The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 36: Uchiha Taijutsu, Sword Flame Dance!

Knowing that he was being tricked, the players in the union really had nothing to do with Li Qing.

At this time, several unions that were fighting fiercely chose to cease fighting wisely, and their eyes, which were originally red because of the competition for artifacts, calmed down a lot at this moment.

"Hmph, let's go!" The union players gradually dispersed.

Li Qing didn't pay attention to these, and rushed towards the back mountain of Konoha with the tokens of several Mist Shinobi ninjas.

At this time, Konoha is behind the mountain.

Uchiha Itachi is fighting Uchiha Shisui. Both sides have shown their super talent in fighting. During the fight, the surrounding area is full of flames, and there is no grass and devastation.

"Uchiha Taijutsu, Sword Flame Dance!"

Suddenly, Uchiha Shisui seized the opportunity, and a Taidao appeared in his palm, and the next moment, the sharp white blade of the Taidao suddenly flashed a scorching fire, illuminating the sky like daylight, and roared towards Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha Itachi wanted to dodge, but found that he seemed to be locked by some kind of force, unable to move, and could only watch helplessly as he was engulfed by the flames...

The moment the sword was about to fall towards Itachi, it stopped abruptly!

Uchiha Itachi slowly retracted the Taidao and inserted it into his waist. The fire that originally covered Itachi was also instantly extinguished at this moment.

"Itachi, your skills have improved a lot!" Uchiha Shisui smiled slightly, and his eyes flickered with admiration.

Uchiha Itachi sighed and shook his head: "Even if I don't use Sharingan, I am no match for you with ninjutsu and body skills... I am worthy of my big brother Shisui."

"Hey, what are you saying? The reason why I can beat you is because I have more combat experience than you, plus my Mangekyō Sharingan, I believe that when you reach my age, you will definitely not be worse than me."

In the original book, Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi are equal geniuses, otherwise Uchiha Shisui would not have thought of saving the entire Uchiha clan by himself. I believe that if he did not die young, he would become as powerful as Uchiha Madara characters!

The two were talking, and suddenly turned their heads in unison, and their eyes fell on the boy in the distance who also wore Uchiha costumes and also had a Sharingan.

"Uchiha Qing, your speed is really fast!" The teasing voice sounded, and Uchiha Shisui and Itachi came to Li Qing in an instant. Shisui received tokens from several Mist Shinobi ninjas, and briefly identified them, "Well, it's these people."

Itachi looked up at the sky at this time, nodded: "It took 63 minutes."

[System Message]: You have completed the task [Uchiha Shisui's test] and successfully passed his test! Under [Double Rewards], you get 400,000 experience points, Shuriken*12, Ninjutsu scroll [Uchiha Taijutsu: Sword Flame Dance]*1.

[System Message]: [Uchiha Taijutsu: Sword Flame Dance] belongs to Uchiha Shisui's original move, this scroll cannot be learned before Uchiha Shisui teaches it!

Seeing the system prompt, Li Qing looked forward to this ninjutsu that only belonged to Uchiha Shisui. The fact that he couldn't learn it without being taught was enough to prove the value of this ninjutsu!

"Qing, as a reward for you passing the test so quickly, I will teach you a few ninjutsu techniques that I, Shisui, combined with the Uchiha family's own taijutsu. It is called [Uchiha Taijutsu], you Take care, I will only demonstrate this physical skill once!"

Uchiha Shisui glanced at Li Qing, who nodded heavily.

Immediately afterwards, Uchiha Shisui pulled out a Taidao from his waist and danced, sometimes like fighting a tiger, sometimes like a cat calling the police, where the Taidao passed, there was a whirring sound, and the hot flames were like cutting everything. The light is unstoppable!

Suddenly, Taidao stopped, as if merging with Uchiha Shisui's whole being, a person is a sword, and a sword is a person.

Under such artistic conception, Shisui seems to be a different person, completely reborn, the light of the knife is sharp, and the light of the knife is so sharp, it seems that countless knives converge into a strong wind and beat away, and the eyes can only see countless swords and swords ! And among so many shadows, the scorching flames are so eye-catching and dazzling!


Suddenly, Uchiha Shisui turned into a spot of light, merged with the flame on the blade of the Taidao, and slammed into it fiercely! It roared like a huge fire dragon, devouring the target!

Uchiha Shisui turned around gracefully, retracted the sword, the sword flame dance stopped, and a flame shot up into the sky behind him!

"How?" Uchiha Shisui asked softly.

"As expected of Brother Shisui." Uchiha Itachi could only admire.

"I'll try!" Li Qing smiled, and before Shisui could ask, Shinigami held his breath in his palm and danced out alone. The moves were exactly the same as Shisui's, and in terms of understanding of weapons, He has his own unique attainments!


The dance stopped, the sword light ceased, and a flame shot up into the sky, and there was a deafening explosion sound!

Li Qing's talent immediately aroused the astonishment of Itachi and Shisui, their eyes flashed with astonishment!

Itachi, in particular, was even more surprised!

This ninjutsu has been studied for a long time with his talent, but he still hasn't learned it. This guy, Qing, actually learned it after just reading it once?

Of course, as intelligent NPCs, they didn't know that Li Qing had already opened the scroll of [Sword Flame Dance]. He only needed to read it once, and he could fully use [Sword Flame Dance] in his mind, but , while dancing, Li Qing also added a lot of her own understanding of sword intent.

[System Message]: Congratulations, you have learned [Uchiha Taijutsu: Sword Flame Dance], this ninjutsu was created by Uchiha Shisui, and the Uchiha family's secret technique Fire Style is added to the sure-kill attack to increase damage the goal of.

[Uchiha Taijutsu: Sword Flame Dance]: Exclusive ninjutsu. When this skill is activated, it can cause 200% physical and ninjutsu damage to the enemy, and cause a burn effect. The skill lasts for 8 seconds.

[System Message]: Since you have learned [Uchiha Taijutsu: Sword Flame Dance], you can also create ninjutsu!

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