei is. If one day Payne's Shinra Tensei can have a decisive impact on someone in the world. If a city uses it, it will not be as simple as a disaster for humans.

Therefore, in order to prevent this, you must sacrifice yourself.

As a Hokage fan, Li Qing also fantasizes about being a hero, but when he is really asked to stand up, he still has to stand up without hesitation.

Of course, it has to be said that it was the will of fire in Hokage that influenced him and made him make this decision.

His thoughts turned around, and suddenly, Terumi Hui in the room seemed to feel something, and his cold eyes shot towards the door.


Years of combat experience have already made Terumi Huo's perception of external dangers many times stronger. He looked outside the room and saw no one. "My first reaction was that my life was in danger!"

He instantly formed a seal with his hands, preparing to use the Body Flicker Technique to leave here, but at this moment, [Grass Pheasant Sword] suddenly turned into an icy cold light, shining the dim sky like daylight for an instant, and the next moment , [Grass Pheasant Sword] struck out boldly, swinging a sharp arc.

Near the arc, you can clearly see the bright sparks produced by the intense friction of the light with the air, which is extremely dazzling and harsh. There is no need to think about the horrific harm that will happen once such terrifying power falls on a person.

A hard wall suddenly appeared around Terumi Hui's body, which was the earth wall technique.

It's a pity that the earthen wall can't block the blade of the Kusanagi Sword at all, and can only barely resist it. There is only a bang, and countless rotating tiles and rubble fly randomly. Amid the splashing, the Kusanagi Sword penetrates Terumi. In the chest of fire, a white knife goes in and a red knife comes out.

However, Li Qing was not too happy because Zhao Meihuo turned into boiling charred stone and disappeared without a trace with a pop.

"Huh?" Li Qing then noticed that Terumi Mei, like Terumi Mei, is a person with a blood successor limit, and his blood successor limit is most likely Jiao Dun! No wonder the difficulty of the mission is so high .

While he was thinking, the sound of violent burning suddenly came from the air, and countless pieces of burnt stone turned into falling meteorites, crashing down. The sudden rise in temperature instantly filled the whole room with a wave of fire. The strong smell and overwhelming heat.

Under this high temperature, Li Qing even felt that she could not survive, as if she was in a furnace.

However, he still easily avoided Jiao Shi's attack.


Suddenly, Terumi Huo leaped into the air behind him, and quickly formed seals with his hands: "Secret Technique, Scorch Fire Continuous Bombs!"

As soon as he finished speaking, countless burnt stones formed instantly, turning into a huge burnt dragon, and then spit out countless fireballs, and the crackling and high-temperature fireballs instantly engulfed Li Qing.

The battle is over!"

Looking at Li Qing who was engulfed in flames, Terumi Huo couldn't help but sneer, but before he could be happy for long, a figure appeared behind him.

The figure's whole body was shrouded in intense thunder, and terrifying roars erupted from time to time, as if thunder and lightning were ambush.

It was Li Qing who turned on the [Lightning Style Chakra Mode].

"Lightning Style Chakra Mode? How did you learn this extremely secret ninjutsu?" Terumi Hui's face changed slightly, and he suddenly realized that the boy in front of him didn't seem simple.

Li Qing didn't answer him. After all, dead people don't need to waste time at all.

Uchiha-ryu: Blazing Wind Sword!

In the strong wind, Li Qing disappeared without a trace. The human sword merged into one, and then turned into a swift and fierce beam of light, which shot straight out of Zhao Meihuo's chest.

By the time Li Qing stood on the same spot again, she had already dealt an astonishing 578,721 points of damage!

However, Terumi Huo seemed to have a little more health, with a full 3 million health. Li Qing's blow knocked down one-sixth of him!

At this time, the door opened again, and several Terumi guards rushed up. They immediately rushed towards Li Qing waving their weapons, very fast!

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