The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 32: Help Fight? A One-Man Showroom!

Li Qing's arrogant words immediately aroused the anger of all island countries, European and American players!

But looking at the gold coins everywhere, even though these players were angry in their hearts, they didn't dare to say anything.

"We lost to this kid in the Konoha defense battle last time, which made us elite players lose face! This time, let's pay them all back!"

The one who spoke was the vice president of the [Holy See Alliance]. Behind him were several white-clothed bodyguards, standing upright, "It's time to show your bravery!"

As soon as the words fell, several bodyguards in white rushed towards Li Qing with great speed!

Last time these people were gearing up to destroy Li Qing's prestige, but they didn't expect to be killed with one blow. This time, they didn't think Li Qing would have the same luck as last time!

Scarlet's gaze swiveled, and under [Sharingan]'s gaze, Li Qing could clearly see the movements and attack methods of these bodyguards in white, and took control of them.

The bodyguards in white are all above level 40, which is considered heaven-defying among players who are generally only above level 30, but it is not enough for Li Qing, who is at level 65.

"Go to the hospital to show your so-called skills!"

Li Qing sneered, instead of retreating, she rushed towards the bodyguard in white!

Seeing this scene, the vice president of the Holy See could not help but sneer slightly. His bodyguards in white have all undergone life-and-death training. Everyone has Grandmaster dozens of fighting skills. Even a lion, they can also fight with bare hands. Moreover, after the plot battle, they went through a special training to supplement the knowledge of ninjutsu.

It can be said that they are no longer human beings, but sophisticated killing machines!

Uchiha Qing fought them in close quarters, which was no different from courting death!


Soon, the sneer on the corner of the vice president of the Holy See stopped abruptly, and he froze in place abruptly!

"This, how is this possible?"

Because he was horrified to see that Li Qing rushed into the fighting ring of the white-clothed bodyguards. Instead of being tortured to death by various martial arts, Li Qing avoided everyone's moves with ease and stabbed his own. The daggers dealt four-digit damage!

After a while, several white-clothed bodyguards were killed to the ground, and they couldn't die any more.

During the whole process, Li Qing didn't suffer even the slightest harm!

Seeing this scene, the vice president was stunned, his eyes gleaming with incredible expressions! In his opinion, this is simply impossible...

It's a pity that with his current knowledge of Hokage, he can't imagine how terrible Sharingan is.

"Too weak, still too weak."

Li Qing looked at the gold coins on the ground, shook his head regretfully, and mocked lightly.

Island country, European and American players are also full of surprises!

Normally, when they heard this, they would have rushed to tear Li Qing into pieces, but Li Qing's terrifying strength overwhelmed them. Although they didn't know the strength of the bodyguards in white, they could tell that they were all specially trained killing machines.

Such a terrifying killing machine can't beat that kid? And that kid is still unharmed?

What is this concept, what does it mean, no one knows better!

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense, I'm still rushing to level up. Do you players from island countries and the Holy See want to continue to help the war? Or give up?" Li Qing stepped on the body of a white-clothed bodyguard, Asked in an impatient tone, at this time, he also turned on the function of displaying the level.

Players who still had a fluke mentality, when they saw the heaven-defying level of 65, these players who generally had more than 30 levels all took a breath, and there was no luck in their hearts.

Of course, there were also quite a few players who didn't believe in evil in their bones, and immediately took out Kunai from their waists and charged towards Li Qing.

The number of people is still quite a lot, there are more than a thousand people!


There was a sneer on the corner of Li Qing's mouth.

For high-level accounts, no matter how many low-level accounts come, they are like ants...

But... in the crowd, he still saw a few players over level 50, who must be the elite among the elite players!

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

The hot and huge Great Fireball will always be a sharp weapon in group battles. When the flames go down, at least 80% of the thousand players will fall on the way forward, turning into gold coins and corpses.

And the remaining two hundred people are all elite players. Some of them seal, some throw kunai, some throw detonating symbols, and some seal at any time, ready to protect their companions.

It can be seen that in order to kill Li Qing, they even used all their strength to suck up!

It's a pity that their level is too low, and their movements are relatively slow. All of this was seen by [Sharingan]. It was as if they had taken off their clothes, and Li Qing could see through them.

Li Qing's hands quickly formed seals, and the earth wall Technique easily blocked the attacking ninjutsu and detonating symbols of several players, while he himself rushed in with [Shinigami Breathing].

[Shinigami Breathing] It is worthy of being an artifact, with extremely high damage. Basically, players who try to defend are cut in half with a knife. Even if the player is holding [rare level] equipment, it is cut in an instant, just like cutting mud. .

In just a few breaths, dozens of players were killed by one blow, lying on the ground, dying and dying.

However, when these people died, they didn't return to Xinshou Village, but their images were grayed out.

"Water Style, Water Dragon Bomb Technique!"

"Wind Style, Wind Cut Technique!"

"Lightning Style, Lightning Cut!"

Suddenly, the three players cooperated with each other and used combined ninjutsu. The three C-level ninjutsu burst out in an instant with the power of A-level ninjutsu, mixed with the paralyzing power of lightning and the huge power of cutting and stopping wind. The water dragon opened its bloody mouth in an instant...

It's a pity that [Sharingan]'s insight is too strong, Li Qing has already seen all of this in the moment when several people started to fight.

The moment the water dragon swallowed Li Qing, Li Qing's real body turned into a piece of [substitute wood], and his real body had quietly landed behind several players, stabbing Shinigami's breath.




After three critical strikes, all three players' blood bars turned black and they died.

Looking at the thousands of corpses on the battlefield, Li Qing smiled coldly and used the [Arrest] function...

Yes, that's right, he used arrest.

His current identity is a member of the Konoha Village Security Department. All Konoha Shinobi who attack him will become [public security offenders], and he has the right to put him in prison...

This can be regarded as public interest, right? Who made Li Qing the number one existence not to be messed with!

These are all points!

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