Watching Tsunade bring himself to the place where he fought Sakura in the original, Uchiha Ao suddenly became more playful. Although Tsunade's strength is good, it cannot compete with Uchiha Ao who has Raikage Chakra Mode. Uchiha Qing just wanted to gain some advantages before facing Mizukage and Tsuchikage. By the way, he handed Kakuzu's information to Konoha and asked Konoha to be his scapegoat for killing Kakuzu.

When he was distracted, "Earth Style·Tulon Spear", Yamato struck first not far away, using the extremely rare Wood Style ninjutsu.

Uchiha Ao subconsciously used the Lightning Style Chakra Mode, instantly increasing his speed by more than 200%, and dodged the blow. Just when Ao felt lucky, he remembered Kakashi's voice: "The most important thing for a ninja is not to underestimate the enemy. ,Although he has become a legendary ninja." Raikiri's further Nature Transformation's earth tiger instantly hit Uchiha Ao.

"Susanoo," Ao was knocked away. Fortunately, it was a thunder attribute ninjutsu. As soon as it broke through the defense of the thunder attribute Chakra Mode, Uchiha Ao instantly activated Susanoo. This blow did not cause any damage to Qing, but it knocked him 20 meters away.

"As expected of my former teacher, I really couldn't avoid your ninjutsu when I was distracted," Uchiha Qing said seriously.

"Taijutsu, Sky Kick" Tsunade stomped on the ground. The green lawn exploded directly, and gravel flew towards Uchiha Ao. The most important thing was that Uchiha Ao felt like he would be knocked away. If this happened, it would be bad.

Uchiha Ao's Mangekyō Sharingan clearly saw the Chakra with Tsunade's strange power on the ground. In order to prevent being knocked away, Uchiha Ao turned on Raikage Chakra Mode and attached one foot to a rock. This shows how strong Uchiha Ao's control over Chakra is.

The beautiful netizen never thought that Rummon's combined ninjutsu could be broken so easily. She turned on her strange power and rushed towards Uchiha Ao, hoping to knock this arrogant guy away.

Of course Uchiha Ao was not defeated so easily. Susanoo directly grabbed Tsunade and placed it in front of him. Tsunade struggled helplessly and stared at the young ninja with hatred in his eyes. In the original work, almost no one who is caught by Susanoo's hand can escape intact. Tsunade's strength in the shadow is average and there is nothing he can do against Susanoo.

"Admit defeat, Raikage can't do anything to me, let alone you.||" Uchiha Qing said to Tsunade with a chuckle.

Seeing Tsunade being captured by Uchiha Ao, Kakashi, Yamato and others used rat weapons to avoid taking action.

Kakashi shouted: "Let Fifth Hokage go, for the sake of my former teacher."

Regardless of the number of player ninja classes around them, they directly used various A-level ninjutsu and even S-level ninjutsu with combined attack skills at Tsunade and Uchiha Ao.

“Wind Style Great Breakthrough”

“Fire Style Great Fireball”

"Water Style Water Dragon Bomb"

“Walking Lightning Style”

Even Tsunade with a health volume of 1 million will face the threat of death after receiving so many attacks.

At this time, Uchiha Ao held Tsunade in his arms and turned on Sage Mode for 6 seconds. Although he was knocked back about 10 meters, he did not suffer any damage. It really is a ninjutsu that exceeds absolute defense.

I feel the kindness of Uchiha Ao. Tsunade looked frustrated and said softly: "I lost."

What Uchiha Ao hates the most is these little mice that are everywhere. "Lightning Style, Qilin", a huge Qilin appeared in the sky and flew towards the player. In an instant, thousands of white lights appeared in the gathering place where the players were. "Ten hits in Sage Mode directly killed Fang Ming Ninja.

At this time, most players are still in the Chūnin stage, and most of them are scared out of their wits when they see this ninjutsu that is like a natural disaster.

Only a small number of top players relied on teamwork and used the combination of Wind Style and Earth Style to only be seriously injured. This was because they fully absorbed the intelligence of Uchiha Ao's thunder attribute ninja and escaped being killed. Since then, the value of intelligence has been more valued among Hokage ninjas, and the profits of the black market have further increased.

Of course, Uchiha Qing has the largest black market for player transactions in the world, and he has made a lot of money from it.

When seeing such a powerful blow, all the ninjas in Konoha Village were stunned.

[World Channel] System Announcement: Congratulations to player [Uchiha Ao] for completing the double S-level ninjutsu side mission. Three-sixths of the player's "Destiny Child" mission has been completed. Reward experience points** and gold coins**. Konoha Village ninja damage is reduced by 30% (rebellious ninjas are not included), and all attributes are increased by 10%. Obtained Title "The Strongest Player Ninja". This title reduces the damage dealt to players by 10%. It disappears after being killed.

[World Channel] System Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Uchiha Ao] for his upgrade, the current level is 59 and the sentence is 5

Congratulations to player [Uchiha Ao] for his upgrade, current level is 596.

Congratulations to the player [Uchiha Ao] for killing 10,000 ninjas with one strike in Sage Mode and earning the title of "Ten Thousand Killers". Medium GeninNPC has a 50% chance of being directly stunned when faced with this title.

[World Channel] System Announcement: All (Zhao Le's) villain camps will receive 1,000,000 experience points and 100,000 gold coins.

At this time, many players in the Uchiha Ao camp automatically upgraded. The key is that they haven't done anything yet.

After the battle, Tsunade and Uchiha Ao chatted for an hour in the Hokage office. When they came out, Tsunade was very happy. Also, Shizune took a bottle of red wine and drank two glasses by himself.

It turns out that Uchiha Ao promised that if Hokage sent Elite Jōnin to attack Kakuzu, he would not help him. He also told Tsunade some information that she could not know.

Of course, in exchange, she agreed to send Ino to the Hidden World Village in China to become Ao's full-time medical ninja. This is undoubtedly the best way to ease the relationship for both parties. Tsunade still remembers the feeling of protecting himself in Uchiha Qing's arms. .

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