The purple Chakra on Shadow Mouse's body boiled instantly, and even the air around him was dyed purple. The whole person was in the purple mist, his hands were imprinted, and his eyes were solemnly looking at the group of flames in the sky!

If it is an ordinary flame, it will definitely disappear in a flash and cannot last for that long. This only shows that the ninjutsu used by the young man in front of him is special, and the Chakra must be extremely rich. Otherwise, if this ninjutsu is activated instantly, there will definitely be a very big impact. It was a huge consumption, but the young man in front of me looked full of energy, and it was obvious that he didn't consume much!

And this ninjutsu has surpassed the ordinary S-level ninjutsu. If it was issued by a special ninja, Kage-level would not be surprised. Even if a Kage-level master used it, he would not say anything. Kage-level in the ninja world And the special ninja will definitely not be an unknown person. "Seven or eighty"

But now in the story world, most players have only reached the level of ordinary Jōnin. This boy is probably the best!

He thought that through the observation just now, he could not see any attributes of the young man's Chakra, and he did not feel the suppression from the level, but the young man still stood there as if he was completely natural.

This surprised Shadow.

But how could Li Qing's Ninja skills be so easy to master? A hint of smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Luo!"

With whispers, the flames in the sky suddenly began to riot, like boiling hot oil in an iron pot. It fell instantly and hit the wind shield directly.

The three Jōnin who had been struggling to support themselves were overwhelmed. The wind shields disintegrated under the violent collision and disappeared into the air. The flames that had originally dispersed merged together again in an instant, turning into a torrential rain of fire. Fall quickly.

"Why do you do this!"

Holding his chest, Yingzhu ignored his own pain and looked at Li Qing coldly [If he had the chance, he would really want to pounce on and deal with this inexplicable young man!

Others didn't know what the rain of fire meant, but he knew that the remaining ninjas who had no strength to leave here were all buried, and the three strongest Jōnin were not spared either. The boy never killed them directly, but just played with them. action.

The fire rain was not blocked by the wind shield and fell straight down.


The moment the fire rain fell, it hit the ground with huge force. The impact directly punched holes in the ground, and huge trees were broken in half.

Sparks flew everywhere, and the flames driven by Chakra were not comparable to ordinary flames. The moment they exploded, they fell on nearby plants, directly causing flames.

This made Sannin's blood boil, and the dense rain of fire struck again.

Just when everyone closed their eyes in despair, Li Qing shook her head helplessly: "Looking at your little faith, are you really that kind of powerful race?"

Having said this, he quickly formed seals with his hands, activated the time attribute, and enveloped all the Phoenix Immortal fireballs in the sky.

"There is nothing that does not stop under time."

After whispering softly, Li Qing's movements quickened, forming seals three times per second, and the fireballs in the air began to fall apart under Li Qing's Chakra.

Wind Demon Sannin was about to take action to rescue the remaining tribesmen, but suddenly found that all the fireballs under Li Qing had disappeared. It could be said that he had directly rescued the remaining tribesmen.

With great strength, he took action out of nowhere and rescued everyone without any casualties.

This is the evaluation of the young man Li Qing by the three of them, but there is one thing they have to admit. In terms of ninjutsu attainments, the Fuma clan members are no longer as good as the young man in front of them. There is even no one like him among their peers. human opponent.

The most powerful among the wind demon Sannin, the shadow is naturally the leader. The look he looked at Li Qing no longer looked as contemptuous as before, and his solemn foreheads were squeezed together, making him look extremely ugly.

"Excuse me, what do you want from your Excellency? If it is something that we, the Wind Demon Clan, can do, we will definitely not refuse!"

I bowed my hand to Li Qing. This is considered the highest courtesy.

But Li Qing just smiled: "The wind demon Sannin are all Jōnin."

Sure enough, when the latter heard his words, his expression changed as he looked at him: "Who is your Excellency? Why is the spy system so good? Since you know our strength, what you did before was just to be lured out by us. Bar.......

"That's right!"

Li Qing snapped his fingers and rubbed his fingers. Although the difficult seal had no impact on his body, it was just a habit. He still did so, but then did not answer the other party's question, and then said: "The head of the Sannin is Jōnin. As for the ninjutsu he knows, I won't explain it. The next step is paper cutting. You can know what the outside world doesn't know. Unknowingly, the spider has surpassed him. To you, the Wind Demon Clan, these are all secrets, but you must be very curious as to why I know.


Sannin thought this sentence at the same time.

But Li Qing just took a step forward gently and shook off her bangs: "Because my name is Uchiha Qing!"

"It turns out that you are the famous Uchiha Ao god-tier, the one who is ahead of everyone."

Shadow's eyes relaxed, but his vigilance obviously increased instantly. There is an invincible existence among Jōnin, but he had just fought against Kimimaro, Orochimaru's first subordinate, and defeated him. As for what happened next, no one knows.

Even before... I had carried out a killing of ten thousand people, killing nearly ten thousand players with a single hand.

He briefly glanced at the two companions behind him, and his meaning was self-evident.

Li 1.3 Qing saw all this, but he didn't make any move. Looking at the small movements of several people, he just said lightly: "The biggest wish and even dream of all of you is to restore the past glory of the Feng Mo clan. , In other words, you want to return to that powerful moment and revitalize the Wind Demon Clan!"

"We do not deny what Mr. Uchiha said, but based on the current strength of our Fuma clan, there is no hope at all to achieve this." Fengma Kojiro saw Li Qing dispelling the power with his own hands, except for Uchiha Qing's strength. In addition to being impressed by the unfathomable depth, he answered truthfully.

But Li Qing just smiled lightly and said: "What you can't do doesn't mean that I can't do it too. What if I said I could revive your Wind Demon Clan!"


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