Uchiha Ao wiped the sweat from his forehead. It was really tiring to do such a thing on a hot day, but Jujiro seemed very motivated.

"So you're not bad?" The boy showed admiration, walked to Jujiro, picked up the towel and handed it over.

Jujiro was stunned and lowered his head to look at the boy in front of him.

"You?" Jujiro was stunned.

The boy said rudely: "What are you doing? You worked so hard, this is your reward.

Jujiro was stunned, looked at the boy in front of him, and laughed.

"What a considerate child." Jujiro took the towel and water and took a short rest.

At the end of the day, under the leadership of Uchiha Ao and the carpenter Xuan Miao, the bridge was finally repaired and pedestrians on the road became normal again.

"This is the Uchiha Ao god-tier of Huaxia Hidden World Village!" People began to say.

Along the way, people almost spread such things.

"Brother is building the bridge?" Sasuke was stunned. Sasuke who came after him couldn't help but believe it.

Rather than at this time, Sasuke was convinced.

It was precisely because of this that the members of the Eagle Team began to laugh.

"Uchiha Qing 380 god-tier actually did such a thing, I heard you right." Suigetsu said.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes and said, "In other words, my brother left not long ago. We quickly caught up with him and we will soon reach the boundary of Takigakure Village."

Sasuke spoke, and immediately, following Sasuke's words, members of the Eagle Team began to catch up.

On the boundary of Takigakure Village, three figures walked past, and in the night, they immediately aroused the vigilance of the ninjas of Takigakure Village.

"Who is he?" The ninja from Takiyin Village came to ask.

Uchiha Qing raised his head and smiled slightly.

"People from Huaxia Hidden World Village." Uchiha Qing said.

The ninjas of Takigakure were stunned and looked at the Uchiha in front of them.

"The ninjas of Huaxia Hidden World Village? How did you come here?" the ninjas of Longyin Village asked.

Uchiha Qing smiled slightly and said: "We come to settle accounts with your leader."

Suddenly, the ninjas of Takigakure were shocked and quickly picked up the kunai.

"What? You actually want to deal with our leader Shimu?" For a moment, the ninjas from Takigakure Village began to step forward.

Uchiha Qing stood there, and Jujiro beside him picked up his sword and stepped forward quickly. Under the two sword marks, the ninja of Takigakure Village immediately fell to the ground.

"Dead?" Uchiha Qing looked at the two ninjas from Takigakure next to him and smiled slightly.

Xuanmiao looked at the corpse on the ground and began to get excited.

"Great, it seems you are ready to completely wash out Takiyin Village, right?" Xuan Miao asked.

Uchiha Ao didn't say a word. If the Takigakure Village was really going to be bloodbathed, Uchiha Ao would not come with just Jujiro.

Takigakure must be a regular village with the Emperor's ninjas.

"Uchiha Qing." Xuan Miao stepped forward and said, "Kill Shibuki."

Uchiha gave Xuan Miao a green look. The old man Xuan Miao was too obsessed with hatred and would die sooner or later.

"I don't need you to tell me how to do things!" Uchiha Qing said rudely.

In Takigakure Village, Uchiha Ao walked slowly. The Takigakure Village ninjas who were patrolling the village were surprised and quickly began to block Uchiha Ao's figure.

"Who?" asked the ninja from Takigakure.

Uchiha Ao frowned and looked at the ninja of Takigakure Village in front of him.

"Uchiha Ao of Huaxia Hidden World Village, I want to see your leader Shibuki." Uchiha Ao didn't stop and kept walking towards Takigakure Village.

The ninjas of Takigakure kept retreating. When they heard the word "Uchiha Ao", they almost didn't dare to step forward.

"Uchiha Ao?" The ninja of Takigakure took a breath.

Uchiha Ao laughed and looked at the Takigakure village ninja in front of him. The ninja in front of him was not worthy of fighting Uchiha Ao.

Following Uchiha Qing's words, the ninjas of Takigakure Village continued to retreat.

"How could it be Uchiha Ao?" The ninjas of Takigakure Village began to question: "What is the reason why you (affb) came to our Takigakure Village?"

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and said, "I told you, I'm looking for your leader Shibuki."

Obviously, Uchiha Ao didn't come to talk to Shibaki because of village affairs. If that was the case, he would have relied on normal channels. Now that Uchiha Ao came alone without any letter, it proved that it was for personal grudges.

"Our leader is not in the village [please go back." said the ninja of Takigakure Village.

Uchiha Ao shook his head and looked at the ninja of Takigakure Village in front of him.

"Anyone who blocks me will die." Uchiha Qing's body moved, and the person he passed fell to the ground instantly.

Xuan Miao became excited and said: "Kill, kill all these ninjas from Takigakure, these are the people who will destroy our village."

Jujiro snorted coldly and looked at Xuan Miao beside him.

"This old man still holds such a grudge at his age." Jujiro said unceremoniously.

At night, the ninjas of Takigakure kept screaming in the village. After they fell to the ground, their bodies fell to the ground.

Uchiha Ao's body stepped on the ninjas of Takigakure Village and went straight to the leader Shibuki's house.

"Chief, no one can stop Uchiha Qing. You should leave and avoid for the time being." said the ninja from Takigakure Village.

Shibuki had known for a long time that Uchiha Ao was coming, but he didn't dare to go out.

"Uchiha Ao must have listened to the old guy Xuan Miao and let him know that I was pretending to be him." Shibuki said.

Takiyin Village body, said: "That's true, what should the leader do?"

Shibuki laughed, looked at the Takigakure Village ninja in front of him and said, "I can't leave the people of the village alone."

In front of Shibuki's house, many ninjas from Takigakure gathered, and Uchiha Ao came over instantly.

"Shimu, come out, I know you are inside." Uchiha Qing said.

Immediately, following Uchiha Ao's words, Shibuki stood up and showed a helpless smile.

"You really can't hide." Shibaki opened the door, walked out of the house, and said, "Uchiha Ao, why did you come here?" Shibaki knew the truth.

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and looked at Shibuki in front of him.

"Don't you know why I came here?" Uchiha Ao asked.

Shenmu spread his hands and said disdainfully: "How do I know? If you don't tell me, I don't know at all. Also, you killed many ninjas in our Takigakure Village in one night. Do you want to provoke A war between two villages?”

Uchiha Qing had just made a big fuss at the Five Kage Conference, and he was not afraid of confronting the ninjas of Takigakure at this time.

"Am I afraid of you?" Uchiha Qing said disdainfully.

Shen Mu was stunned, his eyelids twitching.

"Uchiha Ao, what do you want?" Shibuki narrowed his eyes and said, "Our Takigakure Village didn't provoke you, did we?"

Shen Mu said, Xuan Miao slowly walked out from behind.

"Do you dare to say no?" Xuan Miao asked back. .

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