The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 270: Lava Style? Kill Instantly With One Move!

"Well, since I want you to agree to my two conditions, it seems that it's totally impossible not to show some real ability." Li Qing smiled faintly, frowned slightly, and the next moment his [Mangekyō Sharingan] A bright light suddenly burst out and fell on Rong Guang's body.

At this moment, Melting Light could clearly feel countless pairs of eyes emerging in his mind, staring at him. He seemed to have come to a very dark, gloomy and humid place, surrounded by nothing but despair, darkness, and dead silence. No more, he was here, even though he had Lava Style, the limit of blood inheritance, he still felt cold and helpless, and he couldn't even breathe.

In an instant, he became aware that this was an illusion created by Uchiha Ao!?

He subconsciously wanted to unlock the ability of illusion, but suddenly, he heard the sound of breaking glass, and countless pieces of glass collapsed, leaving a mark of fear in his mind.

The next moment, his eyes returned to normal, and the originally twinkling spiral eyes now became clear.


When he just regained consciousness, he was shocked to find that Li Qing's Pheasant Sword had pierced his chest.

Yes, it penetrated his chest without him feeling anything.

Unprecedented pain hit him instantly. Melting Light wanted to struggle and resist, but found that his whole body had lost all strength.

"Lightning Style Chakra Mode? So, so fast... I didn't even make a move."

At this time, Li Qing slowly put away the Cao Pheasant Sword, but Melting Light, who was stabbed, fell to the ground with a plop, covering his thoughts and shock.

"Quickly, call the medical ninja!" Yamanakada was the first to react from the shock of Melting Light being killed instantly with a sword, and urged his subordinates to come down. Several other ninjas from the Grass Ninja Village heard his hasty words, and they He just recovered from the shock just now.

The moment the two men made their move, they only saw Li Qing turn into a cold light, and then stabbed the body of the melting light. After that, the melting light lay on the ground, dying and wanting to die.

Everything happened so fast that they never expected that the majestic Elite Jōnin Melting Light would be instantly killed by a sword, without even a chance to react.

But now that they saw the lightning that vaguely appeared on Li Qing's body, they reacted, and the shock on their faces became even more intense.

Lightning Style Chakra Mode!

This is the unique skill of the legendary Fourth Raikage. It can reach speeds exceeding the speed of sound, appear in front of others in an instant, and then attack. God knows how many ninjas have died under the super-speed attacks of the Fourth Raikage over the years... The boy in front of me actually learned such a terrifying ninjutsu?

Could it be that this kid has something to do with Fourth Raikage?

Thinking of this, the bodies of several ninjas in the Grass Ninja Village trembled, and their legs began to shake subconsciously.

If their guess is true and they have just angered the Chinese player in front of them, then the future situation of their Grass Ninja Village may be even more difficult...

When they thought of this, they felt a little desperate!

"Ahem... You should be convinced now, right?" Li Qing held the Pheasant Sword in his hand and glanced at the entire audience with his cold eyes. Not a single ninja dared to look at him, and they were all shocked by his gaze.

It is unimaginable that this is the strength that a mere Chūnin ninja can display!

"Uh..." Yamanaka was speechless and couldn't say anything. After a long time, he said: "That Uchiha Ao god-tier, your companion has arrived."


Li Qing was stunned when he heard the words, and looked at the Chinese players who were running quickly. Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng, the leaders, had anxious and panic expressions on their faces. When they learned that Li Qing had killed several people from Cao Ninja Village, When the Thousand Ninjas rushed to the Grass Ninja Village, they felt something was wrong. They were afraid that Li Qing would be sent to Novice Village by the Ninjas from the Grass Ninja Village, so they rushed over without stopping.

But what the two of them didn't expect was that not only did Li Qing have nothing wrong with him, but he was also friendly with the ninjas in Cao Ninja Village. The ninjas in Cao Ninja Village didn't even show a trace of anger.

0…Please give me flowers…

In their opinion, this is really unbelievable! They also know a little about the strength of the Grass Ninja Village. According to the intelligence data they have, although there are not many ninjas in the Grass Ninja Village, which is much worse than the five major countries, the local ninjas cannot Counting, there are many amazing talents...

"A-are you okay?"

When he ran in front of Li Qing, Lin Jiachen hurriedly checked his injuries, for fear of leaving any sequelae.

Li Qing shook her head helplessly: "What can I do?"

"Get out of the way and let me take a look!" Cheng Mengmeng was very concerned about Li Qing's safety, but Lin Jiachen stood in front of him. He couldn't help but chop his feet angrily and yelled at Lin Jiachen impatiently.

Poor Lin Jiachen immediately showed a sad expression and had to step aside obediently.

Cheng Mengmeng quickly checked Li Qing and saw that he was not injured at all, and then secretly felt relieved.

"You know what? It's really worrying us to death!" Cheng Mengmeng patted Li Qing's shoulder hard, "You're really good at killing us right away!"

"Ahem, cough...that, maybe you have misunderstood, your Uchiha Ao is not injured at all, but we...hey." Yamanaka Tian put on a look of suffering. He looked like he was lying down and pointed at the melting light in the distance.

"Humph, it's because he's not good at studying, is it our fault?" Cheng Mengmeng curled her lips, and her beautiful big eyes shone brightly.

"That's right, is it our fault?" Lin Jiachen also said.

"Uh..." Yamanaka Tian immediately put on a bitter face, and then he waved his hand and ordered his men to bring the Uzumaki tribe.

Kusanagi Village still needs comrades like Huaxia Hidden Village, especially when Uchiha Ao god-tier is in charge... As for the island country players? Hahaha, they are a bunch of scum. .

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