
Amidst the strange screams, the figure of Uchiha's green clone was still changing. Not only did some of his legs change and become thicker, but even the muscles were clearly visible. It was not a problem, it was clear.

The clothes on their bodies were slowly torn apart by them, while their hands remained expressionless.



Two sounds came from next to the big man in detective clothes, and the huge thunder disappeared in the blink of an eye, and his heart was bleeding [Such a huge thunder was obtained by him after a certain mission and nine deaths and ten lives.

"Raikage's protective thunder technique has one-tenth of Raikage's full power, but now it has been directly exhausted by two Shadow Clones. This is not a good thing!"

The speed of the two Shadow Clone just now was extremely fast in his eyes. Even if he used Lightning Style, he couldn't escape in an instant. But for his own life, the two giant thunders were consumed!

At the same time, Li Qing gently activated the mark, and a force was conveyed again, which cheered up the spirits of all the remaining Shadow Clone, and they all burst into combat power at the same time.

And diverted the combat power to the target.

Using Li Qing's words, 05 said: "Big fish suddenly tastes delicious, but Xiaoyu tastes better and is more filling!"

"The Blood Succession Limit: The World of Heavenly Thunder..."

In just this moment, the number of Uchiha Ao Shadow Clone has been reduced to fifty, and the existence after elimination has been eliminated.

Maybe the first Shadow Clone was wiped out by the enemy with one blow, but nothing like this happened later. Because of the continuous transmission of strength, the physical strength of all Shadow Clone increased by at least ten percent, and even divided into three levels. Different attributes also gained new life at the same time.

Those Sharingan are obtained instantly, and then the ability is doubled in an instant, which is considered a new ability within the tolerance of the system.

"Bang bang bang"

The double-sword ninja snorted coldly, and collided with Uchiha's green clone. The two swords collided with the grass sword on the opposite side. Sparks burst out in an instant, and even the two swords were directly knocked backwards. His body was A spin in the air collided again.

Uchiha Ao's fighting experience came into play in an instant. His body fell backwards, and Kusuzhi's sword slumped down. He caught sight of the latter's figure from the corner of his eye and paused.

Forming a seal with one hand, a Body Flicker Technique went behind the opponent, and the other clone instantly rushed forward and swept out the Cao Zhijian.

The wavy blade whirled around and reached the eyes of the two swords in an instant.

"Well done!"

When he saw the oncoming attack, he swung his two swords, and they collided with each other again! But the next moment, he was suddenly startled.

"Spin kick......"

This is not ninjutsu, this is taijutsu, original to Might Guy!

The body of the double sword was kicked away instantly, but he launched the ninjutsu in the air.

"Invisible Blade"

With a sudden force on both hands, a white light flashed through, instantly penetrating the two Shadow Clones, and the two collisions turned into a disappearance of experience!

After dealing with the green clone of Uchiha in front of him, he suddenly looked not far away.

A huge ancient dragon rushed towards the crowd of ninjas. No one knew that this thing was not fighting against the thunderous man just now, but why it suddenly changed its target.

The controlled ninja changed the seals on his hands, and the scroll in his hand fell to the ground instantly, and the green clone of Uchiha next to him sent a black scroll again!

The powerful Chakra was instantly transmitted into the man's body. The powerful force caused the latter to suddenly feel pain. His blood volume dropped by at least 50% in an instant, and then another strange creature appeared in the next instant.

"Dark Bone Dragon..."

After the black light passed, a huge dragon body composed only of bones appeared in the open space in an instant.


With a roar and a movement of its wings, a huge headwind formed on the ground, and its figure instantly appeared above the crowd! The body as huge as a tailed beast shocked Chūnin!

"How, how could this be so terrifying!"

"Ah, what is this, I want to leave!"

Several crazy roars affected the hearts of several powerful men on the field, and their nerves kept beating. Unfortunately, the only response they received was a mouthful of dragon breath that contained the Law of Destruction!

"It seems that cleaning the battlefield is a good habit in the future, otherwise we wouldn't have such a rich harvest!"

Li Qing, who was thousands of meters away, snorted, but sneered in his heart. This thing is very powerful and terrifying! It is not difficult to defeat this thing by yourself. It only requires a few A-level ninjutsu, but these people are different. , not to mention that most of them are just low-level ninjas, so don't even think about resisting.

The black dragon's breath arrived in an instant, faster than anyone else could form seals, so there was no suspense.


There was a loud noise, and 400 people walked into the hall of Novice Village almost instantly, and several Jōnin's eyes were red at the same time!

This damn thing is too scary, isn’t it the legendary tailed beast? How could it be summoned, and it’s just a Chūnin kid? Could it be that this Uchiha Qing is really the biological son of the legendary system, but why does the system always release some As for the tasks that are difficult for him to pass, the experience given every time is terrifyingly high!

However, almost everyone will become someone else's experience every time and then appear in the Novice Village. Not to mention any battles, this is just Shadow Clone.

In a word, how to play, how to play!

Do you still want to play?

With a roar in his heart, several Jōnin pounced on the black dragon at the same time, with only ten Shadow Clones resisting at the same time.

"Ninja Technique: Thunder Technique..."

"Ninja Technique: Freezing Technique..."

Several 460 ninjutsus arrived at the same time. Without Li Qing's damage offset, it would be impossible to play at all. Ten Shadow Clone was instantly declared broken!

The last taijutsu, Jōnin, pounced on the black dragon with one strike of both swords.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, but before he could get close, a dragon's breath of the same color came directly towards him in conjunction with the law of destruction.


Amidst the screams, the double-sword ninja turned into white light and returned to his parents' home in Novice Village, leaving several ninjas looking at each other in shock.

But the black dragon would not leave them any time to think.

In an instant, another mouthful of dragon breath spurted out.


Chūnin's screams waxed and waned, and when everyone was at their most desperate, several Uchiha Shadow Clone activated the seals at the same time!

They seemed to see hope, but it seemed that they were overthinking: "Shizune Technique..."

With one blow, more than 400 players were massacred, and there was no way they could fight back!

And the system prompt finally arrived!

"[System Prompt]: Player Uchiha Ao is going on a killing spree. He has killed 5,000 people so far. The ninja world is in crisis. Talented ninjas are invited to come to the rescue. Ninjutsu casualties are increasing!"

"[System Prompt]: Player Uchiha Ao is going on a killing spree. He has massacred 5,000 people so far. The ninja world is in crisis, please have talented ninjas come to save him [The casualties are increasing!"

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