Uchiha Ao gently took off his mask in front of Omuyi, revealing his original appearance.

"Uchiha Ao from Huaxia Hidden World Village." Uchiha Ao laughed.

Omuyi was shocked, he didn't expect that the Kirigakure envoy was actually Uchiha Ao.

"Impossible, the news you gave me is absolutely true." Omuyi was shocked.

At this time, Uchiha Qing took a step forward and looked at Omuyi taking a bath in the water.

"That's right, the news I gave you is indeed true. I already know Kirigakure's movements, so there is no need to hold anything back." Uchiha Ao laughed.

The moment Uchiha Ao smiled, Omuyi understood.

"Even if you keep this secret message private, Kirigakure will find other ways to pass the news to me, and you will use this secret message to come to me and want to kill me." Omuyi was shocked.

Uchiha Ao smiled, as expected of Omuyi, and he immediately noticed Uchiha Ao's thoughts.

"You are right, I do think so." Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and said, "Should you settle it yourself, or do you want me to do it myself?"

At this time, Uchiha Ao can't wait, Omu Yi is right in front of him, as long as Uchiha Ao makes a little move, he will definitely cause serious damage to Omu Yi.

"Want to kill me?" Omuyi snorted, and Omuyi stood up and roared: "Water Style!"

In the water, Omuyi had secretly formed a seal, and he thought Uchiha Ao didn't notice it.

Suddenly, Uchiha Qing, who seemed unaware, was actually secretly forming a seal and getting ready.

"Water Style!" Uchiha Ao Sharingan came forward with the same move and immediately blocked Omuyi's ninjutsu.

Omuyi stood naked in front of Uchiha Ao, who narrowed his eyes.

"Go to hell!" Omuyi held a kunai in one hand and rushed towards Uchiha Ao.

Under the collision of two water pillars, Omuyi's figure quickly came behind Uchiha Qing, holding a kunai.

"You actually have this little strength." Omuyi said proudly.

Uchiha Ao glanced at Omu Yi's figure from the corner of his eye. Under his naked body, Omu Yi's fair skin gave Uchiha Ao some stimulation.

"It turns out you have a pretty good figure." Uchiha Ao laughed.

Omuyi was shocked, feeling the body temperature of Uchiha Ao, and left quickly.

Uchiha Ao's water body exploded, knocking Omu to the ground.

"You're really smart. You realized it was my Clone Technique. It's a pity that we are enemies. Otherwise, we could have given it to our friends." Uchiha Ao laughed.

Following Uchiha Qing's words, Omuyi was lying on the ground, ready to pick up kunai again.

Uchiha Ao kicked Muku away and frowned.

"Kill me if you can." Aumuyi said rudely: "Otherwise, I will definitely not let you go.

The pupils of Uchiha's blue eyes became enlarged and the blood chakra eyes appeared, and Omuyi's expression became dull.

"What do you want to do?" Omuyi's expression and consciousness became blurred.

At the moment of the blood wheel, Omu Yi's spirit is constantly being tortured, and Uchiha Qing almost sees the most fearful side of Omu Yi.

When Omuyi was a child, she was ostracized by everyone in the village because she was too beautiful.

"It's this Omuyi who thinks he's smart again." The girls rejected Omuyi, but the boys didn't care about getting close to Omuyi, thinking that Omuyi was too smart, and these men had no dignity in front of him.

Omuyi has been living alone until he met someone.

"Is it me?" Uchiha's eyes turned blue

Uchiha Ao once saved a girl when he was in Cloud Shinobi Village. Uchiha Ao has long forgotten about that incident. Now I have a glimpse of the most fearful thing in Omuyi’s heart.

Even Uchiha Ao himself was shocked.

"Don't leave me," Omuyi yelled.

Thousands of arrows pierced his heart, and even after suffering the most torture, Omuyi still pursued Uchiha Ao and refused to give up.

"Omui?" At the moment of life and death, Uchiha Qing's eyes closed, and the eyes of Omui, who was mentally tortured, turned dark.

"What do you want? Why don't you kill me?" Omuyi raised his head and asked with his last strength.

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath and looked at Omuyi in front of him.

"I won't kill you." Uchiha Qing stepped forward and quickly put the clothes on Omuyi.

Omuyi was shocked, and Uchiha Ao's actions surprised her.

"What do you want to do? Didn't you come here to kill me?" Omuyi continued to struggle.

Uchiha Ao held Omu Yi in front of him with one hand. Omu Yi had no strength at all. He could hardly move under Uchiha Ao's forceful capture.

"Damn it." Omuyi kept beating Uchiha Ao himself.

At this time, as Omuyi came, Uchiha's eyes lit up.

The appearance of Chakra in Omuyi's house just now attracted the attention of the ninjas of Cloud Shinobi Village.

"Who is it?" Samyi came quickly.

Uchiha Qing held Omuyi, and a figure flew up, heading straight towards the Cloud Shinobi Village army.

"Chinese Hidden World Village Uchiha Qing." Uchiha Qing's hands kept forming seals, and in the blink of an eye, the Great Fireball technique appeared.

The Cloud Shinobi Village army was filled with flames, and the moment the powerful Chakra appeared, Cheng Mengmeng opened her eyes, quickly ran out of the camp, and looked at the opposite side.

Sasuke, Ju070jiro, and Kimimaro also appear.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier has reached the other side, how is it possible? Is it really his hand?" Kimimaro asked in confusion.

Sasuke stepped forward and said: "Cheng Mengmeng, now you should tell us how my brother got to the Cloud Shinobi Village army opposite, right?"

Cheng Mengmeng took a deep breath, her expression extremely cold.

"Today's Kirigakure envoy is disguised as Uchiha Ao. I once discovered that Kirigakure and the emissary of Cloud Shinobi Village were conveying messages to each other through the southern path." Cheng Mengzhi said.

Following Cheng Mengmeng's words, Jujiro was shocked.

"What? No wonder you deliberately let Kirigakure's emissary leave today, no, it's Uchiha Ao god-tier." Jujiro showed a guilty look and said, "I'm sorry, we misunderstood you today."

Cheng Mengmeng shook her head and said: "There is no use worrying about these things now. Go and support Uchiha Qing. Why do I feel like something bad has happened?" 17

Cheng Mengmeng felt panic in her heart. Now in the Cloud Shinobi Village army on the opposite side, under a fire, Cheng Mengmeng knew that Uchiha Qing seemed to be fighting tens of thousands of Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas. This situation was extremely terrifying.

"I'll go now." Sasuke immediately used Summoning Technique and flew towards the Cloud Shinobi Village army on the opposite side.

Jujiro and Kimimaro also started to take action. .

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