Poor Mist Shinobi, under such a horrible injury, the blood bar directly bottomed out, fell to the ground and exploded into blood mist flying all over the sky.

Countless gold coins and equipment burst out, and the sparkle was amazing.

"Good boy!"

When the other two Mist Shinobi saw the death of their companions, they all showed surprised expressions. Unexpectedly, their Water Style ninjutsu was hidden and their companions were stabbed.

"Multiple Shadow Shuriken!"

Suddenly, a huge shuriken appeared in the hand of a Mist Shinobi. It spun rapidly and threw it at Li Qing viciously. At the same time, one shuriken turned into two, and the two turned into two. Four, turned into more than ten in just one second.

There was a gleam of light in the scarlet eyes. Under the gaze of [Sharingan], Li Qing saw the real body of the multi-shadow shuriken clearly, and the attack of another Mist Shinobi was also controlled by him.

"Illusion: Crow Deception!"

Suddenly, Li Qing stared at the Mist Shinobi ninja in the distance, and it was too late when the ninja reacted. The whole portrait is fixed there like a sculpture.

The 2 seconds of illusion time Li Qing was not wasted. With the strong insight of [Sharingan], he easily dodged the multiple shadow shuriken, and the breath of Shinigami shone with a chilling light. Down!



Another damage of more than 8000 points!

The terrible damage directly made this Mist Shinobi follow in the footsteps of his companions, lying on the ground, and turned into gold coins and equipment all over the floor!

But at this time, there was a sound of howling wind from behind, and it turned out that the remaining Mist Shinobi's misfortune had arrived.

The eyes of the scarlet [Sharingan] moved, evil and terrifying. When meeting those eyes, Mist Shinobi suddenly felt fearful for some reason.

Shinigami's breath strikes again, and a glimmer of chilling light flashes in the dark night.


The Mist Shinobi ninja had been prepared for a long time, and there was a shield-like thing in front of his hand, which seemed to want to block his attack.

Li Qing's face remained unchanged, and he changed from stabbing to chopping.


The water shield split into two, and amidst the rolling water splash, Mist Shinobi and Li Qing were both wrapped in the water waves, and were lost in sight by the sudden mist.

Of course, Li Qing was only lost for a moment. With [Sharingan], he quickly saw everything clearly, including the Mist Shinobi ninja whose hands were quickly formed in the water mist!

Breathing with Shinigami in one hand, and quickly throwing the detonating talisman with the other, Li Qing rushed into the water mist, and stabbed out the dagger again by virtue of her huge advantage in vision.



Nearly 9,000 points of damage directly caused Mist Shinobi's blood bar to go black in an instant, and he stood there, then fell down on the ground with a plop, and he couldn't die any more.

Due to the Water Style ninjutsu, a small lake was formed here, and the bodies of three people floated on the lake. The scarlet blood dyed the lake red, which felt a little tragic.

[System Message]: You have completed a leapfrog kill! Got double rewards!

[System Message]: You have received a reward of 200,000 experience points!

[System Message]: You have successfully completed the task. Due to the reward of [Double Experience], you have obtained 2,000,000 experience points, 400,000 points, and 10 Uzumaki Kushina favorability rewards!


[System Message]: You break through, you have reached level 65!

Countless golden lights erupted from his body, and with 2,000,000 experience points, Li Qing rose to level 10 in one fell swoop, and the points he had accumulated all along also reached 500,000!

[Sharingan] Sweeping through the scene, Li Qing cleaned up the scene and picked up 200,000 gold coins, 12 HP and 12 MP potions each, as well as normal-level [gold necklace], normal-level [crystal necklace], and B-level ninjutsu Scroll [Water Style: Water Dragon Bomb Technique], C-level ninjutsu scroll [Water Style: Water Shield Technique], B-level ninjutsu scroll [Water Style: Water Dragon Technique], etc.

After a simple measure, Li Qing clicked to use [Water Style: Water Dragon Bomb Technique], and obtained the skill of [Water Style: Water Dragon Bomb Technique]. He threw the other two ninjutsu to the auction house On the Internet, just write a 500,000 and start bidding.

Ninjutsu above level B is very scarce now, and his two ninjutsu scrolls will definitely sell for a good price.

"Wow, you just picked up so much equipment, don't you know that this is the territory of our [Jiaolong] trade union?"

At this time, a sneer sounded loudly, and a yellow-haired young man with tattoos on his upper body appeared leisurely along with two companions with killer hairstyles.

Li Qing didn't even look at them, and said coldly: Get out!

When had Huangmao been treated so coldly? Which player didn't fight fiercely when he saw them, and worried that he would be killed? This kid... unexpectedly...

Huang Mao was about to say something, when his companion suddenly pulled the hem of his clothes in surprise, and pointed to Li Qing's name.

"A security department..."

Just as Huang Mao was about to say something, he suddenly reacted, his face showed a look of shock, and with a plop, he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy: "Master Uchihaqing, please let us go a lot... We have old and low There is a small one, all pointing to this online game to make money, and it is also a helpless act to come out to rob the way..."

"Why don't you get out soon?"

Li Qing raised her eyebrows, and cast scarlet eyes over her. When Huang Mao and the others heard this, they scrambled away... for fear that they would be late and bear Li Qing's anger.

Fortunately, he is in a good mood now, otherwise these guys would definitely be sent to prison to sleep for a few days.

After sorting everything out, I went back to [Uzumaki Kushina], Uzumaki Kushina immediately showed a grateful look, and pulled Li Qing down and said that I have to finish dinner today, Li Qing simply found a reason and left.

And the favorability between him and Uzumaki Kushina has reached 69 points at this time, and he can almost enter the level of [close friend].

But he also knows that this point is not so easy to improve.

Now there are still 1.5 million points before redeeming [Uzumaki Bloodline]. If you do the task, you don't know how long it will take. At this moment, he suddenly noticed a message from a world channel.

[World Channel]: Members of [Ninja League], [Holy See Alliance] and other trade unions are in PK with members of [Huaxia] trade union outside Konoha Village (134.156) [Huaxia] trade union headquarters. Defeated, the land that originally belonged to the [Huaxia] trade union will be divided by [Ninja League] and [Holy See Alliance]!

"Huh? You're helping fight?"

Li Qing was taken aback for a moment, then elated!

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