The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 283: Fireball On The Encirclement!

Chapter 284!

"If such strength is not enough, then I think there is no need for you to exist!"

Li Qing looked at the wind demon warriors coldly. There was no emotion in his indifferent expression. What about the fighting people in the original work? What about the powerful businessman team in the original work? Now it seems that it is all the author's imagination. Or was he acting too strong and overpowering them?

"Shua..." Li Qing suddenly threw out the broken knife in his hand, aiming directly at the tip of Fuma Kojiro's hat.

The speed of pure physical strength is not very fast. It can probably be compared to Chūnin's full blow. Without the blessing of admitting defeat, this episode can be said to have no power. Li Qing looked at everyone coldly.

"They have three terrifying existences, and the migration of the Wind Demon Clan this time is completely large-scale. If everyone is here, then they will explode with all their strength. I will attack those who have no strength. I don’t have this habit!"

Li Qing has silently analyzed the situation at the scene in her heart.

Soon enough, the long knife was in front of him in the blink of an eye, and Kojiro's pupils tightened instantly. His hands instantly formed a seal, the Three Body Technique was activated instantly, and his figure had already appeared five meters away.

But she didn't expect it.


Singing until Jōnin's throat was inserted behind him, everyone's rights were no joke.

Even he can only react in an instant. If he didn't mind the seal, his hat would definitely be knocked off directly, but he has more experience and his talent is there.

"Damn it, why are you so strong? It's beyond Jōnin's existence."

The young man next to Li Qing was a little shocked, and his pupils shrank instantly. But when he saw the body of his companion, his eyes turned dissatisfied and filled with hatred again: "I'm going to kill you!"

The moment the young man formed the seal, his body appeared on top of the cavalry. He had already taken out his long sword and looked at Kojiro with piercing eyes, just waiting for an order.

Fuma Kojiro was instantly angry: "No matter how strong you are, I will crush him to ashes!"

As soon as the live sound fell, his arm was raised and fell again. It turned out that Qingming's arrogant pupils were full of anger. After all, every clan member is now wealth to the Wind Demon clan, but their lives are wiped out in the blink of an eye.

This is something he cannot tolerate!

"Charge and separate into camps!"

The cavalry arranged in an orderly manner and launched the first round of charge. The long swords were connected together to form a pattern, and they rushed towards Li Qing. Everyone's emotions were instantly ignited.

Li Qing looked at everyone in front of him and was unmoved. Those three guys were not here. It could only be said that the secret ninja did not appear.

"Have you been despised?" Li Qing touched his nose and remained unmoved by the cavalry charging in front of him until he was within five meters.

The moment you stretch out your hands, the seal is completed.

And his figure appeared in the woods ten meters away, and all the big trees in the place where he came were instantly replaced by him!

The big tree that appeared in an instant made everyone's eyes jump.

Kojiro instantly shouted: "Wood Style?"

But then his eyes relaxed, because this was not the First Generation Wood Style, just a simple Body Replacement Technique.

"Swish, swish, swish..." Big trees kept popping up all around, surrounding everyone in the center.

Fuma Kojiro didn't understand what this young man meant, and even everyone didn't know what this young man meant!

A cavalryman swung his sword at the trees, and the trees broke, revealing layers of trees behind them!

"Everyone fights on the ground!"

After giving the order, Kojiro was the first to form hand seals, preparing to use the Body Flicker Technique to escape from the siege!

Li Qing, who was outside the court, simply took out a scroll from his arms. After catching it with his thumbs, Chakra moved it in.

On the other side, Kojiro's seal is completed!

But after the seal was completed, the phenomenon of leaving the scene as imagined did not happen!

" is it possible!"

Kojiro looked at his hands coldly, and even checked the status of Chakra in his body when he was not sure. After confirming that everything was correct, his eyes turned cold.

In response to the powerful strength shown by the young man who did not understand the situation, he just blindly fought back, lost his former wisdom, and even fell into the opponent's trap!

"Kojiro, what should we do now!"

"Yes, yes, this is the first time we encounter such a confusing battle. This is a shame for our clan!"

Several young men helplessly chopped down the surrounding trees. Under the huge force, the trees were simply vulnerable. "But after all, there were surprisingly many. No matter how much time they spent, they couldn't completely destroy them!"

"Zigzag Technique!"

A large amount of green Chakra emerged from a young man's body, and the hand seals were completed. A huge mark was formed in the air, turning the airflow into a breeze.


Five giant trees turned into powder in an instant, which made Renzhuo's face burst into joy.

All the body shape ninjutsu using Chakra was completely useless, and everyone sighed helplessly!


“Fenggu Technique!”

Seeing that the offensive ninjutsu was useful, all the ninjas burst out with their passion.

The place continued to expand, forming a circle with a radius of five thousand meters.

But the trees were so dense that they still couldn't see the surrounding space clearly.

"Is this young man just joking?"

A strange idea came to Kojiro's mind, but he was overturned in an instant. What Xiang Nian did was just to anger everyone.

Now everyone is here and he's gone. Instead, it's like being surrounded...


This thought made his pupils shrink instantly.

"Did you guess it?"

Li Qing slowly opened her eyes, retracted the scroll, and curled up the corner of her mouth.

The next moment, his lips moved slightly and his hands quickly formed seals: "Multiple Shadow Clone Technique, Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!"

Under the activation of the double ninjutsu, the originally clear sky instantly became hazy, and Li Qing's figure instantly filled the entire open space under multiple Shadow Clone.

All the clones just bear the same mark.

"Phoenix Fire Technique!"

Hundreds of flames instantly pierced the sky and fell rapidly from the sky. The location was the surrounded place!

"Hurry up and use ninjutsu to escape!"

Fuma Kojiro's worries came true. She looked up and saw that all the fireballs as far as the eye could see were concentrated. This made her heart pick up in her throat. If all the Huo Qiu fell, even if all the merchants launched ninjutsu together. , there will also be huge casualties!

And could all this be done by that young man alone?

This shocked him. .

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