The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 272: Capture The Akatsuki Traitor Orochimaru?

"What kind of special mission is it?" Hidan's face was full of curiosity, "I'm so happy to be able to kill people again. It's time to let them taste the power of our evil cult.

"Huh, is this another mission without commission?" Kakuzu curled his lips.

"Ah, ah, ah, it seems that Hidan understands you best, Kakuzu. He only cares about money." Hoshigaki Kisame laughed, "But I have to say, ninja is really a very profitable profession. At least the lives of those wealthy businessmen are on the line. Control is in the hands of ninjas. In this world, power is everything..."

"Hoshigaki Kisame, do you want to die?" Kakuzu suddenly became a little angry after being teased by Kisame, and there was nothing he could do when Hidan teased him. Hidan couldn't do anything, but there was nothing he could do about Kisame.

"Hmph, don't think that I will be afraid of you because you have immortality." Kisame Kisaki faced each other fiercely and refused to give in.


Seeing that the two were about to fight, Payne stopped the quarrel between the two with a scolding: "The mission this time is to capture the traitorous ninja Orochimaru. From the information I collected recently, I found the location of Orochimaru's laboratory. Position, as the traitor of Akatsuki 05, Orochimaru should be eliminated by our Akatsuki, so this time I plan to let you take action to capture Orochimaru."

"Orochimaru... what a nasty snake!" Kisame Mikigaki curled his lips, "A rather difficult character.

"I've long been unhappy with this smelly snake, but my ability doesn't seem to be able to restrain him." Hidan shook his head and glanced at Kakuzu aside, "If I remember correctly, Orochimaru also has five or six Are you ten years old? You still look very young, and you seem to have mastered a secret technique, which is similar to Kakuzu's ability."

"Please don't compare my abilities with that stinky snake." Kakuzu curled his lips, his face full of impatience.

"Okay, you win...Hidan stopped talking.

Looking at the bickering people, Li Qing suddenly felt that Hidan and Kakuzu were just here to be funny and liven up the atmosphere, but A Fei was not bad at this aspect, but I'm afraid no one knew A Fei's true identity.

"Who is going this time?" Payne's faint voice came: "Of course, other people will also get other tasks."

Uchiha Itachi was about to speak when a voice suddenly sounded: "It seems I am the only one to take action."

Li Qing volunteered.

There are a lot of treasures in Orochimaru's laboratory. Even if he can't complete the task this time, he can still take this opportunity to loot a lot. He doesn't want to give up the business he gained from this to others.

Regarding Uchiha Ao's volunteering, Payne was slightly stunned at first, thinking about this guy's inner thoughts, but soon a smile appeared on his lips: "In that case, go ahead. But... …. Orochimaru is not that easy to deal with.”

"Don't worry!" Uchiha Qing patted his chest.

In the past, several other Akatsuki members might have had objections to Uchiha Ao, but he and Konan successfully captured the second tail a few days ago and had proven his ability in this regard, so they did not doubt Li Qing’s strength.

"Uchiha Qing, I'm looking forward to your performance." Payne smiled lightly and handed him a scroll.


Li Qing took the scroll, looked at it briefly, then quickly made a seal with his hands and disappeared without a trace.

As soon as Li Qing left, several Xiao members started to have different thoughts. In fact, they still know nothing about Uchiha Ao's origin. They just know that this guy is Uchiha Itachi's younger brother and a rebellious nin of Konoha Village.

"Others, the assigned tasks are as follows..."

Payne's cold tone came again, as cold as winter, sending chills down people's backs.

Looking at Li Qing's leaving back, Uchiha Itachi's [Mangekyō Sharingan] flashed a touch of worry, but it dissipated immediately. He still believed in his younger brother's strength.

At the entrance of Konoha Village, several figures stood lazily.

"This time our mission is to explore the Orochimaru laboratory and capture Orochimaru." A voice came, and a ninja with a helmet on his head, white hair and a big nose was looking at little Sakura, Uzumaki Naruto and a man in black and white. The ninja said.

If Li Qing were here at this moment, he would be surprised to find that the ninja wearing a helmet is called Yamato, a member of Anbu, and the other ninja in black is the root ninja Sai.

"It's been a long time before I know it, Uchiha Sasuke, where are you..." Uzumaki Naruto looked at the mountains in the distance, a look of determination flashed across his eyes.

"Sasuke, I must let you know my heart." Little Sakura also clenched her fists.

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Sai, who still didn't understand any emotions, frowned strangely, while Yamato on the side frowned slightly, thinking that it might be difficult to complete the mission this time.

If the ninja still has distracting thoughts in his heart, then this will be the beginning of the ninja's tragedy...

"By the way, we may meet Akatsuki members this time." Yamato suddenly remembered something and said suddenly.

"A member of Akatsuki?" Hearing this, Uzumaki Naruto and Sakura were both shaken, and at the same time they thought of a certain person in their minds, "The person who shared life and death with them!

When they thought of that person, they couldn't help but frown...

"I hope it's not him I meet..." Uzumaki Naruto smiled bitterly, and little Sakura on the side also lowered her head.

Cloud Shinobi Village.

"So, you have got the definite news that Uchiha Ao is very likely to appear here? Well, the ninjas of Konoha Village will not let it go this time."

All of a sudden, Fourth Raikage, who was sitting in Raikaku Mansion, stood up, tapping the map with his thumb, with a look of surprise on his face, "Go, quickly issue a mission to the players in Cloud Shinobi Village and let them Let's gather at the destination! This time, I'm going to vent all the hatred and hatred of the two tails on this guy Uchiha Ao!"

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