The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 258: Cloud Shinobi Ninjas And Players Arrive! (Third Update!)

"I am no one."

Seeing Wooden Golem's frightened look, Li Qing smiled faintly.

At this time, the strong wind blew up, causing his Akatsuki clothes to fly randomly, vaguely indicating his identity.

"I didn't expect the members of the Akatsuki organization to be so powerful, but you can take me away, but you are not allowed to take away my companions." By Wooden Golem is also affectionate and the first thing that comes to mind is his companions.

After just having some contact, Wooden Golem has been able to deeply understand the gap between himself and the boy in front of him. His power is definitely not something he can defeat. Instead of doing this, it is better to strive for more survival for his companions. Space.

As soon as Wooden Golem's voice fell, tears flooded the eyes of several other companions, and then there was a trace of anger in their eyes.

"Master Wooden Golem, if we join forces, we may not be the opponents of these two!" one of the Cloud Shinobi ninjas said, with strong determination in his eyes.

"That's right, Master Wooden Golem, if we go together, we may not be their opponents!" Several other Cloud Shinobi also agreed.

"No, you are not their opponent..."

Only Wooden Golem, who has fought against Li Qing, can truly understand its horror, "I have made up my mind, please don't try to persuade me anymore!"


Several Cloud Shinobi ninjas wanted to say something else, but Wooden Golem stopped them with his hand, and his calm eyes fell on Li Qing: "I believe that the dignified members of the Akatsuki organization will keep their word.

"Ah, yes. Then I promise you."

Li Qing smiled faintly. He had no idea about those miscellaneous fishes. As long as they completed the task, it would be OK. Moreover, once Erwei went wild, it would be very easy for them to fall into a disadvantageous position.

"I will not let Lord Wooden Golem go with you~"!"

Suddenly, several Cloud Shinobi ninjas rushed up fiercely, waving kunai, their faces full of anger. Li Qing smiled faintly, and [Mangekyō Sharingan] spun quickly. The Cloud Shinobi ninjas seemed to have been hit by a immobilization spell, and they stopped there instantly without moving.

"What on earth did you do to them?" Wooden Golem asked worriedly.

Li Qing shook his head: "I just stopped time and space. I won't hurt them at all. Follow me and leave here. Miss Wooden Golem."

"Hmm..." At this point, Wooden Golem could only accept his fate.

At this time, Li Qing stepped forward and used [Mangekyō Sharingan] to drag Wooden Golem into the illusion. After she fell asleep completely, she evacuated [Time Barrier].

In order not to attract the attention of the Cloud Shinobi ninjas, they disappeared quickly with the Wooden Golem, but... things went against their wishes. Not far after the two walked out, dozens of Cloud Shinobi ninjas suddenly fell down. Surround them.

The leading Cloud Shinobi Jōnin had cold eyes and several long swords stuck behind their backs. They looked majestic and very powerful.

"Hehehehe, I didn't expect that it was our [Sex Bug Alliance] who told the secret. I have always suspected that you are not ninjas or players from Cloud Shinobi Village, so I secretly hid behind you and followed you. I didn't expect that you suddenly disappeared here. , so I guessed that there might be a barrier here, hehehe, sure enough, you guys came out as soon as the barrier disappeared."

The one who smiled was still the fat man with a wretched face that the two met before. He had a slut at the corner of his mouth while talking, which made him look as wretched as he could.

"So it's you!" Konan glared directly at him with cold eyes. Not only did this glare not frighten the wretched fat man, but the fat man became even more proud: "How about it, young master? Who made you so powerful just now? What's wrong now? Stop barking? Hey hey hey, are you scared?"

The wretched fat man became more and more excited as he talked.

At this time, the players in Cloud Shinobi Village all received a mission of [Protect Two-Tailed Wooden Golem] and quickly rushed to the coordinate point. A huge crowd of players instantly surrounded the place.

When the players saw clearly the target they were about to encircle and suppress, their eyes widened, and a look of astonishment flashed across their eyes.

"It's actually Uchiha Ao god-tier?"

"Although there are many of us here, I'm afraid none of us can be his opponent!"

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, who has become a member of Akatsuki, is said to have killed hundreds of thousands of players in one fell swoop last time because he was so powerful...

"Ah? So many massacres? How terrifying..."

The players were talking a lot, and they were all shocked by the appearance of Uchiha Ao, but for a moment they ignored the iceberg beauty next to him.

"Since you've gathered here, you should all have received the mission, right?"

Just as the players were discussing, Li Qing's faint voice sounded. The plain words were like thunder that exploded in everyone's ears, causing their bodies to tremble and their feet to feel numb.

"If you want to complete the mission, just come and say hello!" Li Qing chuckled and handed the two people who had been affected by the illusion from Wooden Golem to Konan: "I'll leave this guy to you!

"You..." Konan wanted to say something else, but she saw Li Qing's extremely confident look. It was a winning, Haki look. She had never looked at Pain with arrogance. Saw it in. (Li Nuo Zhao)

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, we know you are powerful, but you are too arrogant!"

When a group of players heard the four words "Hello", they were like ignited explosive barrels, detonating instantly. You must know that many of the Cloud Shinobi players who came here are all-powerful figures such as current presidents and young masters. How can they withstand such ridicule?


More than 10,000 players formed a line of defense and crushed Li Qing hard.

As for the Cloud Shinobi Chūnin Jōnin who arrived, they hid aside and observed secretly, hoping to collect more information about Uchiha Ao to help them fight.

"Let me show you my true strength, Uchiha Ao!"

Li Qing smiled faintly. Since these players were dying, he would not be polite. .

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