The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 253: Blushing Konan (Third Update!)

As soon as Li Qing arrived at Rain Shinobi Village, he went straight to his brother Uchiha Itachi's room, but apparently Itachi went out on a mission and was not in the room.

After that, Li Qing met Payne. After a few simple greetings, he got the next task, which was to capture the second tail. The ninja accompanying him was Akatsuki's Konan.

When he heard that his companion was Konan, Li Qing smiled coldly, knowing that Payne was suspicious of him, but he had his ability to rewind time. He believed that even Payne with [Rinnegan] could Can't see any clues.

When handling the corpse, he discovered that his ability to rewind time could prolong the decay of the corpse, thereby affecting the judgment of Payne and others. This allowed Konan to find no flaws.

But it was obvious that Payne was still not at ease with Li Qing himself.

Li Mao didn't care about this.

The two-tailed Jinchūriki was in the Cloud Shinobi Village of the Land of Thunder. Early the next morning, Konan and Li Qing went to the Land of Thunder. Kakuzu and Hidan, who were originally assigned to capture the two-tailed tail in the original work, were assigned by Pain. Other other tasks.

The environment of the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Fire are different. The Kingdom of Fire is shaded by trees, but the Kingdom of Thunder has many high mountains, and there are vague clouds and mist surrounding the mountains. From a distance, it looks like... In the fairyland of the previous life, the place where the Cloud Shinobi ninjas practiced here was not called a martial arts field, but a dojo, and they mostly practiced swordsmanship and ninjutsu.

This is the first time Li Qing has come to the Kingdom of Thunder since he started playing online games. Compared with the environment of the Kingdom of Fire, he still prefers the feeling of seeing all the mountains at a glance, and the cool breeze blowing on his face gives him another comfortable feeling. .

After the fierce battle with Kakashi, Chiyo, Deidara, Xie and others, Li Qing's spirit has always been a little tired, but after coming here and breathing the fresh air, this feeling completely dissipated, and the whole person seemed to be reborn.

“Rain Shinobi Village is not far away, be careful E

The iceberg beauty Konan, who had been silent throughout the entire process, finally spoke and spoke softly.

"Yeah. I understand."

Although he liked the character Konan quite a lot in his previous life, after realizing the true meaning of killing, he was no longer interested in women and the like. Although Konan was good-looking, it was far from enough to attract him.

Nodding slightly, Li Qing quickly formed a seal with his hands. After a moment, he turned into another person, it was Transformation Technique. Konan on the side gave Li Qing a faint glance, and a trace of doubt flashed across his beautiful eyebrows, and then he turned into another person. The seal transformed into another ninja.

This iceberg beauty has always been confident about her beauty, but she couldn't figure it out. Uchiha Qing had been with her for so long and didn't even look at her. This made her somewhat doubtful about her own charm. Of course, this is not because Konan likes Uchiha Ao, but is simply curious about this Itachi's younger brother. After all, not just anyone can defeat Kakashi and Chiyo at such a young age, and more importantly, he is still a player.

No one is not curious about a strong person, and Konan is no exception.

While Konan was thinking wildly, a wave of players in the distance rushed towards here quickly, and judging from their appearance, some of them were unkind, with lustful and greedy eyes flashing in their eyes.


Konan got angry when he saw these Cloud Shinobi players, and immediately wanted to turn the seal into a piece of paper to solve everything, but Li Qing reached out to stop him, and said lazily: "Hey, big beauty, do you want to attract Cloud Shinobi Village?" Does Jōnin or even Kage pay attention? We are here to capture the two tails, not to fight. Of course, if a fight breaks out, we may not be the opponents of the Cloud Shinobi ninjas."

After hearing this, Konan retracted his hands. At this time, Li Qing glanced at Konan, and then looked at the pervert-like players in the distance. He suddenly understood in his heart that Konan became so beautiful after using Transformation Technique. Attracting the attention of several Cloud Shinobi ninjas in the distance.

"Hey, hey, hello, little beauty!" At this time, several unconscious players had gathered around. The leader was a fat black man with a clean beard and a big belly. He even showed his shit-yellow teeth as he spoke. No matter how you look at it, it's despicable, and no matter how you look at it, it's disgusting.

The other players didn't look that good either. They were all big fat guys with wretched faces.

*`"Who are you?" Konan wanted to get angry because he was actually being teased, but when he thought of Li Qing's words, he had to endure it and asked through gritted teeth.

"Hey hey hey, who are we? I'll scare you to death if I tell you. We are elite players in the largest league in Cloud Shinobi Village [Sex Bug League]. We usually specialize in teasing women, oh no

Regarding friendly exchanges and harmonious living with female NPCs, today we saw that this lady is quite beautiful, so I want to invite you to the gathering of our [Sex Bug Alliance] players and attend the evening banquet with me. Don’t worry, as long as I To protect you, you will not be bullied in any way, even those Cloud Shinobi ninjas will give us some face..."

As the wretched fat man said this, he grabbed Konan's fair right hand and seemed to want to eat tofu.

Xiao (Qian Nuohao) Nan has lived in Rain Shinobi Village all year round. As an angel, he has never encountered such a scene. He didn't know what to do for a while. His eyes were a little panicked. He was about to be eaten tofu with one hand. But he grabbed Konan's right hand first and pulled Konan into his arms who was about to explode. Then Li Qing's apologetic laugh came: "I'm sorry, sir, this is my girlfriend, she has promised me You've spent a romantic night with me, I'm afraid you can't pay the bills to a few gentlemen, I'm sorry... we have to leave, we're in a hurry."

"You, let go!"

Being held tightly by Li Qing's hand, like a pair of pliers, Konan's face instantly turned red and he wanted to break free.

But obviously she was not as strong as Li Qing, so she couldn't get away no matter what, so her already red face became even redder!

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