"Cheng Mengmeng, don't worry, let's take a look and then talk!"

Cheng Mengmeng's face on the city wall softened instantly. She heard Uchiha Qing's voice but saw no one, which made her feel regretful. However, she did not look around. If Uchiha Qing didn't want people to find him, he would definitely not come out. .

Thinking of this, she suddenly asked: "Did you arrange this young man in the center of the field? Is there any purpose for not taking action?"

However, her words did not get a reply this time. Li Qing just smiled and looked at the figure on the city wall wandering around from a distance, trying to find her figure.

Unfortunately, after a long period of failure, she gave up.

Return to the field.

Although Jujiro didn't know what the other person meant when he said this, he now clearly understood that this was a player. He said such inexplicable words just to scold himself and to scold himself.

Jujiro, who has always had a good temper, snorted coldly: "You are not a good person at first sight. I advise you to leave immediately. I can let the manager of the new village forget the blame, but if you insist on making noise here, I will definitely I want you to pay the price!"

Li Qing, who was looking not far away with a serious look on his face, nodded secretly. He didn't expect the NPC to have such awareness.

After the system is fully humanized, the original things such as friendliness have become hidden conditions and will not be revealed. However, if the friendliness reaches a certain level, it will incite changes in the entire plot, just like now.

Even these words shocked Cheng Mengmeng who was not far away. The NPC that had always been dull and only existed to promote the plot was now able to automatically maintain things outside the system. This humanization is inevitably too powerful!

However, this must be inseparable from Uchiha Ao, there must be some connection, and this young man may have been brought back by Uchiha Ao.

If Lin Jiachen wasn't here now, it would be these clowns' turn to dance here.

This has no impact on Huaxia Hidden Village, but it is a big deal for these valued NPCs.

The young man was still shouting, showing no intention of retreating, and even looked at Jujiro with an unfriendly look.

"If you are really ungrateful, I wouldn't mind killing you directly!"

The young man bared his teeth. When would it be an NPC's turn to preach to him? Even if Lin Jiachen was here, he would dare to point at Lin Jiachen, the top leader.

"Master, do we need to take action?"

The person next to me asked in a low voice without waiting for an answer.


The next moment, a slap came directly on the face, and the young man was furious: "What do you think, do I still need to take action to solve this garbage? What do I do to raise you, to pull you out and appreciate it?"

With a cold snort, he picked up his weapon of pretense again!

"Wind Style..."

“Water Style…”

The breeze blew by, and the original calm in front of Huaxia Hidden Village was broken in an instant. Several of his subordinates released their ultimate moves almost at the same time, trying to kill this NPC instantly!

However, Jujiro revealed that it could be dealt with easily.

"Wind Style: Blessing..."

Invisible power burst out from Jujiro's legs, and his speed at least doubled in an instant.

The flat ground showed varying degrees of changes almost at the same time as several people roared. There were frost, flames, and even some invisible smell of wind.

However, the moment Jujiro's speed increased, all the ninjutsu could not keep up with his speed. The whole person looked like a hurricane, bringing up a lot of dust, and the whole person could no longer see clearly.

"No... No, can an NPC be so powerful? Did he take some big pill, or did he use a fucking cheat?" The young man was still shouting, still not realizing what was most important at the moment.

But obviously, the people around him were not mediocre, and he immediately said: "Master, why don't we come back another day, they won't pay attention to us at all.

"You, say it again, I tell you, be careful what you say, I am a person with SS-level weapons, no matter how big or small!"

The young man gestured at the magic weapon he thought was invincible.


The guard sighed and took people's money to eliminate disasters. What he has to do now is to obey this guy's orders. There is no one who can send everyone back to Novice Village in an instant. It is possible to run away then!

But a name came to his mind for a moment: "Uchiha Ao!"

This is a name that scares all players. I heard that they were exploring some traces of Orochimaru, but they are not here now, and it is a military secret. It is good to know...

Not long ago, the young master just snatched the weapon of an extremely powerful man, but he didn't expect that he was here to do this.

But it will always be the case, what needs to be done must be done.

"Lei Jin

The moment his hands formed the seal, the Chakra in his body burst out crazily, and half of the little Chakra was taken out in an instant. But when he thought of the rich revenge, he gritted his teeth and endured this little thing.

"Hey... there are actually destruction type ninjas, what a pity..."

With a sigh, Li Qing slowly walked towards the field.

Suddenly there were flashes of lightning over the originally empty plain. Although it was a pitiful few, it was better than nothing.

Jujiro was still accelerating when he saw the lightning and suddenly reacted, instantly forming a seal with his hands: "Body Replacement Technique..."

The lightning rushed down and hit Jujiro in an instant, and he suddenly turned around.

Unfortunately, it was still hit, and a piece of wood was left on the spot after the sound.

"What, the substitute is trapped?"

Those few followers. At least three of my colleagues were surprised. In their opinion, NPCs are generally trash. When did you get this kind of evasive ninjutsu? Could it be that he was an important person?

But if you take a closer look, you can see that they don’t look like the important figures in the intelligence either!

But Jujiro will not give them time to react!

"Strike of strong wind..."

With a low groan, the majestic force changed its direction, straight into a sharp thing visible to the naked eye, and rushed towards several confused ninjas. 5.8

"Ah...what should I do!"

After a few screams, it was obvious that the followers were only half-experienced. They thought they were invincible after learning one or two more powerful ninjutsus, but there was nothing they could do with a simple A-level ninjutsu.

But the next moment, the young man raised his weapon of pretense: "Seal the Demon!"

A black light came towards me, and Jujiro, who was still under the force-transformation, obviously had no ability to resist. Most of the Chakra in his body was consumed in an instant, and he could only watch the black light coming over!

But the next moment, the black light suddenly stopped in front of him.

"What, damn, what kind of bug is this?"

The clamoring young man still did not believe in evil and raised his sword again.

Unfortunately, a voice suddenly sounded: "It's better than..."

Li Qing's figure slowly appeared from the void, followed by a woman...

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