Driven by a piece of space ninjutsu, a transparent mark appeared on the spot. The instant mark instilled by Chakra was activated, and Li Qing's nerves disappeared in an instant!

Halfway up the mountain, in an airtight place, Li Qing's figure suddenly appeared!

Seeing the wall close at hand, Li Qing punched it out of habit. This was to prepare for danger and protect her own safety!

At least that's what he thought, but he forgot one thing, this is between Yamanaka!


There was a clear sound, and the wall was dented, with a neat row of handprints.

On the other hand, Li Qing, after reacting, just retracted his fist lightly, then stretched out his other hand and rubbed it gently.

Back to topic...

The small place was filled with tables, and water stains of different colors could be seen on the tables, but the color was light, which made Li Qing frown!

"Is there really any secret? This shouldn't be in this place. Ordinary people can't get in at all!"

Indeed, after looking around, this place was a bit unbearably airtight. There were one or two pieces of snake skin in the corner, and heavy dust fell on it. Based on this, it was not difficult to tell that it was a long time ago.

There were black holes on the ground, and traces of humane destruction could be seen. Li Qing could not believe that nothing had happened here!

"Still, the things here are too important..."

Having said that, Li Qing decided to follow the procedure and formed seals with his hands. The moment Chakra probed, he suddenly opened his eyes.

The line of sight was pulled in, and the entire space became much clearer in an instant. Even the dust in the air was visible to the naked eye. Unfortunately, this place was too closed, so it was not surprising.

The general outline of the room was instantly sketched in his mind.

But then his eyes were attracted to the table. Among the colorful traces on the table, he felt faint traces of Chakra. To what extent does something need to be able to withstand Chakra?

Or, still... the things on this table contain Chakra!

After taking two steps left and right, Li Qing looked again. The marks on the table were no longer enough for him to think about.

The walls were smooth, not like black soil, but rather as if they had been polished. And the snake skin in the corner reminded him of Orochimaru, the Body Replacement Technique famous for its snake body.

As for the Forbidden Technique he studied, how could it be successful if there was no real face...

Li Qing, who is familiar with the plot, even knows that Orochimaru was secretly studying these Forbidden Technique many years ago in Konoha Village. Konoha Village, which has always been peaceful, is the place where the most powerful people rebel against themselves.

On the other hand, which one of these people is not a powerful person!

To be fair, Orochimaru is the most powerful one among them, with a Forbidden Technique.

However, as for the current Forbidden Technique... The traces on the tree and the association plot, he instantly locked on the curse seal. Over the years, Geeqing didn't know how many subordinates Orochimaru had conquered with the curse seal, and How many people were trained to be his confidants.

A small imprint, no matter how small it is, the effect it exerts is irreplaceable by many things. Otherwise, Sasuke would not give up everything and follow Orochimaru for this visible strength, even knowing that the price for himself is to become The container of Orochimaru's great reincarnation did not hesitate to take risks to explore Orochimaru's Forbidden Technique!

Of course, the basis of all this is to improve the strength, so that the ninja's physique and even Chakra will skyrocket in an instant. Although the time is limited, a surprise victory in an instant can definitely achieve terrifying effects!

The difference in strength between Sasuke and Naruto is the biggest comparison, but they are also constantly weakening. If those thaumaturgy and even Toad Sage have made Naruto successful, it can also be said that Orochimaru has made Sasuke a success.

If Sasuke hadn't watched Orochimaru's stand-in Technique defeat Orochimaru in the end, he might have really become Orochimaru's vessel!

Even this world may be affected. Relying on Sasuke's cleverness, he finally tricked Orochimaru and caused the failure of a powerful generation!

But the source of all is the curse seal!

Now it can be seen that this research contains Chakra, which means that this thing is really extraordinary, and there are even some secrets that he cannot discover. Of course, he does not know how to study this thing!

"Is it true that you were tricked by the system?"

The moment he asked the question, Li Qing was overcome with embarrassment. Should he stay here or go back and continue having sex with Cheng Mengmeng․ What about ignorance?

Just when I was silently cursing the system, the big system suddenly appeared!

"[System prompt]: The secret location has been discovered. Your mission has been changed. The new mission is to explore the underground laboratory. Reward: Sage Mode....


Hearing the prompt, Li Qing's mind exploded like thunder. He didn't expect that the reward would be this thing. Is this just something he picked up, or is the system a trap?

To put it in layman's terms, damn, Laozi is really an awesome character. This can be triggered. Is it because the system aunt came and delayed it or because he was scolded by himself!

For a moment, Li Qing thought he was God!

But when he thought of the reward, he drooled: "There must be some secrets in this place that he has not discovered, or maybe this is just one of the places!"

I thought of the system prompt about exploring the underground laboratory, and the red dot stopped flashing. My position was in the center. The map was so big and it was still foggy, showing unknown transformations!

Chakra activated, Li Qing did not form any seals, did not activate his Mangekyō Sharingan, and did not use any ninjutsu...

He just walked around the room, touching here and there around the table!

Not finding anything, Li Qing instantly opened his white eyes. After concentrating, his white eyes penetrated the wall in front of him. There was indeed a door behind the black material, but he could only penetrate a layer of black material, but his field of vision just passed through the door panel. Broken again!

At the same time, the outline of the second room 2.1 appeared on the map, which looked like a scaled-down version of the dungeon played on Earth.

But there is no BOSS here! There is only an empty room.

"It seems that I still have to look at things carefully in the future and activate my strongest ability in an instant, otherwise it will be a waste of time!"

The moment he made his choice, Li Qing condensed the chakra in his hands and quickly formed a seal. His hands came together, and two fingers pointed at the wall. In an instant, domineering power came through. Penetrating the black material layer...

"What the hell is this?"

Walking to the door in two steps, Li Qing calmed down and looked at this layer of material carefully for the first time. It was not similar to paint, but it was too solidified and had no blocking force. It did have the ability to block Chakra's detection. Looking down, Go, there is another empty room behind the door!

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